Sentences with phrase «shoulder blades down»

When applying Frontline Gold to dogs, evenly empty out the contents of the tube directly onto the skin starting between the shoulder blades down the back to the base of the tail.
As you lift back into Paripurna, open your chest, draw your shoulder blades down your back, and fully lengthen your spine.
Bend elbows to 90 degrees and slide shoulder blades down away from ears.
Lifting and opening the heart, we clasp our hands behind us, melting our shoulder blades down our backs and interlacing the fingers.
Now draw your shoulder blades down, as if stuffing them into your back pockets, and squeeze your lats as hard as possible.
Pull your shoulder blades down and together.
For the muscle - up, as with all pull - ups, remember to pull your shoulder blades down during the pulling portion to increase the height potential you can achieve.
Imagine two hands pressing your shoulder blades down toward your waist and up into the chest, lifting the front body from the inside out.
Step 2: Pulling your shoulder blades down and retracting your scaps bring the kettlebell around your head bringing it back to the starting position.
Move the shoulder blades down the back toward the pelvis.
Draw your shoulder blades down and try to pull them together.
Think «proud chest,» drawing your shoulder blades down and together, and row the weight to your side until your upper arm is in line with your torso.
Draw your shoulder blades down your back as you peel your shoulders and chest away from the floor, keeping your elbows tucked in (b).
A shoulder sequence should include stretches that open and lift the heart area, and exercises that draw the shoulder blades down the back and return the head to a neutral position, perched lightly on the top of the spine.
Draw the shoulder blades down the back, and away from each other.
Throughout the lift, I'm thinking about keeping my shoulder blades down and together so I can meet the bar as high as possible with my chest.
Inhale: Lift your chest forward and up, pulling the shoulder blades down and lifting the chin slightly.
Inhale again with the straw and notice how pulling the shoulder blades down will bring your breastbone up.
Draw the shoulder blades down the back and curl them in toward the heart, creating space between the shoulder blades and the waistline.
To increase the length and strength of the arms in the pose, turn the palms and inner elbow creases to face the ceiling while you draw the shoulder blades down the back.
Do pull ups with rings or with your palms facing each other, engage your shoulder blades down and together behind your back; pull your chest to the bar.
The middle fibers pull your shoulder blades back, and the lower fibers pull your shoulder blades down.
Straighten and lengthen the spine upward, squeeze and roll the shoulder blades down your back and open the chest area.
Basically, anything that causes you to contract your shoulder blades down and back, keep your chest up, and make sure that your pelvis is forward (butt tucked in) is going to help with getting your posture back on track.
To reinforce the lift of your chest, release your shoulder blades down and draw their bottom tips toward each other and forward.
Inhale to Upward Facing Dog, opening your chest through your shoulders and rolling your shoulder blades down your back, relaxing your gluteal muscles.
Pull your shoulder blades down and back, bend your legs behind you, cross your feet, squeeze your butt, and brace your abs (this ensures your core gets worked).
Slowly draw your shoulder blades down and back toward your spine; at the same time, rotate your left hand so your palm faces forward, then lift your left arm back and up so its parallel with your straight body.
• Pull shoulder blades down and back until they — and your head, shoulders and butt - are firmly connected with the bench (feet should be on the floor throughout).
Without hunching, slide the shoulder blades down your back.
Exhale and bend knees, bringing thighs toward the floor while drawing shoulder blades down and reaching arms past ears.
Slide your shoulder blades down your back, loosen the grip on the handlebars, reset the posture back over the saddle of the spin bike, and put your energy back into your booty and legs.
Keeping arms at side, retract shoulder blades down into central pocket.
Keep your shoulders away from your ears by pressing through your hands and drawing your shoulder blades down your back.
Avoid shrugging your shoulders upwards, by keeping your shoulder blade down and backwards.
Lift one arm out to the side, with a slight bend in your elbow, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blade down and in.
You want to «pack» your shoulder blade down and back into the floor.

Not exact matches

Yes, no one should turn down wind farming's ultimate passive lease income when the lease income also includes rate increases, technology increases all along and a big one at 25 years when they change out the wind turbine, blades and head.
In class, it means that I challenge myself to sink down lower, get my heels up higher, and my shoulder blades off the floor during ab work!
While the crackers are still warm from the dehydrator, press down with a knife blade where you want to slice them, and they should break away more or less evenly.
Whenever a puck carrier has his head down, whenever a forward with more hubris than quickness tries to hurtle down the boards, somebody will nail him with a shot that makes the hitter tingle and the victim feel as though his right shoulder blade is on the left side of his body.
Sometimes the baby's body is curled up a little bit too much, so if you grab the baby and curl his rump down a little bit more, kind of making sure that maybe if you take like the palm of your hand and push into the area between the shoulder blade and the spine, if you do that, sometimes the baby even digs that chin in a little deeper, separating the safe and the nose from the overhang of the breast.
Up, down, down, up, down, up would take the alien's nail to the spot 11/32 of the way between the original spot between the shoulder blades and the first vertebra.
Encourage your shoulder blades to move down your back.
Keep your arms straight at all times, and shoulder blades should be back and down, as if aiming to touch your waist.
When you get to the top of the rep, squeeze your shoulder blades together and lower the weight down to its starting position.
The trapezius is more than a chunk of muscle between your neck and shoulders — it actually originates at the base of the skull, runs down to the upper and mid-back area and covers both scapulae (shoulder blades).
Excess fat on your shoulder blades and top of the hips is caused by your body's inability to effectively break down complex carbs and sugars
When they reach your torso, contract your shoulder blades and lower the dumbbells back down.
How to: Place your hands on each side of your rib cage and breath in by pulling your shoulder blades out, and then back and down.
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