Sentences with phrase «short tutorial guide»

A short tutorial guide to practice this advanced transition of jumping back from lotus.

Not exact matches

In this short tutorial Kino guides you to a safe and beautiful Upward Facing Dog, or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, step by step.
This product includes: • 4 links to instructional videos or texts • 1 link to practice quizzes or activities • Definitions of key terms, such as exponent and radical • Exercises that allow students to practice using the properties of exponents to rewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents • 1 assessment that includes four multiple choice questions and one short answer question • An accompanying Teaching Notes file The Teaching Notes file includes: • A review of key terminology • Links to video tutorials for students struggling with certain parts of the standard, such as confusing the radical symbol and the long - division symbol • An answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (depth of knowledge) levels
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