Sentences with phrase «short talks about»

He also hosts the annual LexThink.1 conference (formerly Ignite Law) at ABA Techshow, a series of short talks about big topics in law, with slides advancing every 30 seconds.
Simposio means that artists not only show, but also give short talks about their art work.
Last night was the opening night of the Art of Games exhibit at the EMP Museum, and along with several other great speakers from local the local industry, Valve co-worker Dave Kircher and I were there to give short talks about programming and design respectively.
The shorts talk about another issue: The Treasury Department is investigating whether SolarCity and other solar companies inflated the value of their installations to drive more tax credits to their investors.
After I was thoroughly satisfied and enjoyed the digestive aid of a tea ceremony by Tiosk and a short talk about macrobiotics and Nicky herself.
I'd prepared two sessions, one of which I led twice: a three - hour «master class» on using digital advertising to build your online fundraising program, and a shorter talk about online advocacy and fundraising (I'll post the slides soon).
Proposed itinerary: 10:00 arrival at Miraikan 10:00 - 11:10 Miraikan tour guided by a science communicator (probably Masatoshi Shimizu) 11:10 - 11:30 a short talk about Japanese robotics by the same science communicator in a separate room 11:30 - Free tour (open till 17:00) After a full day exploring the museum, return to your hotel in the late afternoon.
He was in an immunology class when Dave Ng gave a short talk about Bioteach that piqued his interest.
Boucle Cardigan Lace Trim Cami & Shorts I talked about my winter skincare routine on the blog last week and started to talk...
After a short talk about the series in which Kojima proudly announced «Metal Gear Solid 4 is Complete» we watched as he played through the first forty - five minutes of the game which, while fascinating, was a...
After a short talk about the series in which Kojima proudly announced «Metal Gear Solid 4 is Complete» we watched as he played through the first forty - five minutes of the game which, while fascinating, was a bit lengthy given the time of night and the non air conditioned room.
There was a short talk about the original comics that Viz will be publishing.
Both of these shorts talk about some publishing legal issues, though not author contracts.
Introduction: Lucia Pietroiusti, Public Programmes curator, Serpentine Galleries Screening: Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Fade, 1976 (27 min, colour) Talk: Chris Kabel, on blue skies and talking machines: a short talk about Kabel's latest works and the immersive and experiential layers that are incorporated therein Talk / Reading: Gil Leung, Assets, 2015: A short reading on isolation pods, jet lag and the end of a relationship Screening / Talk: Sidsel Meineche Hansen, screening of the animations ONE - self, 2015 and Seroquel ®, 2014, and a talk about the psycho - pharmaceutical industry and the emotional - industrial complex Screening: Betzy Bromberg, Soothing the Bruise, 1980 (16 mm, 21 min, colour) Talk: Alexei Penzin, The Night Preserved: night, sleep, and the continuum of sleepless production, reproduction, consumption, financial speculation, and other incessant and open - ended activities without any interruption or meaningful finale Screening / Performance: Samuel Levack and Jennifer Lewandowski, Winter Solstice - Meditations in the Colour Blue, 2015, performed by Das Hund (Samuel Levack, Jennifer Lewandowski, Nicholas Pankhurst, Fancy Smith.
At the reception, each artist will give a short talk about their work on display, which they created during their residency.

