Sentences with phrase «short amount of time on»

She did a wonderful job marketing our house which helped drive a lot of traffic through the house and result in a short amount of time on the market.
Rodeo riders may be unhappy when they spend only a short amount of time on a bull's back, but when you're searching for competitive Greeley insurance quotes spending as little time in the process is a good thing.
It's possible the novel the film is based on spent a similarly short amount of time on the plot's twists, but certainly its slower format in general must have given its readers more chance to process the information they are given.
He completely grounds this film despite a relatively short amount of time on screen.
Like Araujo and Reyes, there isn't much to say about the player, who only had a short amount of time on the field before suffering an injury.
But since we both have such a short amount of time on this Earth how about we live it based upon the truth.

Not exact matches

Or as newly unemployed AI expert Andrew Ng, who quit his job at Baidu last week, told her: «I think it's fascinating that in a rather short period of time he's inserted himself into the conversation on A.I. I think he sees accurately that A.I. is going to create tremendous amounts of value.»
MO: You know, the U.S. still imports a tremendous amount of oil on a daily basis, and I don't think it's realistic to expect to offset that over a very short period of time, so the connection with Canada is critically important.
In a relatively short amount of time, Saujani has gotten the likes of Twitter, General Electric, Square and Google to sign on to her initiative: two - month long programs that teach young women to code and offers mentorships.
I'm happy we were able to do it in such a short amount of time and capitalize on the fact that bigger companies couldn't.»
They still get things done because they are socially effective in short amounts of time and they capitalize on valuable social moments.
Young people also can no longer rely on the luxury of a social safety net — so it's no wonder they stay unemployed for shorter amounts of time or stay in their jobs for longer periods.
I don't want to appear to be piling on here, but I have to admit that I've put my Apple Watch aside because -; in a ridiculously short amount of time -; the novelty wore off.
Those who are planning on paying off student loans as quickly as possible within a relatively short amount of time (like 5 - 10 years) may be able to save money with a variable rate loan.
Which is better if you are going to put a ton of money on a card in a short amount of time and want to use the points in the next 2 years for international travel first class at luxury resorts?
Rather than spend the resources to chase paid outlets and influencers, brands should focus on advocacy, which can produce better results in a shorter amount of time.
The other day on some discovery channel show said that the evolutionary jump in Humans, to our present form in the short amount of time that evolutionary theorist have declared, would be like a tornado ripping through a junk yard and in from the flying derbies and wind a fully assembled operational 747 be sitting in the tornado's wake.
As a result, we get an increasing amount of frozen nutrition at rapid sittings - the time, on occasion, being too short for any effort to be made at all at stilling the hunger.
Regardless, God will give you at least some amount of pleasure or enjoyment, your choice depends on whether that is eternity (if you are a believer) or just the short time you spend on earth (if you're not)
Similarly, a momentary and passing sensitivity to time, or even a lasting one, are well known phenomena: when a decision has to be made in a fairly short span of time; when a job to be done is so urgent that its accomplishment amounts to a struggle against time itself; or when in waiting for pleasant or unpleasant events one's gaze becomes increasingly fixed on the hands of the clock.
It's best to use Medjool dates as these are very soft and gooey and maybe next time try baking on a lower heat for a shorter amount of time as ovens can vary!
If yours are too hard try cooking them on a lower heat or for a shorter amount of time x
They burned a bit on the bottom, so next time I will cook for a shorter amount of time and maybe use my Silpat instead of parchment to line the tray.
If I am short on time I sift the amount of almond flour I need from the mason jar instead of sifting it all at one time.
Brown the meat, then add about three - quarters of a white onion, chopped, and a few splashes of Merlot to get a little sweetness going; cook on high heat for a short amount of time to crisp up the sausage.
In the language of football people Jardim has pretty much declared that Mbappe is moving on and so it could be just a short amount of time before we hear an official announcement, although Jardim did not say which club the Frenchman would be moving to.
When sharp bettors and betting syndicates decide on a play, you can be sure that a lot of money is going to be placed on that team across multiple sportsbooks in a short amount of time.
As reported by the Mirror, Serie A side Sampdoria are interested in making a move for the England man, however the club are only willing to pay # 6M for the midfielder, with Arsenal unwilling to let the player leave on loan due to the short amount of time that is left on his contract.
On July 30th Seattle reached +5000 while Toronto reached +2000, showing just how far teams are able to come in a short amount of time.
Giroud's stats compared to Welbeck's show just how much of a difference he made, with 16 passes compared to 19, passing accuracy of 88 percent compared to 79, three shot assists to one, 26 touches to 36 and he made the same amount of tackles as our new striker in his short time on the pitch.
His recent inclusion in Germany's senior squad shows just how far he's come in such a short amount of time, and the fact he already has Champions League experience means that he will be on the radar of many European giants this summer.
Uncertainty over the shot stopper's future stems from both the short amount of time left on his contract, and United's casual approach to offering an extension.
However, Betfred have now suspended the market after taking a major amount of money on him and cutting his odds from 8/1 to Evens in a short space of time.
-LSB-...] are some interesting articles on how to potty train in a short amount of time, like this one from The Garcia Diaries.
While some excited visitors may be frustrated by this, your time in the hospital is precious and quick, and you need to focus on learning what you can in the short amount of time you are there.
On that note, the Greatfuns 25 HCG Pregnancy Test Strips can do the same by detecting hCG hormone from a very little amount of urine within the shortest possible time.
As each night went on there were fewer wake - ups and shorter amounts of time when Elle would cry.
Instead of a sandwich, which may seem too big for the short amount of time they have, sometimes I'll opt for tuna or egg salad with crackers on the side.
When a baby is only nursing for a short time on each breast, she will get a disproportionate amount of foremilk and hindmilk, which is not ideal for growth and development.
But when I have a short amount of time to get ready and I put on multiple things before I can find something that fits, I get flustered.»
Consider renting a good quality pump if you are only planning on using it for a short amount of time.
«You use a diaper bag for such a short amount of time that it seems silly to spend so much money on a bag that you're not going to use as a regular purse in the future.»
He may be a little young for it yet as he only wants to be on it for a short amount of time before wanting to be picked up again or just walk along on his own.
The amount of extra traffic must be heavily dependent on the context, size and location of road schemes, but an appropriate average value is given by an elasticity of traffic volume with respect to travel time of about − 0.5 in the short term, and up to − 1.0 in the long term.
«We are having discussions on what we can move in a short amount of time,» he added.
Kurland spent far too much time trying to link her opponent to the evils of the real estate industry based on two staff jobs with developers he held for relatively short amounts of time.
Chestnut Hill resident Brian Rudnick is hitting the street, trying in a short amount of time to get the signatures he needs to get on the ballot this November.
A well - known observer of local politics from Preserve Ramapo said he was concerned over the 10 - year expiration on the deal, a relatively short amount of time.
Based on her research of the social media response to the Colorado floods, Palen says one indication that a Twitter user is a valuable source is that they collect large numbers of followers in a short amount of time and are responsive to corrections from their audience, Palen says.
«It's obvious that there is some continuing exposure on some level... If you look at their body burdens, they still had a fair amount of the short - term PCBs in their blood at the time we took the sampling in 2005.»
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