Sentences with phrase «short story author»

Yes, this change hurts short story authors most.
Amanda C. Davis is a prolifically published short story author.
Not only will Day One provide a launchpad for debut authors to publish, but will also host a much - needed home for short story authors.
Kicking off today, readers have the opportunity to channel their inner sleuth to solve puzzles by gathering clues found in three original short stories authored by acclaimed mystery writer Melissa Yi, available free of charge at the Kobo bookstore.
The majority of clues will be available in three original short stories authored by J.F. Penn, which are free in the Kobo eBook Store.
Good»N Hearty Irish Brown Bread Everything that rises must converge, to quote the baker and Irish short story author Flannery O Connor.
Annie is a novelist, blogger, nationally award - winning poet, and Bram Stoker Award - nominated short story author.
The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2013 was awarded Thursday to Canadian short story author Alice Munro, who the Swedish Academy called a «master of the contemporary short story,» reported the Wall Street Journal.
The idea was to reward reader engagement with longer works, rather than pay short story authors the same amount as novelists.
Tidwell is a certified usability analyst, an experienced technical writer and a published short story author.
Screenwriter - director Michael Clayton and short story author - film producer Kevin Fortuna discuss their comedy - drama, «The Dunning Man,» during an exclusive interview.
F.C. Malby is a short story author and a novelist.
She's a short story author.
While long form journalism and e-novellas have taken off thanks in large part to digital publishing, short story authors are still feeling the frustration of being relegated to anthologies or trying to swim their titles in the sea of other 99cent - ebooks without a platform for discovery.
I know some short story authors who have been writing good stories and making a good living from the old rules.
This is the third in a continuing series of writing tips by Mario Lowthar, published short story author.
This is Part IV in a list of short writing tips from Mario Lowthar, the premier critiquer in my writing group and published short story author.
You might argue that it's only fair that novelists make more than short story authors, and I wouldn't argue.
This is the second in a continuing series of writing tips by Mario Lowthar, published short story author.
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