Sentences with phrase «sides of the balance sheet»

This would make sense because businesses use liabilities to offset capital intensity and increase return per unit of capital — the asset side of the balance sheet does not tell the whole story.
Thus, in this method, policy account appears on the asset side and policy reserve account appears on the liabilities side of the balance sheet until it is realised.
This will affect not just deposit pricing but pricing on the other side of the balance sheet, namely loans, as well.
However, the liabilities making up the right hand side of the balance sheet are not interest rate sensitive.
Certainly, consider taking a long look at the debt side of your balance sheet before you retire.
For financial saving, one party's saving deposit, loan or credit appears as another party's debt on the opposite side of the balance sheet.
What has been saved is the debt overhead — the wrong side of the balance sheet.
If you have student loans right out of school, or a negative net worth due to negative equity, use these charts for the asset side of the balance sheet equation.
While I spend a lot of time focusing on the income side of the balance sheet, expenses are equally important.
Fixed Income The bond side of the balance sheet presents a different tale.
It's about time they presented the positive side of the balance sheet.
It also wipes out savings on the other side of the balance sheet, of course.
Thus, while still keeping it simple — investing in a small number of index or passively managed funds — investors have been rewarded for adding a bit of complexity on the equity side of the balance sheet.
Valuations have picked up dramatically, the right side of the balance sheet is becoming increasingly complex, and uncertainty about the regulators» next moves is keeping investors on their toes.
What's more, China Corp. in China B will have $ 100 more in assets than its counterpart in China A, and this will be matched on the other side of the balance sheet by $ 100 more in retained earnings.
This is the treaty gap approach to funds management, carried out by matching maturities on opposite sides of the balance sheet in a given reporting period.
Strengthening the liability side of the balance sheet changes the way assets are managed (the process is far better understood in finance theory than in economics), and the result is nearly always more productive use of the assets.
Low interest rates helped fuel the real estate and stock market bubble by making the debt side of the balance sheet less expensive, creating a «wealth effect» as people came to believe that rising property and stock - market prices would be able to pay off their obligations.
«We're definitely on the recovery side of the balance sheet,» said Supervisor Mary K. Hosler, the former bank vice president who steered the town toward solvency.
Added to the mix, and on the good guy side of the balance sheet, is Clete Purcel, a longtime buddy of Robicheaux's and a confirmed boozer and womanizer.
Risks are specific, and one always must put an adjective before the word «risk» to differentiate between and among the different types of risk: market risk, investment risk, inflation risk, excess leverage on the right hand side of the balance sheet risk, and new competitors coming into a market risk, among many others.
What would the other side of the balance sheet entry be resulting from the 661M revaluation of the pension liability?
The Sun accounts for about a quarter of the net amount, even though it contributes but 10 percent of the total on the positive, warming side of the balance sheet.
On the equity side of the balance sheet (to the right of the solid black line), nothing has changed (except the order of some transactions).
Turkey may end up at the wrong side of the balance sheet and become a liability to an increasingly introverted Europe, rather than an asset.
GAAP recognizes three classifications on the right hand side of the balance sheet: liabilities; redeemable preferred stock; and net worth.
The share buyback program might help Macerich manage its stock price, but what about the debt side of its balance sheet?
Brian Porter told a University of Toronto conference that he had a «different perspective» from the International Monetary Fund's recent warning and said they should look at the «other side of the balance sheet» which has «kept pace or outgrown the size of the debt.»
A new long - term lease can be structured for operating lease treatment so that the lease obligations do not burden the right side of the balance sheet, even if 15 or 20 - years in term.
Much like the buildup of plaque deposits in human veins and arteries, an accumulation of debt gained momentum exponentially until the economy crashed, wiping out bad debts — along with savings on the other side of the balance sheet.
As I argued in An Open Letter to Congress Regarding the Current Financial Crisis and You Can't Rescue the Financial System if You Can't Read a Balance Sheet, this is exactly the right approach, since it operates on the liability (capital) side of the balance sheet, which is where the trouble has been.
If your company is well past start - up, with a consistent revenue stream and an interest in fortifying the asset side of your balance sheet, investing in a building may be a wise move.
Our Asset Financing Group delivers a wide range of financing solutions to put the left - hand side of your balance sheet to work more efficiently.
The contentious issue will percolate until NHL owners come down on the side of balance sheet or ice sheet, the magical place where Crosby snatched a small piece of forever from a group of Americans who played with speed, toughness and honor.
``... As we embark on the restructuring of Medicaid and eliminate trend factors and reduce reimbursement rates, we can not look at just one side of the balance sheet.
The upside of stratospheric oil prices is reflected in what is happening on the other side of the balance sheet.
Focusing exclusively on one side of the balance sheet is a highly misleading tactic we're used to seeing from those who'd rather pump money into a system than have it follow individual students.
After all, over the last five years, the Fed discovered that they have an asset side of their balance sheet.
In doing this, the Fed might realize that they have a liability side of the balance sheet, and one that does not have a zero duration.
Fed Funds had shifted to its current near zero state, but the Fed had not begun playing with the asset side of its balance sheet.
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