Sentences with phrase «shoulder blades away»

Move your shoulder blades away from your neck and draw the tips of your shoulder blades in toward your heart to expand and lift your chest.
Open your shoulder blades away from the spine and release your hands and arms out to your sides, palms up.
Widen the collarbones and release the shoulder blades away from the ears.
Draw the shoulder blades away from the ears.
Roll your shoulder blades away from your ears.
Pull your shoulder blades away from each other to avoid collapsing your chest.
Listen and learn: When using a device you have to look down at, your back may round, pulling your shoulder blades away from your spine, he explains.
Inhale and draw the right shoulder blade away from the ears and in toward your body as you open the chest.

Not exact matches

While the crackers are still warm from the dehydrator, press down with a knife blade where you want to slice them, and they should break away more or less evenly.
Disposable blades should be thrown away after the fourth or fifth use, to avoid cuts or nicks to the skin.
Pull your hands away from each other, feeling the muscle activity in the back of the shoulders and between the shoulder blades.
Bring your shoulder blades forward and then squeeze them together as you engage your core and push away from the ground.
Keep your shoulders away from your ears by pressing through your hands and drawing your shoulder blades down your back.
Drop shoulders down away from ears, bring shoulder blades together behind you, and breath body forward through your arms.
If your shoulder blades look like wings on an airplane, press into your palms and work to lift the rib cage up away from the floor.
Stretch both arms away from the shoulder blades, keeping them parallel to the floor.
Take a deep breath as you make your shoulders blades together, push your hands away from the body to widen yourself and lift your chest.
Elbow directly under shoulder, depress shoulders away from ears, retract shoulder blades back slightly, head in alignment with spine (look straight ahead).
Press elbows / upper arms into the floor, press heels and feet into the seat pan, lift hips up to knee level, deeply engage the glutes, add a slight pelvic tuck, lift hips a little higher (keep weight across the shoulder blades and away from your neck).
From Tadasana Samasthithi, raise your arms straight up, opening up the rib cage and keeping your shoulder blades dropped away from your ears.
Roll the shoulders away from the ears, allowing the shoulder blades to come closer.
Roll your shoulders away from your neck and ears so that shoulder blades are in touch.
Raise the arms up so the elbows are at shoulder height and push the forearms away from the body, making the shoulder blades spread.
You should be facing away from the wall, standing tall with your shoulder blades pulled back.
Turn the arms outward and stretch them away from the space between the shoulder blades.
Your partner can bring his / her hands around the sides of your torso so that his / her palms cover the shoulder blades and encourage them to widen away from the spine.
He should pull the base of your skull away from the back of your neck and push your shoulder blades in the opposite direction, down the back.
Firm your shoulder blades against your back, then spread them away from the spine.
Protect your neck by broadening across your shoulder blades and drawing your shoulders down, away from your ears.
Horizontal Rows: 8 - 12 Coaching Notes: Pinch shoulder blades / Keep chin tucked / Shoulders away from ears
With your fingers spread, press down through the pads of your palm (keep the root of your index finger down) and lift your shoulder heads up away from the floor, drawing your shoulder blades onto your upper back.
Draw the shoulder blades down the back, and away from each other.
Be aware to keep your shoulder blades drawn together as you extend your arms and do not force your shoulders away from your ears because it can overstretch your neck and perhaps cause an injury.
Draw your shoulder blades down your back as you peel your shoulders and chest away from the floor, keeping your elbows tucked in (b).
On the inhalation, feel the shoulder blades slightly lift away from the body, and on an exhalation, feel the shoulder blades drop back in to the body.
The shoulder blades should be drawn towards the spine but depressed away from the ears.
Return the DB to the full hanging position and allow the shoulder blade to slide away from the spine.
Once you're in the pose, push the floor away with your hands to inflate across your shoulder blades.
Push the floor away with your hands, inflating across your shoulder blades and engaging your lower belly.
Release the heads of the upper arm bones away from this pressure as you dig the shoulder blades into the back, away from the strap.
Maintain the arm rotation, but at the same time spread your shoulder blades as much as you can away from your spine to broaden your base of support and stabilize the position.
How to: Start in downward facing dog with your fingertips a few inches away from a wall, hugging your upper arms toward one another and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
Imagine that you are trying to push yourself away from the wall, but the firmness of your shoulder blades against the back prevents any movement.
Your shoulder blades will move away from the spine, spreading outward like wings.
Firm the shoulder blades into the back ribs and lean the torso back slightly, away from the inner thigh.
The third action is shoulder protraction: The inner borders of the shoulder blades move away from the spine, while the bottom tips move down and into the back.
Do the shoulders blades become permanently displaced as they move further away from each other?
Trainer's Tip: Scapular retraction is basically squeezing your shoulder blades together then sending them down away from your ears.
Yoga U: If the shoulder blades are moving further away from each other, does this limit their movement, and, in turn, affect other parts of the body?
Place a block or ball in between your palms and extend your arms up overhead, while keeping shoulder blades on back and shoulders away from ears.
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