Sentences with phrase «side effects on»

The fire - and friction - resistant properties of asbestos — and its unpleasant side effects on human beings — have been known about for centuries.
Taking a dangerous drug that has not been thoroughly tested, or that has not had proper warnings about side effects on the label, can have serious consequences.
But, as the failed US experience with the mandated and highly subsidized corn ethanol program has shown, this has negative side effects on overall farmland utilization and corn prices worldwide.
This will cause catastrophic side effects on the global economy and the environment as have always been the consequences of command economy measures, clearly demonstrated by actions already taken.
Travel Weekly Editor - in - Chief Arnie Weissmann explains the 2016 election's side effects on the travel industry, and gives us his predictions for potential travel bargains in April.
A number of drugs, including aspirin and tricyclic antidepressants, can cause side effects on their own or increase the intensity of other side effects if they're used in conjunction with phenylpropanolamine.
All of these products are safe and effective, and I have never had any adverse side effects on pups, from using them.
However, they all have major side effects on your pet's body that might include increased appetite and weight gain, water and salt retention, slowed healing, cataracts, muscle weakness, weakened bones, increased susceptibility to infections, diabetes and liver problems.
There are dose limiting side effects on the liver and bone marrow and so these must be monitored closely by the attending veterinarian while receiving treatment.
Natural preservatives may be a solution and these have no side effects on the pets» health.
Vaccinating your new kitten is safe, but some cats do have side effects on occasion.
Before you choose a product to get rid of fleas on your cat or in your home, you should know the type of insecticide being used in the product and its possible side effects on your cat or kitten's health.
Pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs can have some very serious side effects on dogs, and long - term use of these medications is not ideal.
However, one thing which differentiates this pet food from its rivals is the fact that this one does not come with any sort of soy, wheat or even food coloring which can have serious side effects on your dog's health.
Make sure that they do not contain any harmful ingredients like chlorine or alcohol that may have side effects on your dog.
«A study in the «Journal of Paediatric Child Health» in 2002 reported that although calcium propionate may have little to no side effects on the average person, chronic exposure, especially in children, might induce a myriad of behavioral changes.
Thus cat owners can be assured that there will be no side effects on their pets when they use a flea comb.
The effects of this natural blend are designed to last up to one week and it does not contain any harmful chemicals that could have adverse side effects on your pet.
As a result, hyperthyroid cats typically lose weight despite a ravenous appetite, begin drinking and urinate excessively, and may experience side effects on the heart, kidneys, liver, nervous system, and blood pressure.
Just as unsatisfactory is when carmakers try to develop a car that performs stupendously well on the race track without any side effects on the street.
Overemphasizing one at the deficit of another can have serious side effects on communication, teaming and performance.
Although not commonly considered to be an allergenic substance, turmeric can have certain side effects on the body, including nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea, particularly when consumed in large quantities.
Unfortunately these medications can cause severe side effects on the intestines, which encourage many sufferers to turn to alternative remedies.
They also saw no adverse side effects on the women.
For more on the effects and side effects on taking Lipitor, you can read all about it here in his post.
There is little chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin with the application of coconut oil, making it a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin.
Beyond making you feel lousy, dehydration can have serious side effects on your blood volume and tissues, making it difficult for your body to detoxify itself.
Well, because with herbal, you are assured that there will be no side effects on your body.
If you are gluten - and dairy - intolerant, you need to avoid some protein foods like seitan, breaded meat and fish, as well as cheese, milk and yogurt to prevent adverse side effects on your health.
Masks — There are a number of masks that can be whipped up at home and applied without any side effects on your skin.
Will there any side effects on my body if I take this mass gainer and don't do any workout or gym?
0 - 20 grams of carbs a day can be very much effective in weight loss but you must be careful because it can put side effects on your body.
Although studies by Kekwick and Pawan and then by Benoit showed no negative side effects on a 10 - day fat fast, they have proven to have many flaws and the results are therefore unreliable.
Moisturizing creams may not be a good idea to use as some contain fragrance which has negative side effects on sensitive skin and may clog pores as well.
They are used with terrible side effects on young children with usually little or no positive effects.
Though it's incredibly good for anti-aging products, you can swap that with another oil in order to avoid photosensitizing side effects on your face.
Trenorol works in the same way but it is the legal and approved version that has no side effects on the short or long run.
Similarly, when you use brain enhancer drugs they have side effects on your body too.
There is no study proves that Creatine reduces the kidney function or any other side effects on overall health because as I say Creatine is naturally occurring compound and readily available and produced in the body so how it will show its bad effects.
But it is important to choose the best kind of anabolic steroids that would help you get the body you've always dreamt of with no side effects on the short or long run.
This strain is what leads to heart disease and other detrimental side effects on vital organs like your brain and kidneys.
As well, no studies have shown creatine to have any adverse side effects on humans.
Instead we are happy to gulp down an anti-allergic pill or some antibiotics which can have long term side effects on our immune system.
One thing to note: I still have heavy whipping cream and real butter and they don't seem to have an adverse side effects on my leanness levels.
Note that you always should consult with your physician before trying this diet, mainly because of its questionable side effects on the body and mind.
But this can have a range of side effects on humans, and the use of antibiotics in food has been linked to treatment - resistant strains of bacteria in humans.
A new class of inhibitors offers a novel way to treat lung cancer with minimal toxic side effects on normal cells, according to a laboratory study funded through philanthropic contributions to the Lung Cancer Moon Shot.
These agents are more specific in their action than traditional drugs and have fewer side effects on non-target immune cells.
She said: «Many drugs meant to treat other complaints also have side effects on the heart, sometimes with fatal consequences.
Anti-inflammatory drugs such as dexamethasone can have harmful side effects on the skin, bones and metabolism.
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