Sentences with phrase «side of your body»

These reputable schools serve as a protection against the darker side of body brokers.
Be sure to turn around and perform the movement on each side of the body.
While that sounds like a simple point, drivers expend a huge amount of energy counteracting G - forces that often range between 3 and 5 Gs and higher; to withstand that force, drivers contract their muscles to maintain physical balance and seating posture as well as to prevent blood from being forced to one side of the body.
The left brain controls all the muscles on the right - hand side of the body; and the right brain controls the left side.
Or, if you run in the wind the cords can awkwardly get pushed to one side of your body.
Confusingly, there is some crossing of nerves between the body and the brain, which means it's actually the left side of the brain that has more control over the right side of the body and vice versa.
On April 12, on the other side of the body of water known alternatively as the East Sea and the Sea of Japan, 16 cryptocurrency exchanges announced plans for a self - regulatory body called the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association.
Do not put your knees directly to the side of the body, pay attention to control their actions.
A couple of years after I accepted my best position as minister, serving as pastor of a church in St. Anne, Illinois, my parents came from Mexico for a visit, During their stay my father, who had recently turned 80, suffered a minor stroke that paralyzed the left side of his body.
When the long strands of the flagellum strike, they wrap around the victim's body and dig into the front and sides of the body.
I was in the bedroom by myself, laying on the bed trying to go to sleep when I felt a strong pressure on the side of my body.
Also, those lips on the other side of the body... look like they're fixing to do something else entirely.
He needed constant supervision and had no use whatsoever of the left side of his body.
These out breaks range in severity from a single patch of blistery, itchy skin, to an agonizing blistery rash that can cover one side of the body.
Whenever a puck carrier has his head down, whenever a forward with more hubris than quickness tries to hurtle down the boards, somebody will nail him with a shot that makes the hitter tingle and the victim feel as though his right shoulder blade is on the left side of his body.
The stroke he had before he was a month old ruined half his brain and seriously impaired the left side of his body.
Not much you can do with plain blue when you are committed to having the three stripes for Adidas, hence the stripes down the side of the body which is the Adidas trend at the moment.
Cardiff could almost be the only club with stripes on the shoulders instead of on the side of the body!
Tie into a secure knot at the side of your body where the first tail of the wrap was hanging.
It is hard to explain to someone the intricacies of creating something simple... like two slits in the side of the body of the carrier so a baby's feet can extend out.
This is when a newborn's head is turned to one side and the infant automatically straightens the arm on that side of the body while bending the opposite arm.
They may have birthmarks on opposite sides of their body.
No, as long as your baby is able to coordinate each side of his body and uses his arms and legs equally, he'll be fine.
And they need to be able to use balance and twisting skills to cross the midline (an imaginary vertical line dividing the right and left sides of the body), which they must do in order to read and write fluidly.
Well, if you have ever had a toddler, you probably have shoulders that are sore, a hip that is used frequently as a seat, and one side of your body that's a little stronger than the other one.
This position helps your little one stretch each side of her torso and neck, balance strength on the front side of the body and back side of the body (flexor and extensor muscle groups) and bring hands together at the middle of the body (called the midline), which is awesome for brain development.
This is especially convenient when nursing, as you can adjust your baby and the wrap to the side of your body, making it easier for you child to latch on.
Reciprocal movements are those in which each side of the body is doing an opposite movement.
Have equal movements of her arms and legs on both sides of her body.
Bilateral movements are those requiring both sides of the body to work together.
Put your toddler in the sling with his or her legs on either side of your body and your toddler's weight resting on your hip.
As long as your baby is using the arms and legs on both sides of the body and shows an interest in exploring surroundings, there's usually no reason to be concerned.
For example, I have lot of older patients as well and couple of them are actually employed as truck drivers and they get more sun screen on their left side of the body more than the right side of their body because they are in the driver's seat and they are getting all the UV rays through the car glass.
We also found this sling puts a lot of weight on one side of your body.
He strongly favors one side of his body over the other.
Tuck him down in his cot on his side — with his hand that is up under his chin on the mattress side, so his arm that is tucked down on the side of his body that is facing you.
Be sure to practice rolling over to their left and right sides so your baby can develop muscles equally on both sides of their body.
In the first year of life a typically developing infant learns and practices a large variety of movements which help their nervous system mature and integrate the two sides of their bodies, as well as developing the capacity to lift their body up against the constant forces of gravity.
This style provides a lot of coverage for the front and sides of your body.
If your baby's using her arms and legs equally on both sides of her body and learning how to coordinate them, you probably have nothing to worry about.
After a caesarean, you might find the «rugby hold» — where the baby's body is around to the side of your body, supported by your arm on the same side — is preferable to having them lying against your stomach.
Also if head isn't stable in sitting position, or limbs seem stiff or floppy, or the baby favors one side of the body.
The front side of the body has extra sensory nerves with the chest being most sensitive.
They offer full support for either side of the body but will still probably require more pillows be used.
Baby's head and body lie on the one side of my body between belly button and side, and baby can drink and sleep comfortably, without risk of you rolling over (you're comfortably on your back with a wedge on your one side and under your arm) and baby's head is at an angle, not face down in your breast, so he can breathe easily.
They run diagonally down the sides of the body.
Without physically evaluating her I can't be sure if this is a «preferred position» for her (i.e. if she already has underlying muscular or skeletal asymmetries) but too much time in this position will likely lead to shortened muscles on the right side of her body (your left when you're looking at her), which can then make it harder for her to use her right hand, to lift her head in Tummy Time, to turn to see objects on her right side, to turn toward sounds or touch sensations on her right side, to roll, to use both arms equally to assume the hands and knees position for crawling, to sit upright.
You'll also give her brain simultaneous information from the left and right sides of her body, which is great for developing communication between the two sides of her brain.
To promote coordination of the two sides of the body, offer your baby toys that encourage two - handed play - such as larger toys and rattles or round toys that are tricky to hold with one hand.
- strengthening the upper body and core muscles for other gross motor tasks - strengthening the upper body and core muscles to create a stable base for fine motor skills - developing stability in the bones of the shoulder joint (the ball and socket joints of the shoulders and hips are shallow and unstable at birth but are molded into stronger, more stable joints through weight - bearing)- visual development to quickly shift focus from near to far - hand - eye - coordination - providing plentiful early opportunities for motor planning (movement problem - solving)- refining balance - integrating the movement (vestibular), pressure & stretch (proprioceptive), visual and touch (tactile) sensory systems - learning to coordinate movements where two sides of the body are doing different movements - learning to coordinate upper body and lower body movements - developing body awareness and spatial awareness - fostering independence
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