Sentences with phrase «side reactions»

-LSB-...] product and eliminating the possible occurrence of unwanted side reactions.
They report that this architecture allows compatibility between silicon and natural graphite and addresses the issues of severe side reactions caused by structural failure of crumbled graphite dust and uncombined residue of silicon particles by conventional mechanical milling.
First, the better understanding of the AAHC pathogenesis may lead to new treatment schemes and strategies to avoid or just alleviate antibiotic side reactions.
An undesired side reaction involving their fiber - shaped battery is even pointing the researchers toward possible biomedical applications.
«This undesired lithium plating side reaction causes rapid cell degradation and poses a safety hazard,» Dr. Wandt added.
Carbon formation on steam - reforming catalysts is usually a deactivating side reaction, but in the new process, the carbon can be stored or incorporated into composite materials.
The team found that with the right combination of metals, voltage, and temperature, STEP's coulombic efficiency (a classic measure of chemical yield used to determine how efficiently the product is made) hovered around 95 %, meaning that in STEP's case, 95 % of the current worked toward producing the carbon nanofibers, and only 5 % powered other side reactions.
A number of fundamental problems stand in the way of practical implementation of such systems: insufficient rechargeability; numerous side reactions that limit the stability; and, in trials using lithium, clogging of the porous electrode by lithium peroxide.
This rare but extremely unpleasant side reaction can be related to the enterotoxin tilivalline produced by a regular intestinal bacterium.
This interphase, inspired by a layer generated within non-aqueous batteries, protects the anode from debilitating side reactions, allowing the battery to use desirable anode materials, such as graphite or lithium metal, and achieve better energy density and cycling ability.
Current systems for dealing with such dilute contaminants include membrane filtration, which is expensive and has limited effectiveness at low concentrations, and electrodialysis and capacitive deionization, which often require high voltages that tend to produce side reactions, Su says.
Over time, natural side reactions between battery chemicals cause these pipes to clog up, so the water can't flow as quickly and gets stuck.
Their findings give important insights in the pathobiology of antibiotic side reactions and unveil the multifunctionality of bacterial toxins.
However, the formation of water (the undesired side reaction) is mostly influenced by properties of the catalyst surface.
In research published in the June 1 issue of the Journal of Crystal Growth, Sarswat reports on how the microwave process avoids unwanted side reactions and efficiently achieves uniform crystals of CZTS, a quaternary chalcogenide also known as «p - type photovoltaic absorber».
Apparently, a side reaction in the respiratory system in the mitochondria causes them to steadily release reactive oxygen species that can damage DNA, RNA and proteins.
By using appropriately functionalized electrodes on both the positive and negative sides, in an asymmetric configuration, the researchers almost completely eliminated these side reactions.
«The calculations provide rich and robust benchmarks to assess whether the experiments are actually measuring a valid intercalation process or a side reaction, which is particularly difficult for multivalent energy technology because there are so many problems with testing these batteries.»
At high temperatures the side reactions in a battery such as gassing are increased; this means that the battery will be quicker to self - discharge and will have a reduced lifetime.
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