Sentences with phrase «shots during flu season»

Also, doctors recommend flu shots during flu season for babies and everyone else 6 months and older.

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That is, if you get the flu shot, your chances of dying during flu season are cut in half.
The baby should get two flu shots one month apart if he turns six months old during flu season, which generally lasts from October to March or April in most years
In the largest nursing home study to date on the effect of high dose flu vaccine, researchers found that shots with four times the strength of standard flu shots significantly reduced the risk of being hospitalized during the influenza season.
Getting a flu shot is the best way to stay healthy during flu season.
The flu shot is imperfect: It's no guarantee against infection, and it works better during some flu seasons than others.
But if no one got the flu shot at all, the researchers estimated that about 130,000 people would die following 77 million infections and 470,000 hospitalizations during a typical flu season.
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