Sentences with phrase «shots of»

The images abound in stock video footage accompanying stories on evangelicals, the religious right, megachurches and the culture wars — the obligatory shots of middle - class worshipers, usually white, in corporate - looking auditoriums or sanctuaries, swaying to the electrified music of «praise bands,» their eyes closed, their enraptured faces tilted heavenward, a hand (or hands) raised to...
In capturing the spectacle, the television cameras moved in soft fades between shots of the performers, the visual grandeur of the church, the preacher, and the faces of the attentive but passive congregation.
I swear, if my family has the audacity to give me a Christian funeral when I die I will rise back up from the grave and eat their brains Have a party for me, and a few straight shots of Pendleton in my honor.
Starting with some beautiful shots of St. Peter's in Rome and stirring music, this DVD plunges into a coherent presentation of the origins of the institution of the papacy.
You can see Rod hanging out with the guys at local restaurants and other nice shots of St. Francisville.
Summer is when you march yourself down to the local library, come out with more books than you can carry, and then beat the pants off all the other kids enrolled in the summer reading program by downing every Ramona book within a 50 mile radius like so many shots of vodka.
She out rebounds, and blocks the shots of boys her age on a regular basis.
The images abound in stock video footage accompanying stories on evangelicals, the religious right, megachurches and the culture wars — the obligatory shots of middle - class worshipers, usually white, in corporate - looking auditoriums or sanctuaries, swaying to the electrified music of «praise bands,» their eyes closed, their enraptured faces tilted heavenward, a hand (or hands) raised to the sky.
Nothing like a few shots of Petrone to really make me not give a flip about someone elses religion.
Hot Air Ace Actually BD has posted on the next page at 4:09 PM so it looks like he has already done the christian coward thing by not responding here, but you never know maybe he will have a few shots of courage and show up.
Maybe assault weapons should bear the same pics that cigarette packs have: «Guns Kill» and then have a set of brutal uncensored shots of civilian bodies shot up by these weapons.
I would imagine selling one gold ring would help send thousands of shots of anti malaria medicine to Africa...
I believe what the bible teaches and man... if when I hit 80 and die, there is nothing... I would like to order a GUINNESS and 6 shots of jack... Everything is always only about Jesus... whether you believe it or not.
While not being the biggest South Park fan, I must admit that such talk of «rock» as important in the way that you had to be there makes me want to knock on walls like a Cartman version of an Orkin man, and look for hippies in order to keep them from eating out the foundation of anything that makes one wish to be big without taking the hard shots of inevitability.
Prepared by China - US Focus editorial teams in Hong Kong and New York, this weekly newsletter offers you snap shots of latest trends and developments emerging from China every week, while adding a dose of historical perspective.
But what got us thinking was not so much the content of the article or the great shots of coworking spaces across the city.
A deeper look at KKW's Twitter feed showed many near - contemporaneous shots of women with various skin tones wearing the concealer on their faces.
«That's like, alright, start doing the shots of espresso, but the Fed is trying to keep everyone from getting the jitters.
The result, according to a person who saw a rough cut of the commercial and another who saw the final cut, featured few shots of the shoes and instead had a woman twirling on what looked like a stripper pole and male athletes in sports bras striking odd poses.
They even cut to shots of your stroller all ready to go.
To true Faraday Future fashion, the company teases with quick shots of the hood mounted LiDAR and fast transitions showing its 1050 - horsepower powertrain, built on a modular VPA configuration, traverse a serene landscape of twisty roads and straightaways.
Screen shots of an Instagram page said to belong to Mr. Cruz show many photos of a man holding firearms and ammunition used in a semiautomatic AR - 15 rifle.
Kazakhstan fired the first shots of the trade war, pulling Russian meat (including genetically - modified pork and sausage full of nitrates) from supermarkets in March, followed by mayonnaise and chocolate in April.
Kohner sometimes posts epic shots of a really good surfer on an awesome wave, but he also posts beginners standing up for the very first time during a lesson.
You're on the Patagonia site, and before you know it, you're scrolling between climbers» stories, wild adventure photos and vivid, naturalistic shots of Patagonia climbing apparel almost blooming on the page.
However, unlike what happened last year with the shots of the Su - 27P dofighting with an F - 16 inside Area 51, these new photos embedded in a YT video can't provide a clear picture of the interaction.
We have a big push online where we're trying to get women to wear pocket squares as well, so we've taken some advertising shots of women wearing pocket squares with their blazers.
Silva, who is also the creator of the wildly popular YouTube series Shots of Awe, says the video is a great example of the kind of awe he wants everyone to seek out in life.
In November 2016, he saw Jenkins» cut, and though the CGI and color correction weren't finished, he got goosebumps watching the scene, especially the buildup of Wonder Woman's climb up the ladder, for which he included insert shots of her shield, boots, and lasso.
Expect Elder's Instagram account to be an amalgamation of local stylish dudes smoking, famous faces, and more than a couple shots of killer sneaker setups.
The 19 - year - old pop star led a $ 1.1 million seed round for the new social network called Shots Of Me, which is scheduled to launch later this week by the founders of RockLive games.
Wide shots of waves crashing on shorelines were breathtaking.
Seeing a severed hand as one of the opening shots of a film meant for families probably would have been a difficult conversation to have with children too young to recall 1980's «Empire Strikes Back.»
And judging by the head shots of celebrities that line the walls of his office — from Mick Jagger to Nicole Kidman — business is good.
Some of the shots included behind the scenes images of police activity, as well as shots of the wounded being airlifted away.
Explanation: «There are two clear shots of the product.
«If you want to be wealthy and happy, learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job,» was one of the greatest shots of wisdom Rohn took from Shoaff.
It's a mixture of urban and rural landscapes, as well as close up shots of objects and growing things.
With panning shots of the company's offices, featuring a game room, groups of people eating lunch together, and seemingly happy dogs sitting next to desks, the video includes interviews with employees discussing work - life balance (an engineer training for a marathon and dressed in running clothes mentions the freedom to go for a run during work), the challenges the company faces, and the collegial atmosphere.
For A Wrinkle in Time, the Lidar Guys modeled various shots of the New Zealand countryside, which were then handed off to larger visual effects vendors to generate new imagery to be added.
Tucked between footage we'd already seen in the full - length trailer were some new shots of characters and scenes.
The photo collection features candid shots of Americans in old Halloween garb, in all their imperfections and unique grotesqueness.
He's shared some of his best shots of the buildings here.
Big enough for 16 shots of vodka or a bottle of wine, minus a glug or two.
Fortunately, the unpleasant appetizer was quickly chased from my palate by a delightful main course: three shots of scotch, neat.
You could have washed all this down with unlimited cups of craft beer, shots of tequila or coconut water.
It means you can add the lighting effect using the Portrait Lighting setting on an image, including shots of your office or the team.
Big wide shots of still, bright scenes are the easiest for cameras to pull off.
Regulars come for the bar's moody and intimate vibe (it's narrow, after all) and stay for shots of bourbon and booze - steeped snacks.
There were three cameras in the studio but nobody manning them, so viewers channel surfing on the far shores of the city's cable system were treated to static shots of the whole panel behind a plain wood veneer desk — no cuts from one speaker to the next, and however ready the guests might have been, no close - up was available.
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