Sentences with word «sidedness»

It is straight - line thinking, preferring a pseudo-clarity to the many sidedness of truth, tidiness to the mess and complexity of reality.
It is a one - sidedness in which the particularity of others is mobilized to block that of Christianity.
Put differently, these other dimensions would be freed of their naivete and possible one - sidedness when rooted in a systematic examination of propositions.
Even after inclusion of all these factors, sidedness remained an independent prognostic marker, with a hazard ratio of 1.392 (95 % CI, 1.032 — 1.878; P =.031).
In this sense the American Revolution was one - sided, and today it is as important to take note of that one - sidedness as it is to celebrate the great things that were accomplished or for which the way was prepared.
I think well of the Hopi, who by their contrary one - sidedness tend to help the rest of us correct our anti-temporal bias.
A 2015 study in Current Biology looked at seven marsupial species and found that the ones that walked on all fours lacked a conspicuous sidedness.
It's a fight whose one - sidedness serves as a tell - tale sign about her authenticity as final girl material.
Unlike Moore, whose one - sidedness gets him written off by a good percentage of the population, Spurlock isn't out to persuade you.
Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni has short sidedness to its design that Senran Kagura addressed in its own sequel.
His works, bordering documentary and often centered around issues of national identity, are characterized by a certain double sidedness; Ergun is at once immersed in his subject and an outside observer.
Now, in her dazzling new novel — her first in more than a decade — Moore turns her eye on the anxiety and disconnection of post-9 / 11 America, on the insidiousness of racism, the blind - sidedness of war, and the recklessness thrust on others in the name of love.
While praising the clinical pastoral education movement for the help it has offered pastors, he worries about the one - sidedness of the conversations in which he has participated at Menninger Clinic: «The theologians sat at the feet of the psychiatric Gamaliels... eager to absorb [psychological knowledge]... without even thinking about instructional reciprocity» (pp. 23, 24).
Yves Congar, O.P., has noted that the ordinary magisterium reached a kind of high watermark of one - sidedness in the pontificate of Pius XII.
This unlovely portrait is not wholly wrong, but it is, in its despairing one «sidedness, wholly inadequate as a basis for analysis.
One - sidedness, it might well be argued, is the flaw of all Reformation communions and of the subsequent Protestant families that developed and continue to develop from them.
With these results in mind, we can now do fuller justice to the rich many - sidedness of the central Gospel which is expressed in the whole.
On the other hand, there is a one - sidedness and absence of mutuality in Simmel's idea of relation which sets it at some distance from that of Buber.
He is still too much a part of the contemporary scene for us to give a final assessment of his major contribution to American life, and it is difficult to know which facet of Niebuhr's many - sidedness to stress.
Strauss is very aware of the one - sidedness of this grounding of morality and politics.
From the beginning, it's been common for many readers of Barth to worry about the apparent one - sidedness of his descriptions of the sheer plenitude of God.
It may be that love has been interpreted in this fashion as a compensatory device to counteract the one - sidedness of linear power.
According to this tradition, if there is any one - sidedness it is on God's part.
It would be imperilled by the one - sidedness of some transcendental theologians.
To call attention to the «womb» of God is not to lead us in the direction of a matriarchal replacement; it is rather to challenge us to find all the helpful female symbology for characterizing God that overcomes the previous patriarchal one - sidedness.
But what has been set forth above, what of double - mindedness might perhaps be spoken of as its deceptive transactions in the «big,» still had a certain semblance of unity, and of inner consistency, in so far as it was one single thing that was betrayed into one - sidedness, yet this one - sidedness, however strange it may seem, was precisely the double - mindedness in that one - sided person.
There are those who would above all be adequate to the richness and many - sidedness of reality, even if they can not always be neat and clear in their account of it.
It is the particular merit of the HBK memorandum that it has brought this aspect of the problem to the fore, and its very one - sidedness is all to the good.
The other way of thinking wants to consciously correct the one - sidedness of this strategy of simplification (which is without doubt necessary) by trying again to apprehend those aspects which the self - developing consciousness splits from the more basic categories and, primarily, from the conception of «thing.»
God is the perfection of action - and - passion, who escapes the defectiveness of our passivity not by impassivity but by the all - inclusiveness, the catholicity, of his sensitiveness, which gives him the balance, the all - sidedness, the fairness, the justice, which are precisely what our passivity lacks.
But it may also help to correct one - sidedness in the understanding of the Gospel and prepare for a future in which the lines of conflict may well be drawn differently and perhaps modify future forms of intransigence.
In this paper, I want to challenge this interpretation, because it is at least one - sided and this one - sidedness has some important consequences, both for the interpretation of Whitehead's philosophy itself and for the claim that this philosophy is a valid contemporary metaphysics, addressing all basic metaphysical issues in an intelligible war.
This helps account for one of the book's most impressive achievements: that it goes beyond the gridlock and one - sidedness that characterize most debates about sexuality and families.
We can not deny the one - sidedness of Paul's position and a certain weakness in his argument which has been abused and misinterpreted throughout history by the theology of the court (Hoftheologie) and by the rulers.
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