Sentences with phrase «showed cognitive strengths»

This young man showed cognitive strengths on the Stanford - Binet while achievement scores in reading and spelling were only at grade level.
The child with a long - term memory problem might be permitted to use notes during a test; the idea is that with this long - term memory support, Vance will be able to show his cognitive strengths such as analytic skills or effective writing.

Not exact matches

How Children Succeed introduced readers to an exciting new body of research showing that the traditional way we measure children's abilities — through standardized tests of their cognitive skills — was missing a crucial dimension: the importance of so - called non-cognitive skills or character strengths, qualities like grit, curiosity, conscientiousness, self - control, and optimism.
They show that the schools that are most effective in raising student test scores do so in spite of the strength of the underlying relationship between math achievement and fluid cognitive skills.
A research - based observation measure that shows what parents can do to support their children's development; it is a strengths - based measure of parenting interactions that predict children's early social, cognitive, and language development
Across multiple measures derived from the strength model of self - control (self - report, cognitive control, and emotional control), problem gamblers showed trait self - control deficits relative to non-problem gamblers.
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