Sentences with phrase «showing weak relationships»

I take Grissmer's silence as an acceptance of my conclusions that the RAND study shows a weak relationship between spending and student achievement and can not be used to identify good policy choices.

Not exact matches

Real EFFR plotted with one - year percent changes in investment (not shown) from 1954 to 2016 reveals a small and weak positive relationship between rates and investment — the reverse of the standard assumption.
If people are so weak minded that they need a book to «show» them what is «acceptable» and «not acceptable» in an intimate relationship with their spouse they don't need this book, they need a therapist...
Specifically, these three studiesâ $» which used multivariate models to control for energy, saturated fat, alcohol, body mass index, and various vitaminsâ $» showed a strong relationship between cereal fibers and a weak or no relationship between vegetable and fruit fibers.
Taken together, these results show a) quite weak relationships of policy with reported instruction within states (much weaker than has been found elsewhere), and b) differences across states in relationships between the attributes and content.
If the relationship between state appropriations and tuition at public universities is as weak as the two studies show, the ubiquitous claim that cuts to state funding are the «primary driver» of changes in tuition are simply not supported by the research.
Although processing speed across its full range has not shown a relationship to achievement, it is possible that subtest profiles with unusually weak or strong processing speed scores would display differential reading test performance.
While detailed research shows that stocks have a weak negative correlation with inflation, this relationship is not pervasive over place and time, and most researchers recognize the large amount of noise in the data.
Simple statistical analysis shows that the relationship between sea ice variability and the winter climate is not clear and is much weaker than between snow cover and winter climate.
These new data, though, show that acceptance of «scientific consensus» in fact has a weaker relationship to beliefs in climate change in right - leaning members of the public than it does in left - leaning ones.
The state - space plot for person C (the lower right panel of Figure 1) shows that the autoregressive relationship is stronger for affect scores above the equilibrium, illustrating that person C is characterized by weaker affect regulation for increased negative affect.
The relationship between cortical surface area and cognitive control was found in the right caudal anterior cingulate, and post hoc analyses showed a similar but weaker relationship in the opposite hemisphere.
In fact, one study showed that 46 percent of real estate agent and client relationships have weak emotional communication, and only 26 percent operate on the same emotional wavelength, according to Blocker's research for the Keller Center.
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