Sentences with phrase «show good academic»

Most youngsters move to another city to study, need to organize their living, acquire new duties and responsibilities and, finally, have to show good academic success.
In an important series of studies by psychologist John Gottman and his colleagues, children of parents who valued and accepted their children's feelings showed better academic achievement, had lower levels of stress hormones, and were more successful in resolving conflicts with their peers.
905 schools were studied and the results showed that students with a higher exposure to greenness showed better academic performance in both English and Maths, especially in the spring when they sat their MCAS tests.
The Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty (WILL) released a comprehensive study that compared student outcomes in choice programs and traditional public schools, showing better academic outcomes for students participating in the choice programs.
Recognize those charter models that show the best academic outcomes, particularly for traditionally disadvantaged students

Not exact matches

... in 2015, University of Toronto sociologist Melissa Milkie published a study showing that the amount of time children aged 3 to 11 spent with parents had no measurable impact on their emotional well - being, behavior, or academic success.
Today's political leaders have good reason to promote domestic infrastructure investment, as academic research unequivocally shows a link between the state of local infrastructure and economic development.
This is one piece of evidence among many that the show is too gentle and good natured to reflect actual academic life.
He, too, was a long - time reader of First Things, and in conversations showed himself a thoughtful and well - read academic.
With such major centers of the new evangelicalism as Fuller Seminary now showing a good deal more affinity to neo-orthodoxy than to fundamentalism (see Gerald T. Sheppard, «Biblical Hermeneutics: The Academic Language of Evangelical Identity,» Union Seminary Quarterly Review 32 [Winter 1977, pp. 81 - 94]-RRB-, surely we must be cautious both about assuming flatly a «decline» of classic liberalism and about implying a one - to - one relation between the liberal ideologies, whatever their current condition, and the oldline denominational structures.
He said that as his academic and physical scores show, «I am focused on dedicating myself to being the best probationary police officer I can be.»
Advocacy From attendance and behavior to academics and overall performance, research shows healthy children do better in school.
High school Milestones shows some real - world skills kids should know as well as the academic ones.
Previous research has shown that, for students, eating breakfast is associated with improved academic performance, better health, and healthy body weight.
«When children feel emotionally connected to their parents and the parents use this bond to help kids regulate their feelings and solve problems, good things happen... our studies show that children who are Emotion - Coached do better in terms of academic achievement, health, and peer relationships.
National studies show that students who eat school breakfast are more likely to: reach higher levels of math achievement; score higher on tests; have better concentration, memory and alertness, improved attendance, behavior, and academic performance; and maintain a healthy weight
Second, kids often hear that they aren't managing their time well because they either «waste» time on downtime activities (e.g., social media, streaming shows, music, whatever) or decrease their productivity by combining downtime with academic time (e.g., making homework take much longer than it should).
She shows us how to shift our focus from the excesses of hyper - parenting and our unhealthy reliance on our children for status and meaning to a parenting style that focuses on protective factors known to contribute to both academic success as well as a sense of purpose, well - being, connection, and meaning in life.
... it is more likely that good performance leads to high self - esteem rather than the other way around... (T) he researchers found that efforts to boost self - esteem have not been shown to improve academic performance and may sometimes be counterproductive.
Try to get your target to agree in principle that better food would mean better nourished kids; have the documentation with you showing the connection between better nutrition and better academic outcomes (not hard to find on the internet.)
It has been widely shown in academic studies that newly - created urban road space fills up remarkably quickly, leaving motorists no better off.
However they have also shown the same thing about non-religious beliefs such as Humanism, the teaching of which stands in more urgent need of well - funded academic research by virtue of their more recent arrival on the curriculum.»
Studies have shown that smaller class sizes lead to better academic results for students and efforts to reduce class sizes have enjoyed broad support from city educators.
And actually in academia, you know, there are — I don't think there's one really good academic journal in China, for example, because it's so corrupt right now and so, you know, whether without a, you know, free flow of information exchange of ideas, if everyone is always being careful about what they say, you know, in a kind of environment like that really faster innovation, real research and development, China hasn't been able to show that yet.
Not unexpectedly, academics in many fields as well as companies have already shown interest.»
Personal statements allow applicants to show admissions committee members that they are well - suited for medical school by highlighting their practical experiences and academic qualifications.
Roberts, Pryde and other academics are trawling the scientific literature for papers that could invalidate the patent by showing that similar techniques were well known before September 1990.
«The findings are of concern because attention problems and anxiety and depression have been shown to affect peer relationships, academic performance, and future well - being of children.»
«Children who received music lessons showed improved language - based reasoning and the ability to plan, organize and complete tasks, as well as improved academic achievement,» says Dr Jaschke.
Strikingly, children from low - income families, who typically don't perform as well at school, show similar academic performance as children from high - income families.
Three weeks after the scientific world marked the 20th anniversary of the birth of Dolly the sheep new research, published by The University of Nottingham, in the academic journal Nature Communications has shown that four clones derived from the same cell line — genomic copies of Dolly — reached their 8th birthdays in good health.
«Good nutrition is not only critical for academic success, but now we're showing that it links to behavioral patterns.
