Sentences with phrase «short adductors»

Adductor Brevis is the smallest and shortest (hence the name brevis, meaning short in latin) of the three short adductor muscles.
Adductor Longus is the middle of the three short adductor muscles.
Pectineus is positioned between the Iliopsoas and Adductor Longus muscles and is part of the short adductor group with adductors brevis and longus.

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Alternatively, some of the hip extensors: the hamstrings and the adductors, are short, stiff, and underworked.
However, increases in muscle fascicle length are also likely dependent on the mechanical load incurred by the prime mover, as knee flexion (hamstring only) exercise seems to lead to greater adaptations in the hamstrings than hip extension (hamstring, gluteus maximus, and adductor magnus) exercise, even when muscle length at peak contraction is shorter (Bourne et al. 2016).
The adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis and pectineus display similar fascicle lengths, while the gracilis is much longer and the obturator externus is much shorter.
There are preliminary indications that hip adductor strengthening programs may be beneficial for reducing the incidence of adductor - related groin strain injury (Engebretsen et al. 2008; Hölmich et al. 2010; see review by Esteve et al. 2015) and also that wearing compression shorts may be beneficial for reducing the load on the adductor longus during return to sport post-injury, by virtue of reducing the muscle activity during cutting actions (Chaudhari et al. 2014).
The short head of the muscle starts between the adductor magnus and the vastus lateralis and extends up as high as the insertion of the glute muscles.
Sprint running ability seems to be mainly determined by the ability of the hamstrings to absorb energy at long muscle lengths, and of the hip extensors (gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, and hamstrings) and hip flexors to perform concentric work at high velocities while operating at short muscle lengths, all in a horizontal direction.
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