Sentences with phrase «short climb»

The phrase "short climb" refers to a small or brief ascent, usually involving going upward to reach a higher point or level. Full definition
Another consideration may be shorter climbing structures built to prevent puppies from falling or jumping off the sides.
In others words I a heavy rider, and I note that in mediun and long climbs; In shorter climbs I have more power but in longest its very diferent.
There are two short climbs along the way, and you'll see a great deal of western Germany's countryside as you cycle.
Most of the hike took us through grassy fields and up short climbs into the mountains.
It is mostly flat with very short climbs.
Another cause for optimism is that the industrial market faces a relatively short climb out of the doldrums.
It features a short climbing stair as well as a cute lookout tower that gives your kids access to two separate slides.
From here it is a short climb to Lucma Lodge, hidden away among avocado trees.
Then, after a short climb you will reach a remarkable Inka lookout called Runcurakay.
Alternatively, the short climb up to Arthurs Seat might be worth a go, as from the top you are rewarded with spectacular views across the cityscape of Edinburgh.
It's a short climb of 59 steps to the viewing platform at the top of the lighthouse, which you visit as part of a guided tour.
A short climb up through native bush onto a ridge, leads to an area filled with tall pine trees and stunning views of the native bush and river below.
The short climb to the to and peering over the edge as you reach the top seeing Machu Picchu for the first time makes all the hard work getting there more then worth it.
From the river it is a short climb to Lucma Lodge (2,000 m / 6, 600 ft), set in an avocado orchard.
After a short climb back to undulating farmland, stop in at the historic Cape Otway Lighthouse (fees apply) for tales of the seafaring history of this dangerous stretch of coastline.
From the head of the trail it is a short climb (30 min.)
Once the flag pattern appears, we should see another short climb to the technical objective at $ 820 and beyond.
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