Sentences with word «sherds»

There, they unearthed dozens of pottery sherds, which they reassembled into jars, some of which were emblazoned with logos that looked like bunches of grapes (above).
Thousands of sherds of Coconut Walk pottery were recovered from this structure.
In: Birchard SJ, Sherding RG (eds): Manual of Small Animal Practice (Third Edition), Philadelphia, Saunders Elsevier, pp 357 - 375, 2006
Enormous numbers of Coconut Walk sherds were also found there.
Around the same era, ceramic sherds tempered with charred plants including rice were found in Shangshan, a Neolithic village in the lower Yangtse Valley.
A single mammiform sherd was found in the surface collection from Chac Balam and no construction or intact occupation has been located.
While we have not excavated at these sites, surface collections yielded sherds of high quality, imported pottery and artifacts such as basalt grinding stones and obsidian blades from remote areas.
Similarly, Graham and Pendergast (1989) found a few Late Preclassic sherds underlying the major construction at Marco Gonzales.
A third - party collection from Laguna de Cayo Frances included a few Early Classic sherds, but no other Early Classic materials were discovered during subsequent visits to the site, despite considerable deep exposure due to looters.
She has watched dinosaur auctions, witnessed rocket launches, licked ancient pottery sherds in Cyprus and flown in zero gravity.
In: Birchard SJ, Sherding RG (eds): Manual of Small Animal Practice (Second Edition), Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 295 - 304, 2000
That's because the modern country has just laid claim to the most ancient evidence for winemaking in Eurasia: wine - soaked pottery sherds that push back the genesis of fermented grape beverages in the region to nearly 8000 years ago.
At Chac Balam, two plaster altars were excavated which were covered with Coconut Walk sherds.
Nearby, sherds of Medieval German stoneware excavated from the mud of the City of London have faces inscribed in them that recall Upritchard's totemic ceramic works.
Archaeologists who look for pottery sherds will not see coins, and, conversely, those who look for coins will not find sherds.
like a break in a high wall, bulging out, and about to collapse, whose crash comes suddenly, in an instant; and its breaking is like that of a potter's vessel which is smashed so ruthlessly that among its fragments not a sherd is found with which to take fire from the hearth, or to dip up water out of the cistern.»
Radiocarbon dating further revealed the pottery sherds were made around 5800 — 6000 B.C.E., some 500 to 1000 years before the previous record holder at the Hajji Firuz Tepe archaeological site in Iran, they report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
«The discovery of proteins for CCHFV in the pottery sherds is very exciting,» Corthals says.
The findings could make archaeologists pay more attention to featureless pottery sherds, or those found moved from where they had been placed or discarded in antiquity, Wiktorowicz says.
In the new study, a team led by Wiktorowicz ground up a small portion of each of the pottery fragments (or sherds), used detergent and other chemicals to dislodge any proteins stuck to them, and isolated and analyzed the protein fragments using various techniques.
A previous researcher, archaeologist James Richardson III of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, had noted an abundance of shells, pottery sherds, and fire pits covering these beach ridges, so the University of Maine researchers decided to study the sand formations and their origins.
tl; dr (abbreviation for too long; didn't read) is an internet slang expression commonly used in discussion forums as a shorthand response to previous TL dating of pottery sherds and baked soil from the Xian Terracotta Army Site, Shaanxi Province, China
In: Sherding RG, ed.
Peterson ME, Randolph JF, Mooney CT: Endocrine diseases, In: Sherding RG (ed): The Cat: Diagnosis and Clinical Management.
In: Birchard SJ, Sherding RG (eds): Manual of Small Animal Practice, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, pp 263 - 269, 1994
In Birchard, SJ; Sherding, RG (eds.)
Peterson ME, Randolph JF: Endocrine diseases, In: Sherding RG (ed): The Cat: Diagnosis and Clinical Management.
And there are sitll some sherds of reputation which needs to be destroyed.
Conducted daily GPS of the dig progress, collected pottery sherds and material culture, supervised bone cleaning, and using skills from my dental experience assisted with paleo - mag collection.

Phrases with «sherds»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z