Sentences with phrase «side foot steps»

Fit - finish and quality is better on the American car but the Indian vehicle has some interesting features like static bending lights, voice assist, side foot steps, Eco mode for AC and engine, micro-hybrid start / stop technology, spare wheel cover (not present on the base T4) and an extra 2 - seats.

Not exact matches

We may act that way sometimes, with the left side pulling against the right and the feet refusing to take a step until the hands have apologized, but there are also times when we clearly participate in some form of communication — or better yet, communion — that puts us in touch with a head much more capable than our own.
Stephenson stopped his feet just enough so that when Mack side stepped back outside with his outside foot, Stephenson was royally screwed.
He is at most a foot to the side and is stepping in to pass when an arm comes around the lineman to hit him.
Town's first - ever game in the top - flight saw the men in navy and pink begin with a buoyant spring in their steps, showing exceptional levels of energy to press and hound the home side out of possession every time a pass was received into feet.
Two steps up and side foots it.
The Ivory Coast international put himself forward to close down almost every threat that dared to step foot into his side's half, and he wasn't shy in giving his new team mates commands.
Even if little Winnie were only a few days old and really needed to be fed promptly (and the picture shows she is not), the appropriate thing to do when little Winnie got hungry is to step to the side somewhere out of the foot traffic — not plop yourself down in the aisle in front of a formula booth, where your friend can take pictures of the logo strategically showing in the background.
Kids who are learning to walk are called «toddlers» because that's exactly what they do — they toddle, keeping their legs wide apart and seeming to hesitate between each step, jerking from side to side as they move one foot forward, then the next.
Side - views of a gecko - inspired wall - climber (left) shows hand - held plates of adhesive tiles sticking against a wall as the climber's foot bears down on a step dangling from the plate.
Squeeze glutes as you step up and past the right leg with the left foot, lowering down into a lunge on the left side (C).
Repeat on left side with left foot stepping behind right as you return to center; that's 1 rep. Do 24 reps, then switch lead legs and repeat.
How to do it: Extend arms out to your sides at shoulder height and step feet apart so ankles are directly under wrists.
Step right leg out to side and bend knee to 90 degrees, reaching hands down on either side of right foot.
Side step - ups Stand to the left of a stair, then step up with your left foot while driving your right knee up toward your chest.
Step out with your right foot and bring the dumbbell across your body and onto the other side of your right leg as you lunge down.
Step back and to the side into a curtsy lunge with your right foot, placing it on the outside of your left foot.
Warrior I (Right Side): From downward - facing dog, step your right foot forward into a lunge and swivel your left heel down to the mat to come up into a warrior I pose with the arms reaching up overhead.
Each of you should step your opposite leg out to the side towards each other and line up your feet in the same area.
Facing forward throughout and staying as upright as possible, take a big step out to your side, angling your foot just slightly out.
How to do it: Stand and take a big step back with your right foot, turning it towards the side of the mat.
MOD: Step your feet back and forth rather than jumping; perform the mountain climbers on an elevated surface, placing your hands on the side of a couch or chair; do high knees instead of kicks.
Place weights in the left hand, stepping the left foot back and performing 16 upright rows on the left side.
Continue this pattern, stepping your left foot in front of your right and then behind all while moving to your right side.
Take a large step to the side with your left foot and sit your hips back as you lower toward the ground.
From here, step your right foot and right forearm out wide to the side at the same time.
With hands on sandbag jump or step back into push up position and do a pushup, then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag: pick up sandbag by its 2 horizontal side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flipping it so it's up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground.
Tuck one knee in, then step that foot out to the side, and kick the opposite leg through to the opposite side, in front of your other leg.
Drive through your back left toes and step back up onto the bench with your left foot to repeat the left side again.
Laterally step up onto your elevated surface adding a hop at the top and switching your feet to end up on the other side with one foot on your elevated surface and one foot on the floor coming into a squat.
Lower your hands to the mat on either side of your front foot and step your right foot back so it's even with your left.
Press away with the right foot to come back to center, and step out to the left, repeating your liberty lunge on alternating sides.
Stand back up to 12 o'clock with both feet, then repeat on the other sidestepping out to 9 o'clock with your left leg, and then back.
Step your feet wide apart, place a block in between the outer edge of the right foot and the wall, and extend your arms to the sides.
Step one foot out to the side, knee bent, toes facing out and heel in line with opposite knee.
Step your left foot behind you to your right side and lower your body into a demi - plié (half - squat)(b).
Making sure to point your knee in the same direction as your foot, take a large step to the right, keeping the dumbbells at your sides.
For this exercise, you can place your foot on a step or platform and support your body with one hand while the other side works.
Added challenge (advanced fitness levels): add a diagonal knee (knee toward opposite shoulder), or, add wide knees: hands elevated on a step, box or bench, jump one foot toward the outside of the step / box / bench bending your knee, hop switch to the other side.
Facing the long side of the mat with your arms extended, step your feet as wide apart as your wrists.
Now, I step out exaggerating on a 45 degree angle, and I land with my head over my foot, and now position 3 turns into position 1 on the other side.
Okay you're going to start: one foot on the BOSU ball, big step out to the side.
Choose a step or bench that is approx knee height and stand in front of it with your arms by your side and feet hip width apart.
If excess body weight or injuries prevent you from comfortably performing a traditional jumping jack, modify the exercise by stepping your right foot out to the side as you swing your arms overhead, then step it back to center as you swing your arms back to your sides.
Circle the ball all the way overhead and slam the ball into the ground to the left side of the body, while still in the squat, pick up the slam ball and step the feet back together.
Using an elastic band around your ankles, stand with feet shoulder - width apart and step side to side or forward and back, keeping tension on the band the entire time.
Side Lunge to Side Kick (each side) From a standing position, lunge to the right, stepping your right foot out wide to the side and bending the knee, sliding your hips down and back (left leg stays straigSide Lunge to Side Kick (each side) From a standing position, lunge to the right, stepping your right foot out wide to the side and bending the knee, sliding your hips down and back (left leg stays straigSide Kick (each side) From a standing position, lunge to the right, stepping your right foot out wide to the side and bending the knee, sliding your hips down and back (left leg stays straigside) From a standing position, lunge to the right, stepping your right foot out wide to the side and bending the knee, sliding your hips down and back (left leg stays straigside and bending the knee, sliding your hips down and back (left leg stays straight).
Step the feet together and continue stepping to the right for 12 to 16 steps or the length of the room before switching sides.
You will be stepping out to the side, assuming a squat position, and smoothly moving underneath the pole to the other side and bringing your feet back together.
March your feet for three beats, then on the fourth beat, take a step to your right foot to the side.
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