Sentences with phrase «shove you get»

«If push comes to shove you get shoved.
I drive the seven - speed manual / auto rev - matching ZR1 first and the shove you get from jamming the suede - covered shift knob into fifth feels the same as the shove you get in second.

Not exact matches

Whatever the reason, they get the «engines of change» up and running — which gets their team excited — but when push comes to shove, no actions are taken, and their entire team ends up disappointed in the process.
But there's another side to human resources that tends to get shoved aside due to lack of time — the soft side of HR management like birthdays, anniversaries and performance milestones.
He's the kind of up - and - comer in whom Lacy thinks the West needs to invest — or risk getting «shoved out of the way.»
«I would just add that all along I've been telling people you may see a small benefit from the tax bill initially, you may get a shiny new dime or nickel and they may say, «Look this is your benefit that you get out of this tax bill,» while the wealthiest Americans and multinational corporations are shoving hundred dollar bills in their pockets and they're laughing as they walk out the door,» Sanchez said.
There are jobs our kids can get in college, scholarships they can earn, community colleges they can attend for a couple of years and if push comes to shove, student loans they can take out.
On some occasions, he added, his priests have gotten into shoving matches, and even brawls, with the militiamen.
I have fun and get to shove your bullshlt right back in your face.
You start shoving your beliefs down your co-workers throats so much that they have to complain to HR its a safe bet your going to get fired.
Their words, carelessly spoken, spent the last 40 days in my home — getting creased and folded, worked over, brushed aside to make room for dinner, stepped on by a toddler, read by my sister, stained with coffee, shoved into a closet when guests arrive, blacked out, thrown away, turned into poems, and folded into sailboats and cranes and pigeons that now sit smiling at me from my office window.
Instead of them shoving the problem of lying under the rug, they need to get off their duffs, come out of their offices and work in the field of helping chronic liars.
Music festivals are notorious for dirtbag attendees who shove you to get to the front row of the concert, steal your parking spot and are generally just unpleasant to be around.
«When push comes to shove,» they ask, «who gets the final call?»
The war on Christianity gets worse everyday, yet the forced acceptance of the non-Christian religions is shoved down our throats daily.
When I got older I learned much more when I was given the freedom to explore and research on my own as opposed to having some textbook shoved down my throat.
Though I guess we have gotten health care reform shoved down our throats for less percentage of the US population than that.
As the year unfolded, I began to realise that my little nudge to choose Fearless was more of a gigantic shove off a cliff by the Holy Spirit, a sort of dinner bell clanging «COME AND GET IT!»
They lack external nostrils, since water would otherwise get shoved up their noses on impact if they possessed them.
What is with all this religious / christian CRAP that we get shoved down our throats at least once a week by you?
Or is some command, some legalistic moral code being emphasized to the point that Christ gets shoved out of the way?
To the ones that aren't, it gets shoved in our faces, waved under our noses, and forced into our hands.
Nah, atheists just get tired of people shoving religion in their faces.
But be forewarned, if you get away, it will only be colder when you come back and everyone you know will probably want to shove your head into a snow bank.
Personally I would have no issues at all with either the JWs or the LDS if they did not have the annoying habit of banging on my door at the butt crack of dawn on a Saturday morning (I suffer from Fibromyalgia and getting up early is not something I do very easily) to try to shove their religious beliefs down my throat.
The way a shark gets food down its throat is by shoving it down with its jagged teeth.
As an atheist I get real tired of the business of religion being shoved down my throat.
does not the text we unbelievers get shoved down our throats from you bible address this in that you are going to go somewhere already for believing.
Too busy getting fat and shoving chicken sandwiches in their mouths.
Music festivals are notorious for dirtbag attendees who shove you to get to the front row of the concert, steal your parking spot and are generally just unpleasant to be...
Poor people get shoved out of public parks and into the street.
So the verbal abuse, getting into the man's face, shoving, slapping, finger poking, verbal threatening (all of which falls under the legal definition of assault and battery) was OK?
It seems that the he is getting shoved further and further into the corner.
Check out the movie «The Rapture», a fantasy much like the bible, but the main character gets to tell god to shove it, so cool.
New York streets were crowded with joyous throngs of cheering people pushing and shoving, trying to get a glimpse of the hero of the hour — General George Washington.
It would be like calling something that is special «Exclusive» and then assigning that name to your invisible deity you claim personifies that something special, so now you worship a being you call «Exclusive» and then later in history that word gets shortened for ease of use to «Exclu» which gets printed on money and shoved into our Pledge «One nation, under Exclu, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.»
:) Breakfast is my favorite, so I try to get up early enough to really enjoy it, but I'll admit that some days I have to shove it down my throat in a rush.
I've got some more free time now to actually make dinner, eat breakfast, not shove not healthy food down my gullet.
It's equal parts maddening and hilarious because 192 square feet is a tiny amount of space for two people, but I've somehow managed to turn it into our bedroom and living room and kitchen thanks to 1) clever storage solutions from IKEA and The Container Store (ok, and a few Costco boxes that got shoved in the top of our closet) and 2) a portable cooktop and snack - size refrigerator (both of which have made eating at home a breeze).
And at just the moment I decided to sit down, I get the shame message with a 60 second countdown as I try to frantically find the remote, that has most likely has been absently shoved into a kitchen cabinet while in the midst of doing something else.
Unless you consider shoving toddlers out of the way to get to the front row of the parade a workout... not that I did that.
Well, he's a lot less concerned about the nutritional value of what he's shoving into his face and more concerned with the fact that he just gets something — anything — into his body within a couple hours of waking.
Or get yourself a sushi mold, and use it to shove your ingredients for any sushi recipe into a neat little box.
For whatever reason this recipe got shoved to the back burner and I'm busting it out again.
I'll get her a green juice as a snack that heavily relies on apple and pear to sweeten it, but shove some kale and spinach in there as well.
This nudge was more like a shove, so I dropped my work and got to baking.
There's a tiny broccoli head starting to grow, and my bell pepper plant is getting big, and the potatoes I shoved in the ground two months ago have sprouted.
Buy just enough for a day or two or it will get shoved into the deep recesses of the beer chiller!
Ingredients tend to stay right up front, because you don't have a lot of depth for things to get shoved to the back of the refrigerator.
It somehow got shoved to the back of the fridge and really would kill me.
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