Dave Asprey: It's kind of crazy, and the reason I wanted to talk with you today and to share your knowledge with our guests is that last time you were on the show, you talked about your new book, Always Hungry, which is... If you guys haven't checked out this book, if you liked the bulletproof diet, if you're interested in what fat can do for you, here's the guy with about ten thousand times more academic credentials than I have, who has some good stuff to say about fat.
Running for nearly 20 years, English School of Canada has educated over 30,000 students from more than 50 countries.Students appreciate and are engaged with the multicultural student body they study with at our fully accredited school.Finally, the third class will illuminate how to write various academic, business, professional, and functional compositions.In addition to these practical objectives, this class will show students how to put themselves in the correct mindset to write, how to plan to write as well as how to implement editing and revision strategies.The program also teaches students the specific language skills and vocabulary needed in a health care workplace.It covers speaking, listening, and reading on a wide range of topics from technical skills to ethical concerns, from communicating with patients to discussing issues with colleagues.
Research evidence shows that a quality music education can improve self ‑ confidence, behaviour and social skills as well as improve academic achievement in areas such as numeracy, literacy and language.
There, it exposes that the studies that make a pursuit to the children from the birth to the adult age show that, among the three characteristic keys of infantile development (academic, emotional or behavior), the emotional development is the best of the three predicting ones, and the academic field the worst one.
These charges seemed odd, given that the best studies available on the subject — from Stanford University's Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO)-- show that Michigan charter students make large academic gains relative to similar students at district schools, particularly in Detroit.
In fact, having emotionally close relationships with child - care providers as a toddler has been linked with more positive social behavior and more complex play later as a preschooler.3 Kindergartners with close teacher relationships have been shown to be more engaged in classroom activities, have better attitudes about school, and demonstrate better academic performance.4 Thus, teacher - child relationships appear to be an important part of children's social and academic success in school.
A student's belief in his or her capability to succeed has been shown to predict academic achievement across grades and subjects as well as college majors and careers (Usher & Pajares, 2008).
By far the largest and most comprehensive study on this topic ever conducted, «THE ARTS AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: WHAT THE EVIDENCE SHOWS,» confirms claims that listening to music temporarily enhances spatial skills (the controversial «Mozart Effect»), as well as claims that children who study music gain skill in spatial reasoning.
Most importantly, research shows that video games sharpen visual discrimination skills, spatial thinking, and the ability to visualize and interact with 3D objects — good predictors of not only academic achievement but future engagement and success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — the STEM fields.
And don't forget reams of research showing that few preschool programs, even good ones, have lasting effects on kids» academic achievement.
Researchers expected that the move to a better neighborhood would have discernible effects on the academic achievement of the children involved, yet MTO data from the five cities show no overall positive impact on the children's learning.
While there is more emphasis on academics at all grade levels today and evidence that the middle school burden can be overcome (Williams and colleagues showed in a major 2010 study, called «Gaining Ground in the Middle Grades: Why Some Schools Do Better,» that an intense focus on academics can work), it is odd that Walcott would favor reforming middle schools instead of doing what the research suggests is better and easier — creating smaller, «elemiddle» (K — 8) schools — and what the trends are showing is happening all over the country — as David Hough, managing editor of the Middle Grades Research Journal, told me, «the trend is definitely away from stand - alone middle schools.&Better,» that an intense focus on academics can work), it is odd that Walcott would favor reforming middle schools instead of doing what the research suggests is better and easier — creating smaller, «elemiddle» (K — 8) schools — and what the trends are showing is happening all over the country — as David Hough, managing editor of the Middle Grades Research Journal, told me, «the trend is definitely away from stand - alone middle schools.&better and easier — creating smaller, «elemiddle» (K — 8) schools — and what the trends are showing is happening all over the country — as David Hough, managing editor of the Middle Grades Research Journal, told me, «the trend is definitely away from stand - alone middle schools.»
Published by the inspectorate, the data shows that the number of full inspections resulting in a «good» or «outstanding» grade was 63 per cent in the 2015 - 16 academic year, but has also declined to 49 per cent in the current academic year, up to March 2017.
A Department of Education 2008 report determined that students who seek to master an academic topic with mastery - oriented goals show better long - term academic development than do their peers whose main goals are to get good grades or outperform others, thus the value of including feedback other than formal grades and of metacognition.
Personal best goals were correlated with a range of positive variables at Time 1; however, at Time 2 the effects of personal best goals on deep learning, academic flow, and positive teacher relationship remained significant after controlling for prior variance of corresponding Time 1 factors, suggesting that students with personal best goals show sustained resilience in academic and social development.
Sean explained, «The utility of perceived conscientiousness in predicting how well students do aligns with other research showing that it is how hard students work, rather than their IQ, that is the best predictor of academic grades, but the bigger story is that there is no accuracy at all unless you control for attractiveness bias.»
There have been plenty of studies showing the connections between school culture and academic outcomes, staff recruitment and retention, parental engagement and community support; we all learn best when we are feeling safe, contained and able to thrive.
This combination of sensitivity, caring, high expectations and structure has been shown to have the best consequences for children, who commonly display academic achievement, good social skills, moral maturity, autonomy and high self - esteem.»
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