Sentences with phrase «shows symptoms of distress»

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In one army study, subjects started to show symptoms of depression, and the Berkeley subjects became more distressed than rested participants when confronted with upsetting images.
«They could be distressed by the election, but did not show psychological symptoms of depression if they have either strong family support or robust activity in these brain regions,» Tashjian said.
But new research presented at the American Diabetes Association's 74th Scientific Sessions ® shows that symptoms of depression in people with type 2 diabetes can be significantly reduced through interventions for «diabetes distress,» suggesting that much of what is being labeled as depression may not be a co-morbid psychiatric disorder after all, but rather a reaction to living with a stressful, complex disease that is often difficult to manage.
Ellie, The breath tests are not always accurate so perhaps it was a false negative OR... interestingly, research has shown that even with adequate absorption of some FODMAPs they still elicit symptoms — so even if you digest it, the presence of the some FODMAPs in your intestine still draw water into your bowel and cause distress.
A recent study by researchers at the University of Lincoln in the UK found that dogs who had shock collars showed significantly more symptoms of distress.
Although geriatric or sedentary dogs may show no apparent symptoms of congestive heart failure until its advanced stages, habitually active adult dogs usually show some common signs of distress.
Other instances of the condition may present with mild signs while others show serious symptoms leading up to respiratory distress.
Unhappy spouses showed more symptoms of psychological distress than happy spouses.
With regard to future research, more research is needed that specifies the conditions under which children with chronic illnesses show elevated levels of psychological distress and that provides empirically supported explanations as to why some kinds of illness seem not to cause elevated levels of depressive symptoms.
However, linear regression analysis showed that gender had no significant effect on level of somatic symptoms, when the effects of centre and emotional distress were controlled for.
Functional expectations of caregivers are often huge with multiple responsibilities such as household chores, emotional support, providing transportation and symptom management.4 As cancer survivorship grows, from 50 % in the 70s, to 54 % between 1983 and 1985, to 65 % in 2009, the illness may become a chronic disease, further stressing caregivers with a cumulative and unrelenting burden of care and responsibility.5 Psychological morbidity or psychiatric symptomatology among cancer caregivers is high.6, 7 Levels of distress have also been shown to be higher than those reported by patients themselves.8
There are well - documented associations between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and intimate relationship problems, including relationship distress and aggression, 1 and studies demonstrate that the presence of PTSD symptoms in one partner is associated with caregiver burden and psychological distress in the other partner.2 Although currently available individual psychotherapies for PTSD produce overall improvements in psychosocial functioning, these improvements are not specifically found in intimate relationship functioning.3 Moreover, it has been shown that even when patients receive state - of - the - art individual psychotherapy for the disorder, negative interpersonal relations predict worse treatment outcomes.4, 5
In those publications, a blend of psychological techniques was applied, with particular emphasis on hypnosis.19 20 24 25 In fact, there is considerable evidence for the effectiveness of hypnosis as an empirically supported clinical intervention in managing symptoms such as pain, 26 — 35 and also in promoting psychological well - being across a variety of illnesses and disorders.36 — 43 Among PWH, studies have shown that hypnosis can contribute to control pain and to reduce frequency and severity of bleedings and factor consumption.19 20 24 Concurrently, by promoting better disease management, hypnosis can contribute to better coping and less distress.24
Several psychotherapy treatments specifically developed for patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have proven to be effective.1 General psychiatric management (GPM) is one of the therapies that have been shown to be effective for reducing recurrent suicidal and self - harm behaviour, symptom distress and borderline personality disorder features.2 However, these proven effective therapies1, 2 have generally been delivered over 1 — 3 years of therapy.
The results of Phase II showed a significant decrease in participants» depressive symptoms and symptoms of psychological and physical distress, as well as a significant improvement in functioning over the course of treatment.
The EMDR group showed large and significant reduction of memory - related distress, as well as trends towards reduction of post-traumatic symptoms.
A systematic review of neighbourhood characteristics and health outcomes only identified one study that considered mental disorders.12, 13 Recent studies have shown that neighbourhood social disorganisation is associated with depressive symptoms14 and that living in socioeconomically deprived areas is associated with depression, 15,16 with higher levels of child problem behaviour, 17 with a higher incidence of non-psychotic disorders.18 A randomised controlled trial that moved families from high poverty neighbourhoods to non-poor neighbourhoods showed that both parents and children who moved reported fewer psychological distress symptoms than did control families who did not move.19
Several studies have shown significant associations between recall of exposure to parental loyalty conflicts behaviors and negative outcomes in adulthood as a low autonomy, low cooperativeness, low self - esteem, depressive symptoms, and psychological distress (Baker and Ben - Ami, 2011; Ben - Ami and Baker, 2012; Verrocchio and Baker, 2013; Bernet et al., 2015).
Whittington and Huppert (9) showed that 7 - year mortality in a British cohort was more consistently associated with the absence of positive well - being than with the presence of symptoms of psychological distress.
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