Sentences with phrase «shows deep research»

New content from the Total War developer shows deep research and analysis of game design and building resources.

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A recent Pew Research Center survey of scientists and other analysts showed a deep divide in opinions on the economic and employment implications of robotics.
Then, a few weeks ago, author and academic Sherry Turkle penned a New York Times Sunday Review piece highlighting research along the same lines, including one study that showed simply having your phone out and in view can impede the process of making deep personal connections.
«Our research shows that this generation of business leaders wants greater control over educational choices, continued exposure to peers with deep, global experience and more opportunity in their academic experience to self - analyze and self - reflect.»
Not only that, research shows that direct mail connects with customers on a deeper emotional level and provides a much higher response rate.
Of special note, Collins» research shows that a company — or a person — can pull out of the downward spiral, even if you are deep into Stage 4.
For example, after explaining how their research shows that three - quarters of young outsiders and half of young churchgoers describe present - day Christianity as «too involved in politics,» this is what Kinnaman concludes: «To address the deep challenges that are facing people in our nation and around the world, Gabe and I have come to the conclusion that being politically engaged is more important than ever.»
Sleep - lab research by Dr. McKenna and others has shown that breastfeeding mothers are exquisitely tuned in to their babies» sleep behavior, even when they pass through the deepest levels of sleep.
Research shows that students cheat more when they believe that grades and performance are valued in their classrooms and less when they believe that learning, deep understanding and mastery are valued.
And new research shows how genetic alterations in this odd - colored blood have helped the octopus colonize the world's wide oceans — from the deep, freezing Antarctic to the warm equatorial tropics.The iron - based protein (hemoglobin) that carries oxygen in the blood for us red - blooded vertebrates becomes ineffective when faced with low - oxygen levels.
That's surprising, says David Puts at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, since previous research showed deeper voices were rated as coming from stronger men.
New research by scientists in the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science is diving deeper into this relationship, showing that stiffness is not the only factor researchers should consider when studying this process.
Now, a paper by researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) shows that trash is also accumulating in the deep sea, particularly in Monterey Canyon.
This research shows how global studies of our genes can give insight into how our taste for different foods may have been influenced by variation in our ability to smell, and, excitingly, show that it is possible to see back into deep evolutionary time and reconstruct the sensory world of our distant ancestors.
«These results show that the effect of ocean acidification on deep - water corals may not be as severe as predicted,» said David Garrison, a program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Ocean Sciences, which funded the research.
However, with deep learning, there is potential for more accurate solutions, as this research has shown
That seemingly small victory «was very important to us to show that we were on the right track,» says Deep Blue AI expert Murray Campbell, now a distinguished research staff member in the AI Foundations group within IBM T. J. Watson Research Center's Cognitive Computing organresearch staff member in the AI Foundations group within IBM T. J. Watson Research Center's Cognitive Computing organResearch Center's Cognitive Computing organization.
The leaked emails show Jones and colleagues feared that releasing information would draw them deeper into disputes with amateur scientists, who would use it to create new controversies and cut into their research time.
Large reservoirs of magma stored deep in Earth's crust are key to producing some of Earth's most powerful volcanic eruptions, new research has shown.
Volcanoes can be connected to each other deep underground and scientists suspected Lusi and the Arjuno - Welirang volcanic complex were somehow linked, because previous research showed some of the gas Lusi expels is typically found in magma.
The new research shows the shapes of these piles have changed through time and their shapes can be strongly dependent on rapid, coherent flow in the deep mantle.
DEEP FREEZE Ötzi the Tyrolean Iceman, shown here at a research center, died of exposure to cold temperatures in the Italian Alps, a new study concludes.
New research shows how human activity deep underground combines with natural earthquakes far away to set off potent local temblors
The latest research from the UCSB team shows that specialized cells in the squid skin called iridocytes contain deep pleats or invaginations of the cell membrane extending deep into the body of the cell.
«These surprising observations show us how a deep - sea animal reproduces,» says Barbara Ransom, a program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Ocean Sciences, which funded the research.
The study, published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, uses computer modeling to show that subduction — when a tectonic plate slides underneath another and sinks deep into a planet's interior — is physically possible in Europa's ice shell.
«We have been able to show that the deep sea is the largest long - time archive of DNA, and a major window to study past biodiversity,» writes Pedro Martinez Arbizu, a deep - sea biologist of the German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research in Wilhelmshaven and an author of the paper on South Atlantic DNA in an e-mail.
The research shows a deep need for continued studies on some of the most mysterious entities in space.
«Our research shows that deep - learning techniques, which use neural networks and have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence, are effective at reducing data while capturing its hidden patterns.»
Deep Earth Imaging research will keep Australia at the forefront of resources sector capability and provides an enormous opportunity for the mining, equipment, technology and services (METS) sector to not only find those resources, but to show others how to go about it.
But perhaps more importantly, research has also shown that deep squats increase knee stability instead of hurting it.
Many dentists consider the root canal — a dental procedure to treat deep dental cavities — to be a safe procedure, while other research has shown that root canals may allow dangerous bacteria to grow in the mouth and the rest of the body.
It goes deeper than common sense though: scientific research also shows that gratitude can have a positive effect on overall well - being by increasing happiness and decreasing depression.
Clinical research has shown that Vital Protein's Collagen promotes younger looking skin, improves skin moisture level, improves skin smoothness, improves the signs of deep wrinkles and improves skin suppleness.
Deep sleep plays an important role in memory, and research shows that missing out on rest can contribute to a build up of beta - amyloid protein in the brain, associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Research shows its natural, safe, and non-habit-forming ingredients help you fall asleep faster, enjoy longer and deeper sleep, and wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated, not groggy and lethargic.
And new research from the Cleveland Clinic shows that music can even reach into deep brain structures unrelated to hearing and memory to literally soothe nerves.
Research has shown that glycine (again, in which gelatin is very rich) reduces core body temperature, which promotes longer periods of deep sleep.
Research shows that far - infrared saunas work better than traditional saunas because they deliver deep infrared energy into the body.
Research also shows they earn better grades in college, are more organized and proactive in life, more physically active, and they enjoy deeper sleep.
Research has shown that deep breathing and mindfulness practice are both very effective methods for regulating emotions.
Even the use of the latest, research - based reading programs, he shows, will only teach children to decode, but it will not give them the broad and deep knowledge of the world that they need to read increasingly complex texts in any subject.
Research has shown that performance - based assessment provides a means to assess higher - order thinking skills and helps teachers and principals support students in developing a deeper understanding of content.
What research shows is that individuals who are the elite in their careers get there because of deep and deliberate practice that is defined as: «Working on technique, seeking critical feedback, and focusing ruthlessly on shoring up weaknesses.»
Research has shown that executive functions (the neurocognitive functions which enable us to pay attention, control behavior, and think flexibly), as well as deep literacy and social - emotional learning, are key developments which can be nurtured in classrooms, and are highly predictive of academic and life success.
Research shows effective practice requires deep engagement, active ownership of learning, and the right level of challenge.
The strategy is designed around research showing that proficient readers use a specific set of thinking skills to build deep understanding of the texts they read and apply those skills in three distinct phases: before reading, during reading, and after reading.
Research shows that a student's understanding of a concept or skill is deeper when he / she is required to answer questions and recall the information about that concept.
Research shows that not only can games and simulations immerse learners in deeper, more authentic experiences, they can also lead to strong behavioral changes.
Drawing on her deep knowledge of early childhood practice, Castle shows us how to do exemplary teacher research from start to finish, and tells us why it is so essential to high quality teaching and learning.»
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