Not exact matches

In short, he simply doesn't know what he's talking about
In the guidance we put out in our dot - com disclosures — it's not the endorsement guides, it's a business guide we updated in 2013 to talk specifically about making disclosures in short format, mobile devices in particular, in things like Twitter... there, the examples we gave of effective disclosures were at the beginning of a blog or a tweet.
If you're unsure if you're the type of super responsible employee all these studies are talking about, Dahl's post offers a short quiz to help you find out.
People love to talk about staying focused on the big picture, but in a small business — and especially a startup — short - term results matter most.
Even as shameless and short - sighted as most brokers and underwriters are, they're finding that the numbers just won't stand up and they're having to go back to their investors and talk about «public» valuations that may be less than the last couple of rounds of capital injections.
In the short term, I probably won't be posting much more than «they're recruiting,» because the team won't be ready to talk about what they're working on for some months,» said Ozzie, who created Lotus Notes.
In this short video, Lewis Howes talks about one crucial element to making the startup of your dreams work.
When I meet with people to talk about social media, the conversation sometimes turns to Twitter... and usually ends with people wondering why Twitter still exists, I'm well - known as a supporter and like the short posting paradigm.
I'm talking about taking on pretty much head - to - head and beginning to carve out a very sizable business in a very short time.
It's not short term because of exactly what you're talking about, which is this problem at ESPN.
Whether we're talking about the recent Uber revelation, or the world's cyber-elite meddling in elections, stealing data with impunity and infiltrating power grids — one change in particular seems like a safe bet: the rise of chief information security officer, or CISO for short.
In early February, the firm received a response from Vanguard, which Tim Smith, senior vice president at Walden Asset Management, told me included a discussion of Vanguard's efforts to talk with companies about social and environmental issues, but stopped short of saying that Vanguard would actually change its proxy voting practices.
There are currently 150 life coaches and therapists on the app and and a short survey matches you with a professional depending on whether you want to talk about a relationship issue, a work - life balance stress or any other mental health anxiety.
(Case in point: Whenever my RAND Corporation colleagues and I talk about our model for helping community groups plan prevention programs, Getting To Outcomes — GTO for short — most everyone thinks about the old GM muscle car, not our planning model.)
Everyone loves to talk about staying focused on the big picture, but in a small business short - term results matter most.
We hosted Chris, the «Head of TED,» recently at 1871 for a short lecture about his new book TED Talks and for some Q&A with our member companies and other guests.
While it's easy to spend hours talking about proper onpage SEO techniques, the short version is have the keyword (s) you want to rank for in the title, headline and meta description of each page of your website.
Applicants also can record a short video in which they talk about their defining qualities and career aspirations.
Five short months into her husband's term, «Melania Trump» (Tony - winning Broadway star Laura Benanti) beamed in via satellite to talk to Stephen Colbert about her big move to the White House.
I wrote an improvement of Alicia's email based on these concepts: — specificity of: target b2b and expected results — be educational with numbers and reference to a case study — do nt talk bad about outbound marketing, but tell him how to do it better — write even shorter to the point — social proof: drop big companies of other industries — scarcity: this email is sent to 10 competitors but we only work with the first per city
Kimer suggests building in short team - building exercises or spending time talking about what's going on in employees» lives before launching into a meeting.
We still don't know (but presumably Mueller does) why Mike Flynn, Trump's chief foreign policy adviser during the campaign and his short - lived national security adviser, was talking during the transition to the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions Obama had imposed in retaliation against Russia's meddling in the election.
By constantly talking about raising short - term rates without setting a clear timeline, the Fed has created a great deal of uncertainty that is undermining growth.
To be very clear, what I'm talking about is actually exchange settlement balances, or ES balances, for short.
Here's a piece I wrote recently for Bloomberg talking about both short - and long - term volatility in the markets and how investors can think about its meaning.
A breakthrough deal to fundamentally change China's economic policies is viewed as highly unlikely during the two days of talks, though a package of short - term Chinese measures could delay Washington's decision to impose tariffs on about $ 50 billion worth of Chinese exports.
So many people talk about «investing» as one topic, when short - term investing and long - term investing are very different.
Following this same format, authors Charles Ellis and Burton Malkiel, two of the investment world's greatest thinkers, have combined their talents to produce The Elements of Investing — a short, straight - talking book about investing and saving that will put you on a path towards a lifetime of financial success.
Either he hasn't been able to shake the same bias he talks about (in his view it's a very tough sell to clients), or maybe he thinks he can build a bigger business (more AUM) if he implements a more conventional long / short hedge fund strategy.
Yes, there is more than one way to a simple portfolio, but talk about too many of them and you're on your way to recreating the Monevator website rather than trying to publish a very quick and short post to reach a lot of people.
Of course, the big brands are spending millions of dollars to get their short lived moments of fame with the hope of making a lasting impression, earning loyal brand evangelists and inspiring people to talk about them, share their message and become a viral hit sensation.
A short video of you talking about your Marketplace can give people a chance to see and hear you, and also see some of your products.
The short take is: We are talking about trillions of dollars that aren't covered in the official budget, most of which hits the treasury market like any other form of debt.
(What follows is a short video where Nobel - Prize Winning Psychologist Daniel Kahneman, one of the world's most renowned researcher on goals, talks about how goals can influence personal satisfaction and happiness.
They pitched a story to The Wall Street Journal that ran that talked about this cabal of market - manipulating short sellers.
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