Sentences with phrase «shy than his dad»

and the trim around the doors and cubby holes yesterday... He brought the cutest little helper with him too... He was a little less camera shy than his Dad, so I went all paparazzi on him for a minute.
He was a little less camera shy than his Dad, so I went all paparazzi on him for a minute.

Not exact matches

Week.4: your baby will be comfortable in their own surroundings now but they may be anxious when you take them into a new environments, such as another person's house or a childminders or nursery; babies are very good at adapting to different situations and in time they will get used to new settings; some babies are raring to go and love the excitement of new people and new places, while others are shy and get distressed once their mum or dad leaves them; if this is the case, try not to worry as they will get used to it much quicker than you think.
We get familiar tropes, such as a single dad trying to find his sons, a teenage boy who is too shy to ask the school's beauty out but ends up becoming a hero in her eyes, and rival storm chasers (a truly annoying pair of «reality show» - caliber, stereotypical rednecks) who muck things up more often than not.
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