Sentences with phrase «short tongue»

So bees with shorter tongues, which are better able to make use of the broader diversity of short - tubed flowers, did better and gradually came to dominate the peaks, the researchers suggest.
Now, researchers at the University of Missouri in a study published in Science, have found that two alpine bumblebee species have responded to this decline in flowering due to warming temperatures by evolving shorter tongues.
He has a very small mouth and a very short tongue, which seems to flick up on top of my nipple instead of under it.
These ties can not be seen so they must be felt, and unfortunately, this class of tongue - tie is often misdiagnosed as Short Tongue.
With shorter tongues the bees are not as efficient, and now that they visit many kinds of flowers, the pollen they transfer to the long - tubed flowers may not always be the right type.
There is also a condition called «tongue tie» where your baby has a short tongue and this causing problems with latching on properly, leading to baby getting less milk out of your breast.
Sometimes a baby is born with a shorter tongue, smaller mouth, short frenulum or a higher palette.
The list is long; for example, tight lingual or labial frenulae (tongue and lip - tie), facial asymmetry (unequal facial abilities or movements), short tongue, long tongue, misaligned cervical vertebrae (needing a good chiropractor), low milk supply, over supply of milk, bacterial or fungal infection of the nipple, prematurity, neurological challenges, or dozens of other possibilities.
Bombus sylvicola is one of two bumblebee species in the central Rocky Mountains that has responded to a decline in flowering in alpine habitats by evolving a shorter tongue, an adaptation that favors generalist feeding.
A warming world has spurred these changes, researchers conclude, because the total number of flowers has declined in this region — and the shorter tongue enables the bees to suck nectar from more kinds of flowers.
In the midst of a widespread decline in bees, particularly in the United States, a few bumblebees are finding a way to cope: shorter tongues.
Bearded dragons use their short tongues to capture and eat crickets and worms.
Place the first one with the short tongue against the wall, ensuring it is parallel.
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