Sentences with phrase «short intense bursts of»

Short intense bursts of rainfall will give you flash flooding in a small catchment — a big storm front with less intense average rainfall will give major flooding in large catchments.
Cats are born hunters, which means that they are programmed for exploration and short intense bursts of energy.
It mimics real life situations where you actually perform short intense bursts of activity.
Through the Paleolithic era, for millions of years, our very survival depended on short intense bursts of energy, whether hunting for a meal or sprinting and desperately climbing not to become one.
Hey Anthony, HIIT is great for conditioning, and will help you build stamina and help you with short intense bursts of activity.

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Given the strange restrictions under which their makers must work, the constructions already produced are marvels of ingenuity, although a creature so constituted is probably more plausible as a sensitive observer of sunsets than as the creative agent who, in a surprisingly short burst of intense activity, produced Process and Reality.
Very high weekly total loads and intense levels of short bursts of speed were significantly related to a higher risk of contact injury.
Exposing a small cluster of neon atoms to a very short and intense burst of extreme ultraviolet light initiates a novel mechanism that produces a large number of electrons and ions.
Now, researchers at MIT and in Canada have found a promising new approach to delivering the short but intense bursts of power needed by such small devices.
The bursts that appeared to be the most powerful churned out most of their energy in intense, short - wavelength gamma rays, while the weakest ones had peak energies at longer wavelength x-rays.
Researchers at McMaster University have found that short, intense bursts of stair climbing, which can be done virtually anywhere, have major benefits for heart health.
«Short, intense exercise bursts can reduce heart risk to teens: Adolescents who perform just 8 to 10 minutes of high - intensity interval exercise 3 times a week could be significantly reducing their risk of developing heart conditions, new research concludes.»
HIIT is when you exercise strenuously in short bursts, with periods of less intense exercise in between.
Make intervals shorter and more intense: Try 20 - second bursts, followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Short, sharp, intense bursts of cardio rip the fat right off the top of your abs, while the strategic series of static muscle contractions in IAT will give you more precision than Michelangelo's David.
This type of training, which involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of recovery can be done many different ways and can even be done on treadmills with circuits of sprinting and jogging.
But you must be okay with short bursts of intense exercise.
When shocking the muscles with short, yet intense bursts of exercise, you «potentiate» the muscles and make them stronger if only temporarily.
I would also take into consideration that if you participate in sport you will defiantly get better results with bodyweight cardio exercises because you will be more closely following the principle of specificity, in this case doing short bursts of intense exercise using multi muscle movements which is very similar to most sports.
On the other hand, interval training, alternating short bursts of intense activity with active rest, helps your body burn through calories without raising cortisol levels.
Izumi Tabata is a physician and scientist whose intense research showed that over a six - week period, 120 minutes of shorts bursts of high intensity training gave far better fitness results than 1800 minutes of regular steady - state training.
The idea is that by using short bursts of intense work intervals followed by short periods of rest you can burn more fat when compared to steady - state cardio.
«Our caveman and cavewomen ancestors did short, intense bursts of exercise, say, when a hungry saber tooth tiger chased them,» says Virgin.
The bad news is that epinephrine is not a hormone meant to be used all the time — it's designed to be used in emergencies for short bursts of intense energy.
In addition, the high - intensity interval training involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between.
Just understand the order in which energy substrates are used by the body: ATP and creatine phosphate during short, intense bursts of activity (5 - 15 seconds of actual activity), glucose for medium duration activity (20 seconds to a minute or two), and fat stores once effort is extended out beyond that.
HIIT includes short bursts of high - intense all - out workouts.
During short burst of intense exercise lasting 30 - seconds or less is when the heart muscle works hard to provide oxygen to all three muscle fiber types and this prepares and conditions the heart muscle to meet the aerobic and the anaerobic demands of life.
HIIT is a specific type of exercise program that has quick, intense bursts of exercise mixed with short active - recovery periods.
It's a training technique in which you alternate intense bursts of anaerobic exercise such as sprinting with short recovery periods.
High Intensity Interval Training Defined Interval Training (also known as HIIT) uses short bursts of intense exertion followed by short periods of rest during an exercise session.
Interval Training (also known as HIIT) uses short bursts of intense exertion followed by short periods of rest during an exercise session.
Our second primary energy system that evolved is an ATP fueled system that allows us to do intense loads of work in shorts bursts.
Pasternak is a believer in circuit training — short, intense bursts of activity that builds muscle and help to tone bodies — combined with simply being more active throughout the day.
Intervals are short bursts of intense activity that push you to your limit followed by very brief rest periods, then repeated.
Focus on very short, intense bursts of exercise.
The benefits of interval training (sprinting in short intense bursts)-- increases muscle fiber strength — increases aerobic capacity (work ability)-- increases muscle mitochondria (the main energy production center in muscle)-- increases insulin sensitivity — increases natural growth hormone production
What if your goal is to develop anaerobic capacity, the ability to do short, intense bursts of activity?
In a recent study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, Weiss and his colleagues found that after four days on a keto diet, participants performed worse on anaerobic exercise tasks — which involve short bursts of intense activity — than those who'd recently gone on a high - carb diet.
In Eat Bacon, Don't Jog, Grant Petersen encourages readers to trade long jogs for short bursts of intense activity and ditch that low - fat diet for a low - carb, high - fat eating plan.
The overall energy density of this formulation may be a bit lower due to the lower fat content, but these dogs work in short, very intense bursts, and consequently do not need consistently high calorie intake.
Creatine is not a muscle builder, but aids in the body production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a fuel, for short, intense bursts of energy.
Because cats are geared toward short bursts of intense activity, get out the laser pointer, feathered toy, or string and play for five or 10 minutes several times a day (less at first if your feline friend is unfit).
Sight hounds are your racers such as the Whippet and the Greyhound, bred for short, intense bursts of exercise followed by lounging around the castle.
For me, the short courses work very well, you get an intense burst of exposure to ideas, methods, techniques, people, that are completely new, that you can then work through later, digest, elabourate on, do further research and eventually exhaust.
«His paintings are often short bursts of intense optical energy that fizz on the canvas, visual zaps that do not appear to interrogate much of what has gone on before in art history.»
On creating and studio life I tend to work in short bursts of intense activity.
It is better to work in short bursts of intense productivity and then take a short break and start something new.
Those of us who need reminders about breaks might try the Pomodoro technique: intense bursts of 25 minutes of focused work, followed by a short break.
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