Sentences with phrase «shown by the research»

Students «learn about the how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates («chunks») information,» as well as «illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects.»
Regardless of the source of carbohydrates, the Gatorade formula provides the types and amounts of carbohydrates shown by research to stimulate rapid absorption of fluid and carbohydrate and rapid burning of the carbohydrate to sustain performance during exercise.
Successful team parenting has been shown by research to be key to children's development and wellbeing.
It asserts: «As shown by the research, this well - understood phenomenon represents minimal risk to humans, animals, structures or the environment.»
«Given the promise shown by the research and the ever increasing computing power, numerical prediction of hailstorms and warnings issued based on the model forecasts, with a couple of hours of lead time, may indeed be realized operationally in a not - too - distant future, and the forecasts will also be accompanied by information on how certain the forecasts are.»
«But if, in the course of their research, they need to change direction to pursue an area of discovery shown by the research, a researcher obviously needs to have the flexibility to do so.
«I think the Flair nasal strip was beneficial for this horse, and the Flair nasal strip has been shown by our research to reduce exercise - induced pulmonary hemorrhage by approximately 50 percent.
This education embraces the ancient wisdom of traditional cultures as shown by the research of the Weston A. Price Foundation and written about in Sally Fallon's book, Nourishing Traditions.
Raw grassfed milk is one of the safest foods you can consume and CDC data proves this as shown by the research of Dr. Ted Beals MD..
Strong verbal ability has been shown by research to lead to more effective teaching.
The Toolkit provides the average gains shown by the research for particular programmes, and these gains will vary in different schools and among different pupil cohorts.
Most reading activities that teachers and parents engage in with young children have been shown by research to be beneficial.
But even product types shown by research to have clinical benefits (omega - 3 fatty acids for the management of various medical conditions like osteoarthritis, hyperlipidemia and protein - losing nephropathies; glucosamine / chondroitin supplementation for management of degenerative joint disease; and milk thistle / S - Adenosyl methionine for their antioxidant and liver - protectant benefits) are subject to little regulatory oversight and can often vary widely in quality.
Pit bull terrier dogs and puppies are the most frequently and unjustly targeted by breed discriminatory legislation as inherently vicious, aggressive and dangerous, though this is not the case, as shown by research, studies and policies from the National Canine Research Council, the Center for Disease Control and the American Bar Association.
As shown by research identified by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), the positive impact of pet ownership on human health is having a positive impact on the overall industry especially as relating to the direct health care of our animals.
These things have been shown by research to be key drivers of employee morale, which makes an important impact on how any workplace functions and succeeds.
Secular, skill - based relationship workshops like Marriage Prep 101 have been shown by research studies to reduce the chances of divorce by up to 30 %, especially during the high risk early years.
It has also been shown by research to be effective, in the short term and long - term, in growing happy, confident, and emotionally healthy kids.
It has also been shown by research to be effective, in the short term and long - term, in raising confident and emotionally healthy kids with good self - esteem.
As already shown by the research on sensorial deprivation in early infancy, these experiences are fundamental for physical growth, neurological development and for the construction of healthy affective relationships (Robertson and Bowlby, 1952; Harlow and Zimmermann, 1958; Montagu, 1971; Blackwell, 2000; Kim et al., 2003).

Not exact matches

According to research commissioned by Upwork, more than one in three U.S. workers are now freelancing, and in the UK, government stats show that an increasing number of people are opting to be self - employed.
Research by commercial real estate brokerage CBRE shows that in major Canadian markets, the average square footage of office space per worker has fallen from 225 to 170 over the past 10 years.
There's biochemical research that shows the release of dopamine when we perceive novel stimuli starts to drop past the age of twenty, which makes time appear to go by more quickly.
In fact, it is so effective that research has shown it can boost the number of people who click on your page by 30 %.
Recent research shows that participating in a community — specifically a religious fellowship of any sort — reduces the mortality rate of middle age individuals by half and reduces stress compared to non-adherents.
«Those interruptions are damaging to our productivity,» he says, «and research shows that each notification throws us off by 64 seconds, and it takes about 20 minutes to reach productivity again.»
But it's worth keeping in mind that November 2009 research by Covergys, a Cinncinnati company that provides call - center services, has shown that a bad review on social media can cost a company about 30 customers.
According to an infographic created by the cloud - based transactional email delivery company Easy SMTP research shows several email tactics are statistically proven to be more effective than others.
It reduces new business creation, as research by World Bank economists has shown.
Scientific research has shown that both oxybenzone and octinoxate destroy coral by absorbing its nutrients, affecting coral - dependent marine life like sea urchins and algae.
Research shows that the rest and digest response is activated by rhythmic, repetitive motion like breathing or walking.
A comprehensive research briefing last September by CB Insights tech analyst Deepashri Varadharajan, for example — which tracked AI startups across industries from 2012 through the fall of 2016 — showed healthcare dominating every other sector, from security and finance to sales & marketing.
However, a recent study by Aberdeen Research shows that though large organizations invest in the technology and fully utilize its benefits to interact with customers, clients, and partners, small and mid-sized organizations are yet to fully adopt the system.
The presumptive Democratic nominee enjoys the largest gender gap in recorded history, with a recent Pew Research poll showing her leading among women by 24 points.
Research shows that we are more likely to be engaged by an article online if there is an interesting, eye catching visual associated with it.
A study conducted this year for UPS by Internet - research firm comScore showed 63 percent of customers research return policies before they buy.
Viewed as a distraction for the flaky or a self - indulgent form of procrastination by many, even science has ganged up on daydreaming, with previous research showing aimless mind wandering tends to make you unhappy.
One of the reasons the IMF has changed its tune on fiscal policy is because research it has done in the past year shows that borrowing to pay for infrastructure pays for itself over the longer term by generating faster economic growth.
Research shows that using laminated glass — two panes fused by a sheet of plastic and designed to hold its form even when shattered — could reduce ejections in other parts of the car.
The new research shows that something different has been happening: Boards have been allowing CEO pay to climb ever higher by offering executives the same number of options year in and year out, regardless of company stock prices.
An analysis by Pivotal Research of Nielsen data showed Facebook usage declining year - over-year by 3 percent in August.
Research by the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census shows that family businesses are less likely to lay off employees regardless of financial performance.
Research conducted by Matthew Lieberman at UCLA shows that being social and connecting with others is as fundamental a human need as food, shelter, and water.
As much as this example shows misguided behavior (my dad won't be offended), the research supports the notion that people are influenced by others they believe are authorities.
It certainly seems boring by comparison despite research that shows how taking notes by hand with pen and paper is much more effective than typing them on a laptop anyway.
Additionally, research by Google and Ipsos shows that users choose their devices for vastly different activities, which can dramatically influence their engagement with a message.
Latest research shows that women's entrepreneurial activity is up 10 percent, closing the gender gap by 5 percent since 2014.
In a new paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, the economists Gregori Galofré - Vilà, Christopher M. Meissner, Martin McKee, and David Stuckler show the dramatic impact poor tax policy had on Weimar Germany from 1930 to 1932.
In fact, the research referenced by Wilding shows that around 15 percent of professionals studied were sufferers.
Research shows that personalized customer experiences result in more revenue and loyalty, so retailers can experience highly positive results by using IoT to aid in personalization.
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