Sentences with phrase «shootemup hooey»

I must say it was easy to dismiss the survey as a load of hooey — and glancing down the list of adjectives did little to allay my skepticism.
One particular excuse, however — that the fest is the only place to see certain rare movies — was a load of hooey.
No one knows and anyone who proclaims to know is full of horse hooey.
Under your approach, one could look at previous eras of scientific thought (which, by the way at one time also believed that the earth was flat) and, finding mistakes, decide that all of science was no more than a bunch of hooey!
It's all hooey to me.»
They were doing so BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT THIS «MUSLIM RAGE» CRAP was a bunch of hooey.
I think Mormonism is a bunch of hooey (though I appreciate their genealogical help).
To those out there who believe in all that hooey, your comment probably rings true.
In the words of a Time magazine essay, ours is «a huckstering, show - bizzy world, jangling with hype, hullabaloo, hooey, bull, baloney, and bamboozlement.»
Hey, the addled disciples believed all this hooey and THEY WERE THERE.
Sounds to me that this story is an indication that Guideposts is a load of hooey, and it doesn't help anyone.
What a load of hooey.
The Dalai Lama can make me smile too, but that still doesn't mean that I believe in reincarnation, or any other Buddhist supernatural belief and more than Christian hooey.
Atheists are not the ones claiming to have the answers... we leave that to the ones who believe all the hooey that men made up and put in the bible.
Or any of that ole hooey about the «Federal» reserve being privately owned which is a clever trick in itself.
What a crock of hooey.
Glad I could NEVER buy off my family with a bunch of CORPORATE (you get that people???) HOOEY!
Mitt actually believes the Mormon hooey.
I truly pity anyone who listens to her at all, all of us should be intelligent enough to not buy any of her hooey!
As far as I am concerned, Mormons have every bit as much right to call themselves Christians as any other hooey based, religious, non-sense group of bigots.
I believed all this stuff was hooey until I got desperate enough to begin the all fat, protein and limited vegetable diet.
These guys who tear up their cars at the start of a race — well, it's a lot of hooey
The traditional, tired justifications for fighting — its spontaneity, the safety valve it provides for those who might otherwise be tempted to commit mayhem with a stick — are hooey, of course.
Elkington says that's a bunch of hooey.
I wasn't sure if it was hooey but I was desperate.
Final verdict: This three days to be fully potty trained is a bunch of hooey in our house.
But others say that's a load of hooey.
So his numbers were absolute hooey as far as establishing his point, that we were entering a prolonged period of peace.
Last week, Mr Brown faced dissent within his own party, with the launch of an all - party campaign for an EU referendum, supported by Labour MPs including Kate Hooey, Gisela Stuart and Frank Fields.
I think this is a basically hooey!
«Over the years the press would love to give their dime store psychoanalysis of our quote - unquote father and son relationship, which was all a lot of hooey,» Cuomo said.
Good hooey, just enthusiastic!
It was all a lot of hooey.
Micah Lasher's Democratic primary opponent says Lasher talk of pushing a progressive agenda is hooey given that his former group, StudentsFirstNY, just spent $ 1.5 million on behalf of the Republican candidate against Democrat Todd Kaminsky in last week's special Senate election on Long Island.
Navigating with crystals isn't necessarily New Age hooey.
He was quoted as saying, «Evolution is hooey
«The problem with ceramics is that this brute - force solution compromises conductivity,» said Archer, the William C. Hooey Director and James A. Friend Family Distinguished Professor of Engineering and director of the Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Next time, I will even try to shorten the cooking time, in the hopes that this will make the texture even silkier, almost creamy, like some sort of an hooey and gooey chocolate lava concoction.
Dr. Andrew Hill: Ah, Glycemic Index is a load of hooey.
Which are also a load of hooey.
As with so many aspects of being a mom, everyone has an opinion, so I went to the experts to find out what's true, what's hooey and how to take it all off for good!
I can't help but think, if you're an attractive person and you see somebody, there's a lot of people listening this who think this is hooey.
These legends are nothing more than prejudice that comes from ignorance and hooey, like saying that your palms will become hairy if you use the internet to try and meet people online.
A hooey - slathered film that combines the Catholic school humor of «Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?»
It's a whole lot of techno - hooey, relying on screenwriter - friendly leaps of logic.
With lots of blood, some hooey, and even some history, this appears to be a decent — and watchable — period drama.
Nonetheless, it seems safe to say that even without Hollywood accounting practices, this film never leaves the red, nor does it deserve to for its insulting hooey.
The picture might be the most overt iteration of film noir as a genre about emasculation ever put to celluloid, and trying to puzzle out whether Waldo's for real and chief gumshoe McPherson (Andrews) buys any of his honeyed hooey constitutes a good portion of what's fun and maddening in equal measure about it.
The Buzz: Were it not for the fact that this is being adapted from a graphic novel by Neil Gaiman, we'd be extremely suspicious, dazzling trailer or no — but we trust Gaiman, and this looks like it has just the right blend of action, fantasy hooey, and knowing comedy to make it work.
And because you can never have enough hooey, here's a little more: the «unfilmable novel» does not and never will exist.
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