Sentences with phrase «shorter than the prediction»

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Amid predictions the Tories may fall short of a majority, May said: «At this time more than anything else, this country needs a period of stability.
«Pushing for legislation to restrict food and beverage marketing to children and youth may seem like a bold measure, but given experts» prediction that today's children may be the first generation to have poorer health and shorter lifespans than their parents, we need to be bold.»
In my post I was careful to note the following: «I assume that many climate scientists will say that there is no significance to what has happened since 2000, and perhaps emphasize that predictions of global temperature are more certain in the longer term than shorter term.»
This ought to be chapter three in a series of prediction entries no longer than the amount of time it takes the orchestra to cut off the acceptance speeches of the winners in the short film categories.
On more than 1,100 interrupted math tests and more than 280 English tests, students scored short enough of Hill's prediction that the New Hampshire - based testing expert asked state education officials to invalidate the scores.
If somebody was to redo The Escalator animation, — using a series of overlapping 17 year trends, it might be a good visual aid to show that specified time span is maybe a little better at prediction than the original sequence of shorter 6 - 8 year periods, but just as prone to cherry picking.
Re # 104 — «Well, weather prediction is much less certain than climate prediction, since even small «butterflies beating their wings in South America» can effect change in short - term atmospheric processes.»
Well, weather prediction is much less certain than climate prediction, since even small «butterflies beating their wings in South America» can effect change in short - term atmospheric processes.
It seems that you completely missed my point, which is essentially avoided too by Judith Curry's intention to do a post hoc analysis of this year's temperature record, rather than to attempt a trivial statistical prediction of short - term trend, and to offer a covering explanation of the interpretation of such.
They are no good for making projections, predictions over short (less than 30 year) periods.
As far as weather (and hence climate) predictions are concerned, it is difficult to achieve better results than the persistence prediction in the short term
Future coupling of demography with existing global land model predictions could enable assessment of these potentially important die - off responses [44], as well as implementation of more realistic reductions in tree loss to drive scenarios (i.e., enabling assessments of ecological changes less drastic or occurring on shorter time - scales than conversion from forest to grassland biomes).
You've not shown anything other than the longer term predictions, along with explicit recognition that there are expected to be unpredictable short term variation, on the scale of decades.
Obviously, there are even more numerous and greater magnitude differences between model predictions and observations over even shorter periods than 10 years.
Weather predictions, while less than perfect, average to a reasonable accuracy in the short term after decades of tweaking.
Over similar time periods and similar areas, shorter - term predictions will be better than long - term (though maybe not much better).
I don't know about your «Mr. Spock», but if you really want to know why a longer - term prediction has a lower confidence level than a shorter - term one, read Nassim Taleb's The Black Swan.
(Explains why longer - term predictions will be more wrong than shorter - term ones)(Ch.10)
In my post I was careful to note the following: «I assume that many climate scientists will say that there is no significance to what has happened since 2000, and perhaps emphasize that predictions of global temperature are more certain in the longer term than shorter term.»
«I assume that many climate scientists will say that there is no significance to what has happened since 2000, and perhaps emphasize that predictions of global temperature are more certain in the longer term than shorter term.»
Here's a short look at the story so far, plus five factors that will determine if this year's patent reform effort will fare any better than 2011 and 2014 — and a prediction of how it will all turn out.
Earlier predictions pointed to a short supply until 2018, but better - than - expected production rate and probably weaker demand have led to a point where a next - day delivery for iPhone X is possible.
The last but not undoubtedly the least of all Cardano price predictions refer to the peaking of prices earlier than updates, trends and current developments offering numerous opportunities for short - term trading.
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