Sentences with phrase «short sleep duration»

A recent 2015 study of older men also found that lower vitamin D levels were associated with shorter sleep duration and more time spent awake after initially falling asleep.
There is however little existing data showing the effects of chronic short sleep duration under natural conditions.
This study used «real world» conditions which showed that shorter sleep duration shuts down processes involved in the immune response of circulating white blood cells.
These characteristics were not significantly associated with short sleep duration.
Studies have actually shown a link between short sleep duration, late bedtimes, and poor overall sleep quality with aggression, impulsivity, and being short - tempered.
Access to Electric Light Is Associated with Shorter Sleep Duration in a Traditionally Hunter - Gatherer Community.
Another study of 4,175 individuals between 11 and 17 years of age is the first to document reciprocal effects for major depression and short sleep duration among adolescents using prospective data.
Persistent insomnia: the role of objective short sleep duration and mental health.
Racial / ethnic disparities in short sleep duration by occupation: the contribution of immigrant status.
In a sample of detained adolescent and young adult males (ages 14 — 20 years), Ireland and Culpin (2006) found shorter sleep duration and poorer sleep quality to be concurrently associated with increased trait aggression.
Children with short sleep duration had an increased risk for behavioral problems, thought problems, and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition - based attention - deficit hyperactivity problems according to maternal ratings.
A meta - analysis of 696 studies published in 2008 showed that short sleep duration increased the risk of obesity by 55 % in adults and 89 % in children.
Short sleep duration and irregular bedtime are associated with increased behavioral problems among Japanese preschool - age children.
Poor sleep quality and short sleep durations can lead to weight gain and obesity, especially in adolescents and young adults.
«There are complex factors contributing to childhood obesity including biological and lifestyle factors, but increasing observational research reports that shorter sleep duration may be an additional risk factor associated with higher body mass index (BMI) among children.»
Reports of shorter sleep duration and lower sleep quality were both associated with greater Αβ buildup.
«Our study found that among older adults, reports of shorter sleep duration and poorer sleep quality were associated with higher levels of β - Amyloid measured by PET scans of the brain,» said Adam Spira, PhD, lead author of the study and an assistant professor with the Bloomberg School's Department of Mental Health.
The researchers found that reports of shorter sleep duration and poorer sleep quality were associated with a greater β - Amyloid burden, a hallmark of the disease.
«Shorter sleep duration, poorer sleep quality linked to Alzheimer's disease.»
The paper, «Shorter sleep duration and longer sleep onset latency are related to difficulty disengaging attention from negative emotional images in individuals with elevated transdiagnostic repetitive negative thinking» was published in ScienceDirect.
«Short sleep duration and compromised sleep quality frequently lead to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and premature death,» said Jing Zhou, a doctoral student in nutrition science and the study's first author.
«Factors that impact on obesity include calorie intake, decreased physical activity, short sleep duration, and variable sleep timing.
Gender - specific associations of short sleep duration with prevalent and incident hypertension: the Whitehall II study
A study from the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta found that short sleep durations and poor sleep quality are associated with higher levels of inflammation markers.
In his own 2007 research, Gangwisch found that short sleep duration is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
This research only established a correlation between the two (and not a cause - and - effect), so the study authors say they can't be sure whether inflammation triggers long and short sleep duration or whether sleep duration triggers inflammation.
«The interaction of late timing and short sleep duration may lead to weight gain,» she says.
The genetic influence on symptoms of depression increased to 53 % in twins who had a short sleep duration of 5 hours a night and 49 % in those who reported a sleep duration of 10 hours a night.
It was discovered that the shorter sleep duration twin had a suppressed immune system in comparison to her or his sibling.
«Short Sleep Duration Is Associated with Reduced Leptin, Elevated Ghrelin, and Increased Body Mass Index».
There is a strong correlation between short sleep duration and future weight [7][8].
Short sleepers function normally during the day despite their short sleep duration.
The Quebec Family Study suggested an increased risk of 27 % with shorter sleep duration.
Population studies have consistently shown a relationship between short sleep duration and excess weight, generally with less than 7 hours the cutoff.
The Quebec Family study also found that short sleep duration was associated with higher body weight, decreased leptin and increased ghrelin.
Even though the research didn't show a direct link between short sleep duration and inflammation, Wilson adds, «this study lifts the veil on another piece of why sleep is still important.»
But given evidence to date that links shorter sleep duration with obesity (mentioned above), attention problems, emotional problems, and impaired academic performance (Vriend et al 2013; Li et al 2013), I think we should be concerned.
Short sleep duration was associated specifically with problems related to attentional control and externalizing behaviors, whereas irregularity in sleep duration was, in particular, associated with internalizing problems.
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