Sentences with phrase «short loading periods»

The nicely worked - out fighting system, the short loading periods and the ability to customize a gigantic load of character's made our day while playing this game.

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Or are we having regular, relatively short feeding intervals, loading up and then once you're tanked up, you can go for a good period of time before you need to feed again.
All this travel is possible because in her department, intensive teaching loads are concentrated in short periods of time, and her administrative duties, including the running of an undergraduate programme, do not require her to be available at a specific time.
The ideal, says Arshad Mansoor of the Electric Power Research Institute in Washington DC, is to centrally control small reductions in load across the board — turning down the air conditioning across the country for example, or dimming public lighting by a small amount for a short period of time.
As my brain fatigue grew during even short periods of cognitive load, my balance would grow progressively worse, and nausea would almost immediately set in.
Short rest periods are great at the start of the training cycle as they increase the effectiveness of lighter weight loads, and enhance the growth of satellite muscle cells, thus creating the foundations for later workouts.
Regardless of your goals, carb - loading is guaranteed to provide you with the perfect mix of size and conditioning in the shortest period of time possible.
What it DOES do is help to improve your lactic acid threshold and hill climbing / short term sprint endurance, in addition to improving stability (being able to support a loaded bar for an extended period of time DOES indeed improve balance and proprioception, and the chronic heavy loading will strengthen ligaments and increase bone density).
Heavy training loads or shorter recovery intervals increase the demand on the anaerobic energy pathways during exercise, which yields a greater EPOC effect during the post-exercise recovery period.
Jumping jacks, skip rope, H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training) are all indoor activities that require little or no equipment, but burn loads of calories in a short period of time.
To get past the surface charge state, you do pretty much as you stated and introduce a load onto the battery for a short period of time.
Using a shorter time period allows the spreadsheet to load quicker, but I may change the 20 - day look - back period in the future.
Contacting your loan company and opting for forbearance for a period of time will help ease the financial load on a short - term basis.
They usually have a short payoff period, high interest rates, and pricey up front load costs to cover a quick payoff as interest should not have an extensive period to accumulate if you pay off your loan rapidly.
Starting early greatly enhances the advantages because delaying investments, even for short periods of time, subtracts from investment returns due to the fact benefits are back loaded.
Commonly when a dog is first prescribed potassium bromide, a higher or «loading» dose is given for a short period of time to get the blood level up quickly.
We are changing the climate, but remember we are also going through mineral resources very fast, population is still exploding near exponentially, we are altering the entire landscape and biosphere of the planet often in destructive ways, and loading up future generations with huge levels of financial debt, all at the same time, and within a very short time period of human history.
But the size of that impact will depend on «the region, available resources and load,» with higher concentrations of vehicles charging during shorter periods leading to larger price increases.
In the New England example above, customers opt into a price - based program, receiving a refund at wholesale power prices in exchange for reducing their load during a demand response «event» (a short period of time, determined by the utility or ISO).
It needed to be able to analyze many potential cases early in the litigation stage in a short period of time, and continue to handle the increased work load.
The update, which will come in a few weeks, will do two things: The Android navigation keys will «fade - out» after a short period of inactivity; the screen's brightness will drop 50 nits, which Google said is «imperceptible,» but it will significantly reduce the load on the screen.
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