Sentences with phrase «should include»

A church's circle of active concern should include the whole family of God.
As noted in the introduction, for me constitutionalism should include the fundamental elements of democracy, rights and the rule of law and elements of local institutional embodiment, what I call indigenization.
The question is not really whether the theological community should include only immediately present human beings and the men of Scriptures; other, historic men and groups will always be included.
The training of growth facilitators, whether lay or professional, should include four elements: First, experiencing several ongoing growth groups and enrichment workshops under the leadership of various competent facilitators in order to learn facilitating methods by experiencing them makes the growth perspective one's own and continues one's own growth.
Dean Burch, then Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, indicated at the Senate hearing that the broadcasting industry «s response should be «immediate and decisive,» and that their response should include sharp reductions in «all gratuitous and needless violence» in the programs children watch, and «the creation of substantial amounts of new diversified programming, not just the usual diet of cartoons, to open the eyes and expand the minds of young viewers.»
This essay was written with the conviction that the curriculums of all institutions of higher learning should include courses in the religio - scientific study of a variety of religions, including some of the major religions of the East as well as the Judeo - Christian religious traditions of the West.
This should include guaranteed child - support payments, tax breaks for custodial parents, and an expanded definition of marital property to include pensions, insurance, cost of education and reimbursement for economic sacrifices made by one or the other spouse during the marriage.
The prayer should include thanksgiving for the vocations already accepted and sorrow for the occasions when vocations have been discouraged or even ridiculed.
Wesley writes that conscience clauses should include this principle: «No medical professional should be forced to take, or be complicit in the taking of human life, whether of an embryo, fetus, or born member of the species.»
Whether that self - defense should include lethal force might be a matter of opinion / judgement.
If religion is concerned with ultimate Truth or God, it can not but have its implications for the whole of life, private and public, and therefore the fundamental human right of religious freedom should include the right to express religious faith in prophetic ministry in society and politics in the name of justice.
Freedom should include legal rights, but it is certainly not exhausted by them.
This Lent, examination of conscience should include some serious thinking about what «conscience» means.
A partnership between the community mental health center and the local clergy should include consultative services with the clergy to assist them with their own pastoral care and counseling ministry with their parishioners; education and training opportunities in mental health, including evaluative and referral procedures in relation to the local mental health center; and the development and supervision of an after - care ministry with patients originally referred to the center by the local minister, priest, or rabbi.
This is true even if the metaphysical description should include the results of a philosophy of religion with its persistent concern for value as a category of all experience.
Worship should include thanksgiving, reading of Scripture, and prayer.
The evening prayer should include also the confession of sin — both to God and to those against whom one has sinned — as well as seeking God's protection through the night when man is deep in the helplessness of sleep.
I am the son of a minister, and I think that if we include any Christian prayer, we should include all that want to be represented.
His diagnostic impressions should include his clinical hunches concerning whether he is dealing with true addictive alcoholism or with non-addictive problem drinking.
Certainly every team should include at least one male and one female Al - Anon member.
If the measure we need is one that includes economic goals generally, then it should include questions of distribution.
Nevertheless, a nation should include at least such elements as common commitment to the rule of law, generally accepted limits on political power and rhetoric, belief in constitutional governance, the rights of citizens, etc..
To help alcoholics effectively, the team should include stable AA and Al - Anon members of both sexes, and a physician who is acquainted with current medical approaches to the problem.
This should include love, lust and some people's decorating and voting patterns?
These bodies should include everyone working in the same vocational or industrial branch and stand free of the state.
Despite the urgency of building a safe replacement, local politicians impeded the project — not just for years, but for decades — fighting over ancillary concerns such as its visual aesthetics and whether the bridge should include bicycle lanes.
catholic engineer Should include a disclaimer on every bible.
If you have a blog or website you should include that, but it is not required.
The query should include the elements of the cover letter described above as well as a description of how the argument will be made and links to and / or files of already published articles if available.
It should communicate an understanding of the nature of mental illness that will help to erase the inaccurate stereotypes about it (that is, it should include facts showing that the proportion of mentally ill persons who are wild and destructive is about the same as the proportion of planes that crash as compared with the total number of planes that fly.)
High - level wellness life - styles should include a concern for other people and for the whole interdependent biosphere.
His plan of action should include pursuing the following policy set:
Thus, while it would be «episcopal» in the sense of joining together those from every participating body who represented the reality and continuity of apostolic faith, ministry and sacraments in that body, the council should include representatives of all participating ministries: presbyteral, diaconal and lay.
The second meeting should include a rehearsal period where you critique each others» readings and make suggestions for improvements.
While Orthodoxy has rejected the idea that the Church in any specific location should include only members of a particular culture or nation, it has asserted that the Church can so penetrate the inner moral and spiritual life of a people that all of them in some sense belong to the Church.
That should include the process of dying.
I asked over at my Facebook page and on Twitter about what I should include and the deluge of detailed information only served to prove exactly the need for this primer.
Thus the full study of living things should include chemical and physical analysis of their inanimate components.
At the end of the study, the particular recommendations come as no great surprise: seminary training should include the study of asceticism and the regimen of ascetical discipline; assessment should be of the candidate's capacity to live a life of chaste celibacy and spiritual poverty; wilful deviations from discipline should be taken to indicate the lack of a religious vocation; those who form and mentor students should be sterling examples of ascetical discipline.
This should include how that empirical reality affects those beings, even if what is observed empirically can not fully explain the reality of «being».
Or, if we are going to continue observing holidays like Good Friday, then we should include Muslim holidays as well.
if their «cross» or beleif in isabel's god makes them feel better, so be it; but they should include other religions as well.
You say government needs to stay out of religion — I agree, but that should include eliminating unique benefits like tax breaks, etc..
If religion isnt allowed in schools then that should include all of them
I believe that part of that listening process should include listening to the cultural context in which the people we're trying to talk to live their lives.
Therefore when we look for the marks of the presence of the Holy Spirit we should include humility about claims for its possession.
Seeking God's justice should include trying to promote justice in social and civic as well as personal relations, though how far Jesus had this in mind, if he used these words, is open to question.
The church school should include approaches such as this so that potentially harmful feelings can be expressed in nondestructive ways and thus diminished or redirected.
In order to be of lasting social significance, the Utopia of genitality should include: 1.
Likewise, all dialogue should include a dimension of witness.
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