Sentences with phrase «shock of something»

And how about Lady Gaga shocking all of us by looking, well, like a LADY!
Funny thing is, this doesn't shock any of them.
Yet perhaps the biggest shock of them all was the resilience of financial markets in the aftermath of both the Brexit vote and Donald Trump's U.S. election victory.
Those ideas don't sound ridiculous to the proselytizers, and once you get past the initial shock of them and enter the mental world of the believers they don't seem ridiculous to you either.
I somehow manage to win the next game, too, on my own merit, which shocks both of us.
-- Lost her dad to cancer very suddenly at 20 and the stress & shock of it along with poor diet led to irregular periods, phases of depression, bad skin, poor digestion and a general weakened immune system
Just as he reaches the climax of his fury, he suddenly coughs blood in Mildred's face, shocking both of them into silence and immediately evaporating the anger between them.
Modern Warfare 2 is arguably the best Call of Duty game of all time, which may leave thousands of fans in shock of it not being remastered yet.
The results may shock some of you.
The shock of it all!!!
My cousin almost called off her wedding due to the shock of it all, but he convinced her that the show - must - go - on.
Then what I do next may shock some of you - I put the hash brown IN my egg sandwich!
Sometimes pros will find themselves in situations that bad golfers only think they can find themselves in and it will shock all of us.
Sometimes you need the shock of it as a wake up call.
On that occasion, one punch was thrown, and the shock of it was, well, shocking.
I was so sad I couldn't be there to hug him and let him process the shock of it by my side, with my touch.
Once you stumble through the shock of it all, you will dive with the grace of a belly flop into the next phase of the potty training process.
«She's been serving us for a long time and then to suddenly have her death is something that shocked all of us,» she replied.
I still remember the shock of it all like it was yesterday.
After spending a solid 24 hours being upset and letting the shock of it all sink in, I wanted to get back to my normal self.
This may shock some of you, but besides Christmas, I'm actually not a big holiday decorator.
Now, let me just start by saying something that may shock some of you: I despise pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks.
Unfortunately, the shock of it has killed him.
Her love story with Kili makes a little more sense now the shock of it has gone and she is allowed to stand back and be a bad - ass female action hero.
- HelloGiggles «Imagine We Need To Talk About Kevin only with insight into what Kevin was thinking — and if Eva had fought back... You'll be desperate to discuss the ending once you've recovered from the shock of it.
Many of the rewrites came after my son's diagnosis and after the shock of it wore off.
The shock of it brought the baby on three weeks early.
After I stopped looking around to see if she was talking to another Rach, and then picked myself up off the floor, and shut my mouth that was wide open from the shock of it all, I somehow mumbled a coherent, «Okay, sure,» and then proceeded to jump up and down for awhile til I got a headache and then I sat my ass down and thought: what the hell is an imprint, anyway?
The 32 GB storage might shock some of you but recovery partition removal, saving to microSD or OneDrive is easy and clearing temporary files isn't a problem.
I know it shocks some of you to hear a Texan say that we're addicted to oil --(laughter)-- and we are.
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