Sentences with phrase «sideways glance»

So we get a lot of sideways glances at the beginnings of plane trips, but then usually get compliments at the end and I do tend to feel smug.
He's subtle in his bombast, and plays his true intentions and fears expertly with sideways glances and worried stares that belie his outward actions.
Hence the start of athletes using these to enhance performance, recover quicker and draw a few sideways glances at races.
«They're a little bit bewildered still, giving sideways glances at the next candidate.»
He offers a playful sideways glance as his right hand points toward a large bulls - eye and the accompanying text (translated from the French), which otherwise obscures the bulk of his body, reads, «In order to love something you need to have seen it or heard it for a long time you bunch of idiots.»
The themes and ideas lurking at the heart of the filmmaker's script are surprisingly profound, their insidious complexity adding much more to the conversation than a brief sideways glance might lead a potentially interested viewer to initially believe is there.
Hope your August is full of spicy mystery and sultry sideways glances.
But much of his filmography consists of curious sideways glances.
Baldwin, young and buff and with a spark of trouble in his eyes, inhabits Junior as a guy ready to follow his worst impulses at the first sideways glance, never jittery but constantly restless and overcharged.
Whispered conversations and sideways glances add to the suspense, keeping readers riveted from the start.
Body language includes whale - eye — showing the whites of the eyes in an exaggerated sideways glance.
He does, however, employ humour and takes a sarcastic sideways glance at society, cloaking his feelings of restlessness, emptiness and abandonment.
The painting's point of view approximates a driver's quick sideways glance, showing us the profile of Ada del Moro immersed in thought as she sits next to Katz in the titular Chevrolet.
It makes no difference what products are being advertised: The models» airbrushed elegance and coy, sideways glances enact an economy of perpetually deferred desire — the very essence of consumerism.
I get an apprehensive sideways glance, her belly straining against her unborn pups.
It offers great viewing angles, so even the slightest sideways glance at the face will still reveal the information.
Ever looked across the park at Betty and her dog Reg, where he's all bushy tailed, performing a double front flip with sideways glance?
With my polo shirt (that had military logo on it) and a pair of khaki shorts, I got quite a few sideways glances from the poor stiffs in the suits.
It sits right inside the doorway and gets a lot of sideway glances and questions from those brave enough to ask, but its appearance in this chicken salad has been my most favorite of all.
At the Turner Prize show these works are displayed along with a new painting, White Flag 2010, a vivid yet sideways glance at the fallout of the Iraq war.
It's a critical tone, a sideways glance, a disapproving expression.
Each of us chases after a desirable «rating» — an average score (out of 5 stars) that's affected by everything from that sideways glance you gave the woman walking past you on your morning commute to the lack of enthusiasm you displayed for the birthday gift your co-worker gave you.
His colleague shot him a sideways glance.
As Malcolm took his first bite of the salad, he gave me a sideways glance and said «this is a good salad, Deb».
But when people see my son wearing the same things, we get a lot of funny looks and sideways glances.
This morning as my five year old (youngest of three boys) stumbled out of bed into the kitchen, he gave me a sideways glance and as I walked up saying, «Good morning!»
I've noticed many people on this forum and on others on Baby Center have said they got stares, sideways glances or condemning looks in public when they gave their babies formula.
You don't have to worry about messes while you're there; the Candlelite crew is more likely to jump in and lend a hand than give you a sideways glance.
It's awesome, fun and sure to get a few sideways glances.
It's hard to imagine a parent who doesn't sneak a sideways glance now and then at a friend's baby or one she sees in the grocery store, checking to see how her own stacks up.
Today, Heastie threw a sideways glance at Cuomo's signature tax cap as well as his resistance to increase aid to municipalities funding.
A sideways glance shifts the light onto the much more sensitive rods in the periphery of the retina.
Woolley's book is really the prehistory of virtual reality, with a nod back at the Link aircraft simulator, a sideways glance at Gibson's cyberpunk, and a question or two about the nature of reality, drawing on my work and that of Paul Davies.
Not only will you get some sideways glances at the gym, but a cheat plank position is simply counterproductive.
I have done the sideways glance and torn the page from the doctor's office magazine!
If you wear open - toe shoes of any sort to an autumn wedding, you might get a few sideways glances.
Sideways glances, questionable stares.
Anderson's sideways glance (the Loewe version of the Henry VIII sleeves in his own collection) was a random injection of Chinoiserie, prints of pagodas and herons.
We've been married almost 20 years now and still get some sideways glances from people because it's different,» he said.
What never lessens is the movie's rapturous eroticism, and the exquisite longing in each one of Yu Hong's sideways glances.
Every sideways glance crackles with potential energy.
I intuited that the pregnant pauses, the sideways glances, the visuals were a major part of the story.
But you can not take this film away from its two leads, who beneath the sparse dialogue seem to be ever communicating in a language of looks and gestures and sideways glances, a secret lovers» morse code blinking out between them like the light at the end of Daisy's pier.
Each year, I get a few sideways glances and furrowed brows when I explain our daily opening routine for class.
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