Sentences with phrase «show particular symptoms»

CDI's platform is especially helpful in constructing panels for biomarker discovery, because researchers can begin by using patient samples or banked samples to compare immune profiles of cohorts that show particular symptoms (or no symptoms in the case of control samples).

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All these scriptures / Biblical teachings created a problem for me as over the years when I would experience psychotic symptoms and psychic phenomena as a result of intense / deep prayer and meditation, I actually thought that God was trying to show me a sign or tell me something or he was leading me in a particular direction.
We currently do not know how these genetic risk factors affect the chemistry of the brain and cause specific symptoms, so it is not yet possible for scientists to design drugs to relieve symptoms shown by people with a particular genetic variant.
University of California, Irvine neurobiologists Leslie Thompson and Joseph Ochaba with the Departments of Neurobiology & Behavior and Psychiatry & Human Behavior and their colleagues from UCI and from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia have shown that reducing the aberrant accumulation of a particular form of the mutant Huntingtin protein corresponds to improvement in symptoms and neuroinflammation in HD mice.
Jordin Rubin, author of Restoring Your Digestive Health warns about this particular probiotic strain as studies have shown that people who suffer from autoimmune diseases run the risk of aggravating the symptoms of their disease if they consume more than two cups of yogurt or kefir per day that contains Streptococcus thermophilus.
In any case, if you are uncertain about a particular symptom that your pet is showing, it is always best to contact the ACIC Oncology Service, your primary care veterinarian, or a local emergency service.
The patient is showing more and more of the syndrome, and although we can not be sure that each particular symptom is due to climate change rather than some other cause, the combined evidence justifies strong confidence that the syndrome is present.
An expert witness could also show how the applicant's psychological symptoms correspond with a particular torture regime (ie in terms of phobias) and a specific timeline.
In those publications, a blend of psychological techniques was applied, with particular emphasis on hypnosis.19 20 24 25 In fact, there is considerable evidence for the effectiveness of hypnosis as an empirically supported clinical intervention in managing symptoms such as pain, 26 — 35 and also in promoting psychological well - being across a variety of illnesses and disorders.36 — 43 Among PWH, studies have shown that hypnosis can contribute to control pain and to reduce frequency and severity of bleedings and factor consumption.19 20 24 Concurrently, by promoting better disease management, hypnosis can contribute to better coping and less distress.24
«As expected, the results showed that women who adjusted their personal goals to match the particular stage - specific demands of the transition to motherhood showed a decrease in depressive symptoms, whereas those who disengaged from the goals that focused on dealing with such demands showed an increase in depressive symptoms» (Saisto et al., 2001, p. 1154).
Devereux treats these students with other evidence - based interventions that have been shown effective for particular symptoms, behaviors and diagnoses, such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Applied Behavior Analysis.
These findings are consistent with previous studies that have demonstrated a mediating effect of parent — child relationships and material resources on the relationship between psychosomatic health and living arrangements.31, 44, 45 Positive relationships to parents have been found to be more common in children in JPC than in single care, in particular to the fathers.13, 32, 46 Children's satisfaction with their material resources was included as a potential mediator since economic stress has previously been shown to be associated with psychosomatic symptoms in children29 and is more common among children with separated parents.4, 13 Also, these conditions reduced the differences in psychosomatic health between the living arrangements.
In a recent study, we evidenced a high prevalence of ambivalent attachment style among young migraineurs; in particular, our data showed an association between migraine features (frequency and intensity of attacks), ambivalent attachment style, and psychological symptoms (14).
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