Sentences with phrase «sheer numbers game»

Not exact matches

However, the sheer number of potential moves on any given turn means that Go is in fact one of the most complex games humans have developed and AI scientists have been unable to master it for decades.
The football here is far more physical, it is played at a faster tempo and you have to adapt to the sheer number of games.
It seems like every item in the game can somehow be combined with something else, and the sheer number of crafting possibilities feels endless.
Though not a challenging game by any means, Animal Crossing more than makes up for that with its sheer number of activities and a good sense of humor.
This resulted in me questioning whether or not the challenge was the game itself, or just the sheer number of NPC's I have to plan me route my way around.
Fans of the series will find a lot to enjoy thanks to the new control scheme and sheer number of songs to choose from, while newcomers will find a title that's not nearly as impenetrable as some of the more recent Project Diva games.
The sheer number of zombies in the game and the overall scope of Harran stands out as an impressive technical achievement, but it doesn't entirely benefit Dying Light's emphasis on parkour.
VOEZ is likely to be on many people's eShop wishlist, but the sheer number of tracks available might just convince more to give the game a go.
Due to the sheer number of people who appear throughout the town, the game struggles to form any really notable characteristics for any of them, and that'll all have to be done in the player's mind rather than on the screen.
The sheer number of apps and games available severely hampers the discovery experience.
Throughout the years games have tough us many things about World War II: never stand next to red barrels for insteance, orthat the Germans should have won through sheers numbers but we always had one lone hero that could slaugher countless legions on his own.
It is also disappointing that none of the characters have a move which lets them push aside or barge through zombies as getting swarmed under by the sheer number of walking corpses that the game throws at your is a common occurrence, and when it happens there's rarely a way out from it.
The sheer number of weapons in this game, such shotguns, laser rifles and hand - cannons, is amazing and every new area I went into offered up a new weapon to try out keeping me pushing forward to find that next even more powerful killing tool.
However, many people will disagree with my choice for number one due to the sheer amount of glitches and problems that the game has had since launch, and that's a perfectly valid point, but here's the catch: I haven't actually had any major problems.
I imagine they optimized for the two systems best aligned to the game - PS4 has the sheer # 1 install base numbers, whereas Switch is a perfect audience match [having been the sole base of the original release - some of those will re-buy again].
But with the small amount of time you have to play games every day and the sheer number of games that come out: How many of those are actually worth spending time and extra money to replay?
But with the sheer number of other vehicles in the game, I'm almost too distracted to notice this minor detail — I'm simply having too much fun trying out all the cars I unlock!
Shawn: Considering EA's recent desires to take risks on new IPs and the sheer number of FPS franchises they control, I just can't see any way to guarantee that this one is a Medal of Honor game.
I would think that the sheer number of fighting games that will be available for the VC dampens the recommendation some, just like the sheer number of scrolling shooters means it'd be a pretty exceptional title that would stand out.
On launch, many players were unable to get games as the servers were unable to cope with the sheer number of people trying to play.
But one measure of the game's relevance is sheer numbers.
I don't think the sheer number of F2P games is any indication that it's the «best» business model.
Both companies haven't released the majority of their games announced last year, so below are a set of games that were announced or featured in Sony's 2013 press conference and are still nowhere near release, the sheer number...
Deponia Doomsday being one of our biggest productions yet — in terms of sheer playtime, number of characters and scope of the writing — we wanted to secure the highest quality standards in localization when bringing the game to english speaking territories.»
And while some wonder if midnight launches are worth the effort in this brave new age of online retailers, the sheer number of modern gamers at midnight releases indicate they aren't going anywhere soon.
A number of other issues related to shipping a product of this size contributed to this decision, but the main issue is just the sheer number of assets this game requires and the time needed to deliver them at the quality you expect from a Lab Zero game.
And by the end of last year I was totally blown away by the sheer number of awesome games we already owned.
Given the sheer number of game released each year, as well as the extended time required to fully evaluate said products, a «voting outlet» approach allows for the widest possible critical assessment.
While the game flew under the radar a bit last year due to the sheer number of high - profile, high - quality releases that we were treated to in 2017, Injustice 2 was a truly great fighting title.
The sheer number of missions to play through and weapons to collect ensures the game will keep people busy for a considerable amount of time, but there are also some rather quirky design choices thrown in too.
Due to the sheer number of Final Fantasy albums, we have separated their albums by game on this page.
There's a lot of subtleties to the combat that aren't immediately apparent but as you enter the last third of the game, the sheer number of enemies and the boss battle difficulty spikes means you have to master the intricacies or end up dead.
The sheer number of assets the game requires and the time needed to deliver them at an acceptable quality are the main reasons for the delay.
What it lacked in fancy graphics it certainly has made up for in terms of the sheer number of things you can do in the game, and how well it all works across a pretty wide variety of devices.
Its early days mind you but I imagine the first truly cross-platform game that allows Xbox players to group against their PlayStation counterparts will sell a shit ton because you should not underestimate the passion and sheer number of people that engross themselves in console wars.
Considering the sheer number of people who were playing this game on day one alone it's hardly a surprise or a negative mark.
Add to that the sheer number of things to do (skill rankings, outfits, primary story missions, mini games, bounty quests, etc) and amazingly entertaining ambient behavior (watching people get mauled from their horses by mountain lions, hearing the prostitutes around town say things like, «I hate to see a dry pecker» and trying to line - up the perfect sniper shot when suddenly being attacked by a Grizzly...) and you had a game that truly defines an era.
It's no exaggeration to say the PS2 is one of the best consoles ever made, at least as far as sheer number and quality of exclusive first and second party games.
The sheer number of units sold for these games weighs on the prices too.
However, in Magic the meta - game was something with a high entry threshold — in the form of the sheer number of cards and the financial burden associated in getting them.
For the NES alone, they have hundreds of games to choose from, whether it's their own Super Mario Bros. to Kid Icarus, and that's not even taking into consideration the sheer number of games from third - party publishers.
The sheer number of enemies on screen is a feat that's been achieved on games such as Dead Rising before, but these enemies are fast, single minded and won't stop coming at you.
The sheer number of interconnected systems could sink other games in convolution.
However, the sheer number of people interested in technology has increased exponentially, and PC gamers not only drive significant revenue, but also influence the behavior of other consumers.
Regardless, in terms of sheer number of titles released, otome games are dominating the Vita market.
The pistol isn't a fun weapon to use, and the sheer number of enemies mean that you're over-exposed to a central element of the game called «glory kills», where you finish off an enemy with a brutal melee attack.
Given the challenging gameplay and sheer number of levels, even bonus levels after completing the game,
The sheer number of options you have to use for building characters and parties is unheard of in most other games in this space.
While there are review sites for mobile games, the sheer number of games released every month, plus the extensive back catalog, all lead to an unprecedented amount of difficulty in keeping up with which games are worth playing.
Given the challenging gameplay and sheer number of levels, even bonus levels after completing the game, Flywrench will keep fans of fast - paced puzzle games busy for a while.
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