Sentences with phrase «show respiratory difficulties»

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A study published last March shows that avian flu strains can infect cells lining the human respiratory system, but they seem to have difficulty replicating.
The Children's Health Environmental Coalition (CHEC) concurs, citing a raft of studies that show how children living in wood - burning households experience «higher rates of lung inflammation, breathing difficulties, pneumonia, and other respiratory diseases.»
The pigs showed both movement problems and respiratory difficulties common to human patients, and it is hoped that this model will assist in the creation of new treatments for Huntington's — a genetically inherited and fatal disease which affects tens of thousands of people.
Research shows honey works as well as dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in over the counter cough medications, to soothe cough and related sleeping difficulties due to upper respiratory tract infections in children.6
For example, breastfed babies tend to be more robust, intelligent and free of allergies and other complaints like intestinal difficulties.1 Other studies have shown that breastfed infants have reduced rates of respiratory illnesses and ear infections.2, 3 Some researchers believe breastfed infants have greater academic potential than formula - fed infants, which is thought to be due to the fatty acid DHA found in mother's milk and not in most US formulas.4
The cat then shows symptoms of respiratory problems such as coughing, difficulty in breathing, and increased respiratory rate.
Cats may show non-specific signs including vomiting, gagging, respiratory difficulty, lethargy, and weight loss.
When cats show signs of respiratory difficulty and heartworm is suspected, diagnosis is usually based on a cat's history, physical examination, radiographs, echocardiogram and blood tests.
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