Sentences with phrase «showing social indicators»

Every year you can expect to find a publication showing social indicators of marital health and well - being, including family life in America.

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Blackberry sued Facebook for patent infringement, saying the social network's messaging apps infringed on the former phone maker's intellectual property related to such innovations as showing an unread message indicator on top of an icon and showing multiple incoming messages in an inbox.
The Gross Domestic Product shows directly the economic evolution of the European Union, while the unemployment level is a key indicator that shows the social involvement in the economic processes.
It reveals clear correlations between various indicators of social strife and religiosity, showing that whether religion causes social strife or not, it certainly does not prevent it.
Findings also showed it as an empirically and conceptually innovative, diverse, vibrant discipline that in many areas sets the intellectual agenda The UK publishes more than its share of major disciplinary journals; bibliometric indicators reveal international primacy both in volume and citation impact; and a large number of the seminal publications (books as well as articles) continue to have a UK origin UK human geography is radically interdisciplinary and with the spatial turn in the humanities and social sciences has become an exporter of ideas and faculty to other disciplines There was confidence that research in human geography had substantial impact on policy and practice and would successfully meet the challenges of the current impact agenda
Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have now shown that the social media platform has another use: Twitter can serve as a dashboard indicator of a community's psychological well being and can predict rates of heart disease.
The Dunedin data showed that just over a fifth of the population accounts for the bulk of the social costs: crime, welfare payments, hospitalizations, cigarette purchases, fatherless child - rearing, and other indicators of social dysfunction.
Not all universities make the leap from classroom behavior to ideology: The «Teacher Education Professional Dispositions and Skills Criteria» at Winthrop University in South Carolina are only basic indicators of professional commitment, communication skills, interpersonal skills (among them, «Shows sensitivity to all students and is committed to teaching all students»), emotional maturity, and academic integrity; acknowledging social inequities is not mentioned.
Figure 2 shows the correlations between school - average social - emotional skills and key indicators of academic performance (GPA and state test scores) and student behavior (the percentage of students receiving suspensions and average absence rates) across CORE district middle schools.
Our model's foundation is based on groundbreaking research conducted by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education's Center for Social Organization of Schools showing that up to 75 % of America's high school dropouts can be identified between sixth and ninth grades by the presence of one or more indicators: poor attendance, poor behavior, and course failure in English or math.
Using 24 key social, economic, and environmental indicators, our friend Félix Pharand - Deschênes has created a dashboard that shows how human pressure on planet Earth is reaching critical level.
Plenty of studies have been done showing that social media breeds or exacerbates narcissistic - like behavior, and posting lots and lots of selfies of yourself might be taken as an indicator of such behavior.
Moreover, research shows that even after one controls for a range of family background differences, children who grow up living in an intact household with both biological parents present seem to do better, on average, on a wide range of social indicators than do children who grow up in a single - parent household (McLanahan and Sandefur, 1994).
The Social Justice Report 2002 shows there have been marginal improvements in some statistical indicators, but deterioration in others.
As such, we removed two indicators from personality factors (negative emotionality & conscientiousness), two from ASQ (fearful and dismissing styles) and social attraction from IPA, as they showed either non-significant or weak path coefficients (< 0.10).
The results showed that adolescents of some mixed ancestry combinations report more adjustment problems than the single ancestry adolescents in their constituent race / ethnicities on many but not all indicators of social adjustment.
A wide variety of studies has shown that respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA; sometimes referred to as heart rate variability) is an indicator of emotion regulation [48, 49, 136], especially during social interaction [31].
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