Sentences with phrase «sides of the jaw»

It extends down through the nasal cavity before engulfing the right side of the jaw, even enveloping some teeth.
One side of the jaw grows faster than the other, twisting the mouth.
During a particularly stressful time at school, I developed a TMJ click in the left side of my jaw.
And rather than independently ratchet the sides of the jaw backward and forward like most snakes, Kley's videos revealed that both sides of the lower jaw moved in synchrony.
Once a frog or an antelope is caught, a snake will grip with one side of its jaw, while the other ratchets forward.
There are no extra flourishes, folds, or fringes except around the mouth, where he pulled the flesh over the sides of the jaw to make cowlike cheeks.
In wishboning, one side of the jaw is pulled outward, resulting in compression in the outer part of the chin.
Two colors, with tan or cream markings over the eye, on each side of the jaw as well as under it, and also on various parts of the body and legs.
With dog fights and falls, veterinarians see injuries in the lower sections of the jaw around the teeth, and usually only one side of the jaw is affected.
A wry mouth or wry bite occurs when one side of the jaw grows more than the other.
If you ever find a swollen lump by either side of the jaw near the neck, in the arm pits, in the groin area or on the rear legs behind the area of the knee, they could potentially be swollen lymph nodes.
In the wild, these teeth would perform a variety of tasks such as grooming (the 6 small incisors at the front of each jaw), grasping and killing prey (the 4 long canines, also called «fangs»), and crushing and shearing the meat off the prey's bones to eat (the pointed molars and premolars along the sides of the jaws, also called «cheek teeth»).
Dogs use their two canine teeth, found on each side of the jaw (on the top and bottom), as pointed daggers to inflict stabbing and slashing wounds.
Use a dog / cat toothbrush or even an old rag or piece of gauze with a small dab of dog / cat toothpaste and gently rub along the outer surface of the teeth on both sides of the jaw and the front incisors.
There are several glands that produce saliva, but only 2 main salivary glands, one on each side of the jaw.
For their dental health and for their jaw muscles, cats need to chew, using the sides of their jaws.
My dental misery has now shifted to both sides of my jaw and they're so tender I can't lie on my right side either.
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