Sentences with phrase «ship jackdaw»

The demo I saw, narrated by the game's head writer Darby McDevitt, had the protagonist Edward Kenway (father of ACIII's Hatham Kenway and grandfather of Connor) captaining his ship the Jackdaw across the wide blue Caribbean Sea.
The Exclusive Kraken Ship Pack — this pack contains customization options for the pirate ship Jackdaw to make it extra pretty, and is only available to Season Pass holders.

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The amount of debris and splinters that erupt from the Jackdaw when you take fire from an enemy ship is impressive, and I could almost believe I was in a movie.
Where the game takes a big turn is with the open world Caribbean Sea at your finger tips and the agile Jackdaw ship.
Speaking of ships, they make a triumphant return this time around, as you'll be piloting Kenway's Jackdaw for a good amount of time in the game.
To do that, you will be given a ship that you will name as Jackdaw.
After you have taken over the ship you can choose to repair the Jackdaw, Lower your wanted level which you gain by pirating or send it to your fleet.
Edward Is the captain of the Jackdaw which will be your ship.
BECOME THE MOST FEARED PIRATE IN THE CARIBBEAN: Command your ship, the Jackdaw, and strike fear in all who see her.
Crafting in Black Flag has two facets, one for Edward's gear and the other to upgrade his ship, the Jackdaw.
About an hour in Edward will have access to a ship called the Jackdaw and is allowed to sail all over the map, visiting island towns to complete main mission objectives or partake in a dearth of side activities.
Boarding the enemy vessel and taking out a specified number of her crew will give Edward the option to salvage the ship to repair the Jackdaw, add it to his personal fleet or decrease his notoriety.
The Jackdaw Edition of this open island pirate game will feature the full game itself, along with a bunch of downloadable content, which includes various cosmetic packs for your in - game ship's sails, figureheads and wheels.
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