Sentences with phrase «short fur»

"Short fur" refers to hair or fur that is not very long. It describes animals or creatures that have a coat that is relatively short in length. Full definition
Many people don't think it's necessary to brush dogs with short fur, but it's actually helpful to you and your pet.
Dogs with thin body types and those with very short fur also do well with sweaters and coats.
It should be done with a really good brush suitable for short fur coats.
The 5 females are smaller, shorter fur like mother.
Since German Shepherds have very dense short fur, many people assume that they will not shed but this is simply not true.
Under that ultra short fur are strong bones and muscles.
And yes, even cats that have relatively short fur can have these balls of hair.
And for dogs with shorter fur, it is even more important to give them a little extra protection.
Even dogs with very short fur can benefit from these other services.
The reason that Yorkies shed so infrequently is due to the fact that their hair has the ability to grow long (in contrast to dogs with short fur which is shed quickly)[5].
Short bristles that are closely spaced are suitable for shorter fur while longer bristles with larger spacing are best fur long haired breeds.
The undercoat is more of a soft short fur which keeps the dog warm.
The English Angora is the only breed to grow long fur on its head and face; the other three breeds have mostly short fur on their heads.
Smooth, short fur Try wetting your hand and running it over your bunny's fur.
Predisposing factors include short fur and wet fur and / or skin.
Certain breeds with white short fur, such as Dalmations or Pit Bull terriers, are more prone to developing cutaneous hemangiosarcoma.
Some people have less symptoms with hairless cats or shorter haired cats (e.g. Siamese) because bare skin or short fur means less surface for dander to form on.
They do have a very short fur coat that comes in a variety of brindle and fawn shades which is generally coarse in touch.
Constant licking and paw washing eventually affects areas with short fur like the head and ears.
With very little fat to cover internal organs and insulate the dog as well as very short fur the Italian greyhound should maintain some type of artificial covering throughout colder months to ensure that they retain body heat.
Sweaters or coats are good in inclement weather, especially on walks and especially for animals with shorter fur coats.
I am obsessed with the short fur and shaggy fur combo and it looks so amazing paired with a dress!
Also I like that combination of the short fur and the long jeans.
If you prefer a shorter fur vest you can find the same shorter version of my vest here.
-- a bomber jacket, — a leather ramones jacket, — a short jacket, — a denim jacket, — a short sweater, — a short fur, — if the dress is sleeveless you can wear turtleneck, t - shirt or shirt under it.
But what they do retain, however, is their active nature and their short fur, which makes the lovable bun resilient to heat.
The soap - free formula worked wonders on Bobby's short fur, leaving it soft and shiny.
The longer tail and shorter fur of the Chinese hamster combine to make the tail more noticeable on this species than the other pet hamsters.
Typically, they are a golden color with a black face or snout, have short fur and can also be black, grey or brown.
Whether your dog has very short fur to long fur with a thick undercoat, our tool does an excellent jobatremoving dead hair, dirtanddander.
According to veterinarian Marty Becker, dogs who in particular should wear sweaters include small dogs, elderly dogs, dogs who are chronically ill and breeds of dogs with short fur and thin bodies such as whippets and greyhounds.
Dogs with thicker fur coat can survive in cold areas whereas dogs that have a shorter fur coat belong to warmer zones.
The maintenance of their short fur does not demand much effort.
This breed blends both short fur and woolly fur, with a distinct «mane» encircling the head.
Their descendants include Russian spitz dogs (dogs with short fur, short muzzles, pointy ears, and curly tails) as well as the Siberian Husky.
Because of their short fur, they should be kept warm in the cold winter months, a sweater when going for a walk, and NOT left outside for any real length of time.
I thought mine was just a Belgian Shepard that had short fur, but then I saw the Malinois that looked much more like him.
These versatile brushes are suited for use on nearly any texture of coat though the spacing of the bristles will determine whether it is better suited to long or short fur.
Due to their short fur and thick necks Bulldogs do much better with leather collars vs nylon.
there are american english and finnish labrador retrievers so i want to know which one has «shorter fur» and looks more slim
Lilac rabbits have short fur that is soft to the touch.
I think beagles are very cute; I love their tri-colour markings and short fur.
Ultimately, the law could affect just about any medium - sized dog «with short fur and a big head,» she adds.
I recently learned that this is easily explained by the fact that shorter fur has a shorter growing / shedding cycle than long fur.
Most terriers have short fur that is easy to maintain, but others will have curly manes.
Otherwise, both state that heavy bone structure, mass, & thick, long ears, with bold eyes & dense, short fur that has a roll - back effect when brushing your hand across their backs in a back - to - front motion.
Unless it's really cold outside and your dog is old, has a weakened immune system or arthritis, is a young puppy, or has very short fur, it's better to skip it.
Active, curious and people oriented, they have both shorter fur and less fur.
Finally, some small dogs or dogs with short fur may be unwilling to lie down on cold surfaces.
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