Sentences with phrase «show you care about»

Chevron shows it cares about employees by providing health and fitness centers on site or through health - club memberships.
In other words, the company shows it cares about the well - being of employees, and employees know that they are valued.
is just one way the company shows it cares about its customers.
Showing you care about their satisfaction level speaks volumes about your commitment to them.
Show them you care about them and their work, and that they should care about you, too.
Do you show you care about innovation?
That's the kind of easy experience that will keep customers engaged and show you care about giving them the best possible experience.
The best cover letters are the ones that show you care about standing out to the hiring manager.
Employees will only care about your business after you first show you care about them.
Well, it gives them a better work - life balance, shows you care about their free time, and gives them an opportunity to excel the next day.
Google likes to see sites with ongoing streams of content; it shows they care about their users.
Show you care about them and their lives outside of the office.
Sure, it's good to be aware of the scale of our problems in the grand scheme of things, but Jesus shows He cares about all of our concerns, big and small.
Buyers can purchase LEAF Marque produce from farms that are fully certified and use the LEAF Marque logo and all the marketing opportunities to show they care about the environment.
it has been a non stop fight with her in every step of the way and the more i showed i cared about her the more she try to crushed me, with money kids and emotionally.
It shows you care about more than just convenience.
He has to show he cares about them, so they can fall away like bargaining chips the minute they look like they may prevent an on - time budget.
He insisted that the Tories must show they care about inequality.
Way to show you care about your image, guys.
«More important, it is a chance to engage with our young people, show them we care about what they think and get them involved.
It makes them feel that they are doing something good for their child and makes them feel that they are better parents because they use cloth diapers; and that is a good thing, it shows they care about their children.
I think that showing you care about others is always important and that you should always make time to do spend quality time together.
The packaging is definitely shows they care about presentation!
That shows he cares about you as well as himself, and is mature about this issue.
I think it is important to hold hand when I am out with my Lady it show I care about who is by my side
What are your favorite ways to show you care about someone?
I can only imagine how exhilarating this must be for them by imagining one of the few short - lived modern TV shows I care about («Freaks and Geeks», «Undeclared») getting passionately resurrected as a film with all personnel onboard.
I only lost one show I cared about last year («Journeyman»), so maybe the TV climate is moving more toward my tastes?
Make an effort to show you care about them, not just their grades.
To me, the gift was more than the book; it showed you cared about my learning experiences, beyond your local school boundaries.
This is new role for teenagers, and your compliments will show you care about how they are fulfilling that role.
When you lead the cause, you show you care about other students and your school.
Teachers showing they care about their students would help.
8 a.m. Thanks to the board of ed who truly showed they care about students!»
Build relationships with your students and show them you care about them.
The vast majority of students will respond positively to feedback that shows you care about them and their learning.
Amazon is talking about ebook sales going to authors while print book sales would go to Hatchette and if Hatchette had agreed to this - showing they cared about their authors - Amazon would go back to large restocking / reorders on print books, discounting print books instead of selling them at the absurd high prices set by Hatchette which they've been complaining about, and re-enabling pre-order buttons.
You know, something that shows they care about anything other than the self - interest of their most successful members?
It's a way of treating your readers with respect and showing them you care about delivering a fantastic reading experience.
«Art for Animals is an opportunity for people to come together and show they care about animals in our community.
She is very personable and really takes the time to show she cares about the health and well - being of your pet.
In fact, any reputable breeder will probably give you the third degree before buying a Siberian Husky puppy and with good reason it shows they care about where their puppies end up.
Show you care about the plight of homeless animals by sharing our Hero Tails post and everything #PFPselfie that you find on our social media pages.
Whether in memory of a friend, family member or a beloved pet, your gift to homeless animals is a wonderful way to show you care about your loved ones and the animals at the Nebraska Humane Society.
Plus, it shows you care about the process and are excited to adopt.
It's a way to let your friends show you they care about your loss by making a donation to NEAS in memory of your pet.
I place this directly on NoA, because NoA is Nintendo's most important region for home console sales and I haven't seen anything out of them that shows me they care about the FPS genre in regards to online multiplayer.
If you are open with them and show you care about their opinions and gaming experience, then they will promote your game for you by telling their friends.
What better way for Nintendo to show it cares about everyone's wallets then with a price drop for the Wii U?
No, it just shows they care about other aspects of the franchise.
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