Sentences with phrase «shoulder joint angle»

Comparing the effect of shoulder joint angle, Park et al. (2013) explored the difference in latissimus dorsi muscle activity during three angles (60, 90 and 120 degrees) of shoulder elevation in the frontal, sagittal and scapular plane.
Comparing the effect of shoulder joint angle, Pizzari et al. (2014) measured muscle activity in all three regions of the trapezius muscle while performing a standard dumbbell shrug with the arms by the sides or abducted 30 degrees.

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Sensors in each joint measure the bending angle or the degree of a twisting motion, and transfer this information to a software that computes how the virtual characters should move.
Regardless of what feels most comfortable to you, a wide grip will move your elbows out and put your wrists at an angle which excessively stresses the joints, as well being too hard on your shoulders.
This continuous change of angles and stresses around the joint will help make your shoulders more adaptable to strains and forces encountered in all your training and daily activities.
The angles created at the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints are important to note.
Because your shoulder muscles and the joints will be working in their natural angles since there is no shoulder joint rotation to hold the loaded bar.
The grip on the bar should normally be wide enough so that the elbow joints are at least at right angles and the forearms in a perpendicular plane.
On the other hand, people who use an internal focus [change their joint angles disproportionally]( some joints end up moving more than they should, while others are neglected.
If this is the case, we should find that the main causes of specificity in strength gains after training with different types of external load are regional hypertrophy and joint angle - specific changes in neural drive (especially at end range of motion).
Landin & Thompson (2010) investigated the effect of elbow flexion and shoulder extension joint angle on the peak moment of the long head of the triceps.
The bench or some kind of box should be high enough to allow an angle of 90 degrees at your knee joint when your foot is on the box.
Therefore, you should first determine what you want to get out of resistance training program and then select exercises that stress the muscle and joint angles you want to target.
Since strength is specific, then: strength training of the hamstrings at long muscle lengths, and the quadriceps and gluteus maximus at short muscle lengths, should lead to superior gains in sprinting performance than strength training at other joint angles.
The three regions of the latissimus dorsi appear to function similarly as primary shoulder extensors in the scapular plane (although the superior and inferior fibers seem to have greater peak moment arm lengths than the middle fibers) while displaying peak moment arm lengths at very different joint angles.
It connects with the legs at the hips and shoulders and the angles at which all these joints fit together is crucial to the dog's health.
Some dogs have an upper arm (humerus) that is not laid back at a good angle from point of shoulder to elbow joint.
The term «angulation» refers mainly to the angles formed at the hip and shoulder joints, stifle and hock.
In his book (1944) on canine structure he reported that based on his clinical measurements on more than 1000 dogs, he wasn't able to find dogs with a 45 - degree angle of the blade or a 90 - degree angle at the shoulder joint.
The shoulders should be very wall laid back, with the shoulder blades sloping at a 45 - degree angle forward and downward to the shoulder joints.
Having nails that are too long causes a dog to change the angle of its paw and leg as it moves, potentially causing or exacerbating trouble in all the joints, right up to the shoulder or hip.
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