Sentences with phrase «short term boost»

The Liberals should definitely not abandon their promises to make major investments in physical and environmental infrastructure which will give a short term boost to growth and job creation, and help raise business investment.
Paradoxically, at the same time Corbyn is hurting Osborne's medium term prospects, he is also giving him a short term boost.
In all likelihood, the election of Gordon Brown may give the Labour Party a short term boost.
Taking indirect taxes first, there would be a short term boost to the economy by cutting the rate of VAT, but the impact of higher inflation and personal debt would have a devasting long term impact.
In short, economist R. Quentin Grafton at The Australian National University in Canberra and his colleagues found that, even for species that take decades to recover, reducing fishing yields in the short term boosts fishing profits in the long run.
«Narcissistic CEOs make operational decisions such as lenient credit terms, sales discounts and overproduction that in the short term boost earnings,» said Young.
Excess sugar can certainly give you a short term boost, but it is more likely to lower your energy levels in the long run.
All that does is hurt the author, even if does give a short term boost to whatever title they are dewfending.
The so - called backloading proposal would delay the entry into the market of more than 900m allowances to address this imbalance and give a short term boost to the price of carbon.
Unlike the November stimulus package, which was meant to be a short term boost for industry, this renewable energy package seems to be more far - sighted money, meant to be deployed over time from now till 2020.
For a lot of people, they only need a short term boost, and this is where 10 year term life insurance comes to the rescue.
The home buyer credit, while a short term boost, did lift the economy.»
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