Sentences with phrase «shoulders about making the decision»

This iron clad guarantee is my way of taking any worry off your shoulders about making the decision to try my career counseling.

Not exact matches

So when it comes to making decisions about how to spend your time, it should all be laser - focused on either doing the things that deliver you the greatest return or investing in marketing efforts that will generate more demand for those high - return tasks.
Aruh says one early sign that she shouldn't have partnered with that company came when it couldn't make decisions about manufacturing.
The April 19 memo explains that there are some complicated precedents that should be reviewed before a final decision could be made about the Skylab image.
Before making your decision, there's one thing you should know about this computer: It's not the newest model of MacBook.
Once you've made decision to divorce, start a conversation about what should happen with the business.
When we first started on our self - management journey about nine months ago we thought that people should be able to make all and every decision that affects them.
Just because most of the people in your business are roughly the same age doesn't automatically mean that they're in accord about how, and who, should run the show and who should be included in decision - making.
This means that we should make our buying decisions based on price, quality, and what we know about the basic «commercial integrity» (i.e., trustworthiness) of the person or company with whom we're dealing.
«From the start, you should be thinking about the type of company you want to build and then make sure your systems and decisions support that vision,» Wertz advises founders.
But as the economy has turned tougher, I changed my mind about that — along with making a number of other business and personal financial decisions that should strengthen our ability to withstand whatever problems may occur.»
If you're struggling to make a decision about what you should and should not be doing, breakdown the steps you need to take and weigh the pros and cons of focusing on the specific task at hand.
And once they do find that, they should be able to get all the useful details about the product so they can make an informed decision.
In short, these guys know nearly everyone responsible for making decisions about how disruptive new technologies should reshape the business of entertainment.
He says there is one key principle that should guide any decision to make a change about what you eat.
«Making too many decisions about mundane details is a waste of a limited resource: your mental energy... if you want to be able to have more mental resources throughout the day, you should identify the aspects of your life that you consider mundane — and then «routinize» those aspects as much as possible,» he has written.
And part of the responsibility that comes with that kind of role is being more transparent about why and how you make decisions about what information people shouldn't be able to see.
But my personal favorite reputational tool is this one: company managers and employees should ask themselves, when making decisions for the company, whether: a) they would feel comfortable telling their mother about that decision, and b) they would feel comfortable reading about that decision on the front page of a newspaper.
«People should be mindful that when they make decisions about many things in their lives, they might unconsciously be influenced by how much they think technology can affect the outcome,» Robert said.
No matter how certain you feel about one option or another, your servicer should be able to provide insight to help you make a more informed decision.
What this election seemed to show is that enough people make their decisions about who should lead them in a very different way.
Any business owner considering this option should make sure he or she understands the terms being offered so they can make an informed decision about potential ROI.
We use meetings like this to make an informed decision about those whom we should or shouldn't engage with, in line with the guidance laid out by Section 9 of the UK Bribery Act 2010.
From the start, you should be thinking about the type of company you want to build and then make sure your systems and decisions support that vision.
We also believe that individuals should be allowed to make their own decisions about their money.
I should note that I make no assurances or promises about the future long - term performance of any of these companies, and it is up to each investor to only purchase stocks after their own independent verification of the facts, consultation with professional advisers if need be, and with a willingness to accept full responsibility for the consequences of your own investment decisions.
We use that information to make informed decisions about which keywords should be targeted on each page of the site for all full service SEO clients.
Rather, we should be concerned about the way in which indices make these decisions in the first place.
So, now that you know a little more about ARMs and fixed - rate mortgages here are a few things you should consider when making a decision about which mortgage will best suit your needs:
By considering the above factors and conducting your own research, you should be able to make a more informed decision about whether to buy LSK.
Considering these and a range of other factors will help you make an informed decision about whether you should buy or mine RVN.
Although I chaired the relevant meetings of the House of Bishops in 2003, I believed that the policies we were discussing were principally aimed at how parishes should deal with matters and I did not envisage that some of these policies would one day be said to be relevant to the decisions I made about how to respond to these various reports about Robert Waddington.
Science is the only truth, and if we truly care about human survival, Fact not Novels should be what guide our decision making.
They make decisions about the direction our country should take based on something that is by their own admission subjective, personal, and not founded on reason, or even good sense.
All of this is only to point out that the church has lots of money, and we should make careful, wise decisions about how we spend it.
HS, why should any dying person, in pain, be subjected to hearing some bozo read the scriptures if that dying person has already made a decision about how he / she wishes to die?
The separation between church and state is slowly being dissolved, an atheist will NEVER be elected president, Christians believe that a woman should not be able to make decisions about her own body, religion is responsible for untold amounts of hate, violence, and bigotry.
In too many cases, decisions about which plants should be developed, which should be allowed to deteriorate, and which should be moved in pursuit of lower wages are made by corporate stockholders and their managers.
Consider the development of Harbor Place, a renovated waterfront area in Washington, D.C.. All the decisions about how it should be built, what kind of establishment it should be, and to whom the site should cater were made almost entirely by the developers.
You may not have a written one, but each time a decision has to be made about prioritising this or that there will be some underlying vision of how things should be that will determine the outcome.
The final decision about what is needed most should be made by the entire task force.
The gospel provides few answers about how we should live or what decisions we should make.
Because we believe in divine presence, power, and authority, we know that we should plan our way, making wise, informed decisions about every aspect of life, including voting, but we must also conduct ourselves like those who believe that their God is faithful and true to his promises for his people and his plans to renew the world.
[Another early reference in the Talmud speaks of five of Jesus» disciples and recounts their standing before judges who make individual decisions about each one, deciding that they should be executed.
It should be emphasized, however, that it does not come about simply because a conscious and rational decision has been made to elevate a given happening to a paradigmatic status.
I personally do nt think Jesus would have considered anyone an enemy, and I think your new age friends are precisely on the money, they ARE just like you, cept maybe you have been better educated in the ways of «getting along with others», so sure, you wont like or love an adult acting in a juvenile manner and hurting someone you care about, but you should understand that had you grown up with their situation, with their friends or family, that you'd be making the same hurtful decisions as them.
This ruling left each state free to make its own decision about whether PAS and euthanasia should be legally permitted within its borders.
There should, further, be diffusion of knowledge about possible ways of rehabilitating drug addicts and open discussion of the moral and social issues that must be settled when decisions as to treatment have to be made.
Since government and those in political positions of power are those who make decisions about how the world is to be run, such decisions should be guided and governed by gospel values and goals.
When the founding fathers wrote about the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Independence, they had in mind the idea that governments should follow the example of God in respecting individuals to make their own decisions, and treat everyone equally and fairly under the law.
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