Sentences with phrase «to shorten recovery time»

Very importantly for people who train, they markedly shorten recovery time from fatigue.
If you work out regularly, the potassium found in banana will help to shorten recovery time after exercising.
«I have to be ready mentally to work and hopefully I can shorten the recovery time as much as possible.
Studies show that reintroducing a standard diet can actually shorten recovery time by half a day because it restores essential nutrients the body needs to fight infection.
It also stimulates the production of HGH, which can improve strength, and shorten recovery time following exertion, and encourage the building of lean muscle mass, making it an invaluable supplement for athletes or anyone with an active lifestyle.
If he already loves being in the crate, he'll adapt much faster, possibly shortening his recovery time.
Just Guard, a new defensive move that basically replaces the way Just Guard used to work, won't repel a move but will shorten your recovery time when blocking.
Family focused therapy shortens recovery time from depression but not mania in adolescents with bipolar disorder
«The research should also assess the claim that the therapies can shorten recovery times after injury and if the procedure should be considered «performance - enhancing.»
In essence, you will not heal rapidly like Wolverine from the X Men movies, but you will shorten the your recovery time from scratches, blisters, and injured muscles by a significant amount.
Cacao powder — raw cacao helps lower the oxidative stress of strenuous activities because of the high levels of magnesium, chromium, B vitamins and antioxidants — thus helping athletes to shorten their recovery time.
They shorten recovery time after workouts and prevent muscle soreness, letting your legs recover faster.
These sections provide assessments, treatment planning and surgical services to cancer patients to improve survival, shorten recovery times and minimize treatment - related side effects.
Research shows that colostrum, in conjunction with diet excersize can increase strength as well as endurance, build lean muscle mass (the type of muscles that young people have), burn excess body fat, boost immune function, shorten recovery time.
Plus having the ability to shorten recovery time is good.
Eluethero helps speed recovery from injury, increase alertness, fight fatigue and shorten recovery times from illness.
I needed to shorten my recovery time and make sure I got adequate protein quickly and conveniently after runs.
Cryotherapy reduces inflammation, shortening recovery times — improving your performance.
Want to learn ways to shorten your recovery time?
The right nutrition and timing will help prevent muscle mass loss, shorten your recovery time and give you extra energy.
Some believe that a regiment of anti-inflammatory drugs will help to shorten the recovery time.
Your veterinarian should prescribe a post-surgical pain medication for one or more days for your pet, which will help ease discomfort and shorten the recovery time.
Many of our surgeries are done using the laser which drastically reduces postoperative complications and shortens recovery time.
Massage can decrease pain and discomfort, shorten recovery time, reduce scarring and adhesions and ease the transition back to normal activity levels.
Acknowledging these emotional reactions helps to shorten recovery time and prevent complications through the natural healing process.
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