Sentences with phrase «sight of another dog»

When you are out of sight of your dog, call her to you.
Then the owners returned to the room, in sight of their dogs.
The rule: if you can not be in direct sight of your dog, he must be contained in a crate or other small area.
Generally speaking, I think that healthy play with other dogs can be very good for excitable greeters like your boy — it helps to remove some of the novelty from the situation when they do catch sight of another dog, and also burns off energy and teaches good social skills.
Joy and relief wash over our exhausted team of volunteers as they witness the comforting sight of these dogs reclaiming the lives that were stolen from them.
Keep an eye out for sightings of dog - toothed tuna, dolphinfish, schools of black snapper, and even an occasional sailfish.
Therefore it may be advisable to pick up the faeces especially in the home area such as the garden, out of sight of the dog.
Last but most importantly, meeting dogs on leash can be a recipe for disaster and «reactivity», even for the most social dog, barking and lunging at the very sight of another dog, due to frustration from repeated leashed greetings.
Did he invite friends over to laugh and point, have his goons lean on Lazarus to scare him off, gag at the sight of the dogs licking his sores?
The sight of the dogs sniffing out toxic levels of chemicals helps students understand and explain to their communities the distribution of toxic waste.
Stripped of all the normalcy that would see a child rip open a pack of toys at first glance, smile with delight when they first taste ice - cream or become enthralled of the sight of an dog (one of many tear - enducing scenes), Tremblay's measured performance enthrals from moment one as we see such trivial things for the first time again through him.
A Dog's Purpose feels too constrained by cheap tricks, a family film about how awesome dogs are, crammed with adorable puppies for the animal lovers, as well as making good use of the fact that most cinema - goers will struggle to shed a tear over the supporting cast in a Marvel movie but will break into a blubbering mess at the sight of a dog being slightly inconvenienced (myself included).
That arousal might be anything from the sight of a dog to a bowl of favorite food or a feather toy.
Often, these dogs lose their mind at the sight of another dog.
Now do to this my dogs are extremely laid back they do not go crazy at the sight of another dog and generally ignore them.
Nero (our dog) would lunge and bark at the sight of another dog, making a huge, embarrassing scene.
If you receive a call about a sighting of your dog, confirm the pet's description and size before you send anyone to search that area.
Tail Chasing The sight of a dog whirling around in a circle with his tail in his mouth might be one of the funniest scenes in dogdom.
Those who train dogs or specialize in canine behavior use the word «reactivity» to describe dogs that lunge repeatedly, bark furiously at the sight of another dog, spin out of control and act oblivious to efforts to intercede.
For many people, the sight of a dog owner being dragged along by his dog is a familiar one.
Though Oliver made a complete physical recovery, he was never the same psychologically and exhibited high anxiety at the sight of any dog from that day forward.
There's nothing that freaks dog owners out quite as much as the sight of a dog chowing down on his own poo!
Just the sight of dogs with long ears is so endearing!
The sight of your dog coughing blood due to a lung tumor or bleeding out of an open wound is sad but can be treated naturally with the right herbal concoction.
You will secure the dog to some object as directed by the examiner, and go out of sight of the dog.
Now he is associating the sight of another dog with positive things happening to him that make him feel good.
The sight of your dog flying through the air, mouth open, can bring chills to many who don't realize that they are looking at a doggy grin, at eye level.
Cats are much happier away from the sounds, smells, and sight of dogs!
Don't lose sight of your dog Dog parks are great places for dog parents to socialize, but don't get so wrapped up in a conversation that you lose sight of your dog.
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