Sentences with phrase «short fiction pieces»

Prior to her decision to focus on literature, Scrima worked as a professional artist for many years, incorporating short fiction pieces into large - scale text installations.
Words: short fiction pieces up to...
While there are no «rules» to writing short stories, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your short fiction pieces.
Finished, Unpublished Fiction Manuscript (or Five Completed, Unpublished Short Fiction Pieces)
Additional short fiction pieces are collected and reproduced in their entirety at Tiny Points of Life.
A born storyteller, the author has written and digitally published over 100 cutting - edge short fiction pieces.
Very few purely literary novels sell — and most of those are by authors who have published scores of exquisitely crafted short fiction pieces in prestigious journals and / or have endowed chairs at major universities.
Administered by the Museo de las Palabras (Museum of Words) in Madrid, the competition is for very short fiction pieces of up to a maximum of 100 words.
The slides below cover several areas for making inferences: sample sentences, a short fiction piece, a political speech, and political cartoons.
I wrote a post with the very same title as a memoir piece a couple of years ago Thinking of a short fiction piece with a Christmas theme for Sarah's Guest Post, nothing grabbed me — mild panic, yikes!

Not exact matches

The post with a piece of short fiction attached to the product earned bids that were 64 percent higher.
The O. Henry Prize recognizes great pieces of short fiction and is «intended to «strengthen the art of the short story and to stimulate younger authors.
Superstar (Decca Records), etc., as well as of Peanuts cartoons and political cartoons, newspaper satire, and, occasionally, of short pieces of fiction and poetry on biblical themes.
A «creepypasta» is a short piece of horror Gothic fiction, which is largely known by the subgenre of Gothic horror, is a genre or mode of literature and film that combines fiction and horror, death
Though it heavily reworks Bissell's story, the film feels as beautifully calibrated as a great piece of short fiction, only with visual accents and emphases filling in for the prose.
Anton Chekhov's novella «The Duel» is among his most extended pieces of fiction, and yet it has the gracefully digressive shape of one of his classic short stories.
Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell - Tale Heart (1843) is a chilling piece of short fiction, providing a look into madness through the eyes of a narrator who believes himself to be perfectly sane.
Maybe you need an exercise to start a short story or need to do some prewriting for plot or character development for a longer fiction piece.
Purdy was editor of Parade and True in the 1940s and «50s before he became a freelance writer who contributed both fiction short stories and automotive pieces to Playboy magazine.
Well, I succeeded in not writing any new fiction, but I did revise two short pieces.
With literary fiction, there's an expectation of publishing short pieces in journals etc before a first book contract.
And one could not ask for anything more from a piece of short fiction.
The other was an online flash fiction workshop where you were allowed to share a short piece of your own work for comments (only) after you'd critiqued five other short pieces by group members.
If not, this refers to short pieces of fiction or journalism that are sold for less than five dollars.
In some genres (especially high - volume «pulp» genres like romance, science fiction, fantasy, and, to a lesser extent, mysteries), readers often expect anything shorter than a full - length book (fifty thousand or more words) to be priced $ 0.99, while full length pieces are generally priced $ 2.99 — $ 4.99.
For an example on a piece of flash fiction, see my short piece below, entitled «The Cloaked Man».
In the fine tradition of Friday Flash Fiction, I'm going to share some old and new super short pieces periodically.
Since most flash fiction pieces are really too short to be over-plotted, I tend to start with the pantser method, and revise once done.
I recently finished pulling together a collection of my shorter prose pieces, some fiction, mostly nonfiction, and that will be coming out in the spring of 2008.
I was a magazine journalist who had written a few nonfiction articles about Maine game wardens, and one Saturday morning, I started noodling around with a short piece of fiction — not even a story, just an anecdote — about a rookie warden and a marauding black bear.
Her essays and short fiction have appeared in such journals as The Oxford American, Guernica, the Harvard Review, LitHub, the New Orleans Review, and her piece, «Death... (more)
The piece in question is an 800 - word short story, nay, practically a blog post-length work of flash fiction, that she sat down to write specifically for a charity auction.
For a great short piece on what contemporary writers need to know about writing descriptions, see Janice Hardy's post at Fiction University: Three Things to Consider when Writing Descriptions.
Initially, I simply wanted to try out Babelcube with a shorter piece of fiction.
The force of Ebooks IS with me as I aggregate my collection of over 100 short stories and flash fiction pieces from my 4 - year - old e-mail subscription short fiction Web site into my first of several ebooks.
Maybe keep it on the one topic of fiction short story pieces for magazine, collection of 10 short stories for the agent and for the publisher, so the query letters are targeting something specific and you won't have to guess what the reader might be doing — «if you are writing a proposal, write this query letter, or if you wrote a novel, write this query letter, etc.» Just short stories, just ideas of how to phrase it, how long it should be, how much info to share, etc..»
The digital literary magazine Literary Orphans, which publishes flash fiction — in addition to reviews, interviews, short stories, and poetry — lists the estimated time it will take for a reader to read a piece.
Since electronic reading devices (and to some extent laptops for that matter) make reading long pieces of writing less enjoyable, we have chosen to dedicate the journal to «short fiction,» in this case, fiction which is approximately 1500 words or less in length.
Before writing novellas, I wrote a lot of flash fiction, entered contests — won some, lost some — but each time I wrote a flash piece, or sent it in to a contest, I usually had a self - edited publishable short ready to send around to lit mags.
He has published two novels, Riding the Brand and Virtually Dead, as well as several pieces of short fiction and two plays.
Her published work, ranging from travel and cultural pieces to short fiction and poetry, has appeared in numerous magazines and journals, including Archaeology Magazine,... (more)
The potential for a renewed interest in short stories — stand - alone fiction that will no longer have to wait to be anthologized or published as a collection — as well as timely pieces of non-fiction on current world events means that readers without the time or inclination to tackle longer pieces of literature can now fill their reading needs with shorter and less pricey ebooks.
The piece in question is an 800 - word short story, nay, practically a blog post-length work of flash fiction, that she sat down to write... [Read more...]
- Kirkus «Working in a different vein from the wrenching Room, Donoghue has created masterly pieces that show what short fiction can do.
February 2017 — my flash fiction piece «Salvation» is one of the features stories at 4 Star Stories for their 2nd Short Short volume.
Mainstream publishers are also taking advantage of these new channels, notably, the science - fiction imprint of MacMillan, and Penguin eSpecials, both publishing low - cost short - form works by their existing authors in the form of excerpts, reprints and original new pieces.
Indie authors wanting to publish their short fiction should probably think about writing three or five stories and releasing them together rather than as individual pieces.
I am an aspiring author and have not had anything published, as yet, although there are a number of my short stories and flash fiction pieces on the web.
I've written articles on a given topic, then included a piece of flash fiction inspired by that topic, then I've had people sign up for my free short story collection because they liked what was on my blog.
Aside from flash pieces, we are also interested in interviews with authors of flash fiction, reviews of flash or short story collections, and essays concerning flash fiction.
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