Sentences with phrase «showing disdain»

Tina Plett's analogy here, isn't about: «showing the disdain real estate people have for the general public,» it's about showing what it can feel like when there's an inclination that your time can be taken entirely for granted.
How does this accomplish anything other that showing the disdain real estate people have for the general public, just as the general public blasts real estate people to be lower than whale.....
According to the CBC (I haven't found the decision yet), the Federal Court of Canada has called Bell «reprehensible» for accessing a customer's credit file without consent and then showing disdain for his complaint.
Cats often get a bad rap for being aloof or showing disdain for their owners, but a recent study challenges that stereotype and shows that our feline friends rely on us for emotional cues.
Publishers in Vietnam are at a crossroads, they need to shift to digital but are showing disdain for how prevalent piracy really is.
Many new users are showing their disdain on lack of new content.
Many customers are showing their disdain that new WIFI Paperwhites are going to ship out so late.
These man - on - the - street pontifications, which were represented as random, expressed support for Kerry, Gregoire, and I - 884, while showing disdain for public charter schools and incumbent schools superintendent Terry Bergeson.
«Once again, NYSUT is showing its disdain for taxpayers.
Schulz's highlighting of human nature wasn't an indictment on people or a way of showing disdain for them.
In fact they were in conflict, the long history of environmentalism showing a disdain for the aspirations of the poor, and in our time strongly opposed to economic development in the weaker countries lest global environmental harm result.
Negotiating on steel imports, the rep showed his disdain for an offer from the Japanese by sending it flying back.
@All most of the post by the none relegious on this blog show disdain for believers and confuse the church for God.
(1) His rhetoric includes such saying as «They cling to their religion, Bible and Guns» in a setting and manner that clearly shows disdain for the Christians of whom he speaks.
It's been appropriated as seen here to show disdain for whatever the subject, be it Fords or churches.
Wouldn't it come as a baffling shock if Christians everywhere put down their picket signs, ceased the boycotts, dropped the Christmas lawsuits, and instead, showered politicians, business owners, and ACLU workers that show disdain for Christmas / Christians with thoughtful gifts, invitations to OUR Christmas celebrations, letters of prayers, (not condemning ones), asking nothing in return?
The one has shown disdain and the other has responded with resentment.
; how many of us (or our children) show disdain of something by calling it Gay?
But the supporters feel that they have lost any respect that Kroenke and the Board have for the fans, and ahead of the meeting the Arsenal Supporters Trust had written a long plea to Kroenke asking him to make good on his promise to interact with the fans and tell them about his aims and objectives for the club going forward, but as I said the Silent One did not say one word, and it was left to Sir Chips Keswick to show his disdain for their request by saying; «Read the Daily Telegraph and you'll find out [what Kroenke thinks],» and he was roundly booed when he told the crowd to «write in if you have a problem».
Instead, we have been conditioned to show disdain for the parent who is sensitive to the needs and feelings of a child and call them «permissive» or blame them for generational problems.
Trump's already shown his disdain for most of the tools of modern political organizing and campaigning, and not always to his advantage: his lack of campaign infrastructure and data likely handed Iowa to Cruz, keeping the Texas senator in the race (and attacking Trump) for months.
It shows the disdain you have for us.
These latest cuts to welfare show the disdain with which this government views ordinary people and underlines just how out of touch they are with working families struggling to make ends meet.
The DCCC published an opposition research memo against Moser a few weeks ago that painted her as a «Washington insider» and as somebody that shows disdain for Texas.
They were young ladies that showed disdain for...
Since taking the office, he has shown his disdain for not just those values but our basic laws.
At 31, he shows a disdain — rare among his peers — for flashy style and lofty pretension.
In the film, the tribe shows disdain for Wakanda's futuristic high tech, and dress and live in a more traditional countryman lifestyle.
Many kids in the film show their disdain of visiting a library or reading a full book and would much rather Google the facts.
The glow of candlelight illuminated the grounds of the Charleston Animal Society on Saturday night as concerned community members showed their disdain for a system they believe allowed a doctor to avoid felony charges and jail time in the deaths of nine dogs.
Like, you're not profiting off that anymore, you're not making any efforts to have it as part of your corporate identity, so all this does is show your disdain for your fans and other creators.
It shows my disdain for the linearity focused direction of the 3D Mario series clearly, it quotes Sean Malstrom in places and it ended up nearly destroying the site's reputation on Youtube.
The extension of a black band of textured tape (crushed glass added grit) across the edge where the painting ends and the wall begins shows a disdain for boundaries comparable to Frank Stella's treatment of the shaped canvas.
American consumers similarly have shown their disdain for the CAFE program, overwhelmingly favoring trucks and SUVs as their vehicles of choice.
Could Rado say that he did not see the link at Connolley's 2005 right - side blog column for his Wikipedia page, and could Rado say he did not click on Connolley's home site where, among a few other pages, it shows disdain for people skeptical of man - caused global warming?
At one point, 22 members of the law school faculty showed their disdain for the choice by sending Mukasey a letter purporting to retract the invitation.
Moreover, John himself showed his disdain by reneging on the deal a mere nine weeks later.
The Supreme Court was influenced by, and showed disdain for, the apparent shell game Pfizer had played in failing to identify sildenafil as the effective compound among the quintillions in its patent.
Never interrupt the judge, insult the officers, or show disdain for the law.
Jobseekers are quick to show their disdain whenever a recruiter or blogger mentions the eight second resume review.
They show disdain or little interest in you and you don't know why.
If you ignore or show disdain for pets, you may offend the sellers.

Not exact matches

Trump has made it clear he plans to treat the press with the same kind of disdain and even outright animosity he showed during the campaign, and will likely continue to do an end - run around them as much as possible using Twitter (twtr) and other social platforms.
Just last year, he showed a similar disdain for the award, although he did hold onto it for a bit longer than in the clip above.
I've shared this before, but it still amazes me how many CEOs I meet who still invest tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars on trade shows, yet they look upon Twitter with disdain.
In 2013, the federal government continued, as in the past, to show its ideological arrogance; its unwillingness to confront major economic challenges; its disdain for Parliament; its aversion to openness and transparency; its rejection of a federal role in working with the provinces to strengthen the Federation; and its inability to adopt evidence based policy.
Prehaps we should all be more open minded and willing to listen to one another and show a little less disdain for the other beliefs.
Most of the most brutal dictators of the past few centuries were atheists who showed great disdain for religion (not just Christianity).
Today, when the world will likely be celebrating the death of a broken man who led a movement characterized by deception and disdain, reach out to others and show them what the unconditional love of God is really like and how it is shown in Jesus Christ.
Some shallow - minded individual thought they he or she was being smart and showed their true disdain for women who are religious and therefore deserve everything they get.
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