Sentences with phrase «side feet together»

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At thredUP, a nine - person startup based in an 1,800 square - foot office in San Francisco, everybody is clustered together on one side of the office, and the other side is occupied by couches.
For inch worms, stand with your feet together and your hands by your sides.
Bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees open to their own sides.
Bring the soles of your feet together and knees opened out to the side.
• Remain in lunge position • Lower medicine ball down behind the head • Ensure elbows and upper arms are kept back in alignment with the side of the head • Extend medicine ball back to original position directly above the head • Return to start position, feet together, medicine ball extended directly above the head • Repeat entire exercise with alternate leg
'' Start on your back with your feet together (heels touching), tucked up towards your butt and your knees pointing to the side — like a butterfly.
How to do it: Stand with feet together, a 3 - to 8 - pound dumbbell in each hand, and extend arms straight out to sides at shoulder height.
Hop Squats: Stand tall with feet together and arms at sides (A).
Here's how to do it: Sit with knees bent and open to sides, soles of feet together; bring hands together in front of chest.
Here's how to do it: Stand with your feet together, bend your knees enough to connect to those inner thigh muscles, stretch your arms out to your side, take one arm and cross it over the other and press the palms together, bend your knees a little deeper now and take the opposite leg and squeeze it tight so those inner thighs are wrapped together, if you can wrap your leg around the bottom ankle do so, keep squeezing those inner thighs the whole time to help you control this move, find that focus and take a deep breath in, come up to stand and repeat it on the other side.
Stand to one side of a flat bench with feet together.
Sit on the floor with legs extended straight out, feet together, palms at sides a few inches behind you with fingers pointing toward body.
Once you're hanging with your feet off the floor, pull your knees up and across to the left side of your body, keeping the knees and feet together.
Keeping your upper arms by your sides and feet close together, circle the rope, and jump as fast as you can for 1 minute.
Some of the instructions are borrowed from ballet, like first position (stand with your feet flat, heels together, toes pointing to the sides), relevé (balance on the balls of your feet), and plié (bend your knees).
I instruct him to keep the weight on his heels / the back of his feet, keep his chest high, and get his knees out to the side by pushing his hands together so that the lower arms form a fairly straight line between his knees.
Hands at your sides, feet together.
Bring the soles of the feet together and allow the knees to fall to either side.
Lower down and roll to your left side, keeping your legs straight, feet together (3).
How to do it: Stand with feet together and arms at your sides.
How to: Stand parallel to a chair on your right side with your feet in first position (heels together and toes turned out to 45 degrees)(a).
Bring soles of feet together, letting knees drop to sides.
According to Kloots, proper jump rope technique starts with the feet together, shoulders pulled back and arms down by your sides with your hands the same distance away from your body.
If you stand with your feet together and close your eyes do you sway to one side?
As your partner lies on their stomach with their feet together, stand over them with your feet placed on either side of their thighs.
Bring the soles of your feet together out in front of you and open your knees to the sides.
Circle the ball all the way overhead and slam the ball into the ground to the left side of the body, while still in the squat, pick up the slam ball and step the feet back together.
To perform this technique you'll be keeping your feet together as you jump from one side to the other.
Tree pose: Stand with feet together, arms at sides.
Step the feet together and continue stepping to the right for 12 to 16 steps or the length of the room before switching sides.
You will be stepping out to the side, assuming a squat position, and smoothly moving underneath the pole to the other side and bringing your feet back together.
In order to do a side plank, all you have to do is lie down on your side and then place your feet together with your hands underneath your shoulders.
Next, bring your feet together and do four plank jacks, jumping your feet wide to each side and then hopping them back together.
Retell the story Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner while incorporating the following poses: crescent moon, tree, skier, squirrel, owl, vole (mouse), frog, beaver (table with shins / feet together for tail), fox (balancing table with one leg out for tail, do both sides), bear, bee.
Stand straight with your feet together, arms resting along your sides.
There are some key points of alignment that you want to address with the face the wall handstand position, it may be beneficial for you to have a partner watching from a side view or to video tape yourself in order to correct yourself into the perfect handstand position.Your feet should be squeezed together and toes pointed.
Then jump feet out to the sides (like a horizontal jumping jack) and quickly back together.
Separate your knees wide apart, placing your knees on either side of the bolster while keeping your feet close together and your hips resting on your heels.
Start standing with your feet together and arms at your sides.
Bring your hands into a palms - together «prayer» position, and then drag your left foot up the inside of your right thigh until your left foot is at your right knee with your left knee pointed completely out to the side.
* From a seated position bring the soles of your feet together and point your knees out to the sides.
From a side - ying position, press the right hand into the ground, and fully extend the arm while pushing both legs together and keeping the side of the right foot pressed into the ground.
Exhale, bend your knees and pull your heels toward your pelvis, then drop your knees out to the sides and press the soles of your feet together.
Start at standing position and jump out legs wide while simultaneously bringing arms kept straight in a circle motion at side of body all the way up so hands meet overhead, then simultaneously jump feet back in close together and bring arms back down reversing the motion.
How to Do It: Stand with feet together and arms at your side.
Stand up straight, with your abs lifted, arms hanging by your sides, and your feet together.
Step your feet together, and repeat on the opposite side.
Open your knees, bringing one knee to either side of the bolster while keeping your feet close together and your hips resting on your heels.
On your back with your knees bent and your feet together, slowly open the legs as you bring the soles of the feet together while lowering your knees to the side.
Bend your knees and let them fall out to the side while you bring the soles of your feet together into Badha Konasana.
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